22. Kissing the goddess of my dreams

  After running out of Ye Fei's room, Ye Yunqi was still a little angry, and wanted to swear not to pay attention to him anymore, but then she thought about the happiness he had given her, and she had some aftertaste.

For a moment, she was a little confused, and she said to herself bitterly. : "Bad brother, stinky brother! If you dare to force me to drink your stuff, I'll ignore you in the future!"

  Just when Ye Yunqi was furious, Aunt Zhang's voice came from downstairs again: "Yiru, why are you here?"

  Then a very gentle voice came up: "Sister Zhang, let me take a look at my two cute angels. They didn't cause you any trouble, right?"

  "No, they are very well-behaved." Aunt Zhang said, but Ye Yunqi had already strode downstairs. How could she not recognize her mother's voice?

  After going downstairs, there was a woman in her thirties talking to Aunt Zhang in the hall. The woman was about 1.72 meters tall, and her extremely hot figure was wrapped in a tight black suit.

She had maybe just came back from the company, there was a faint smile on her beautiful face, a pair of rimless myopia glasses on the bridge of her cute nose, and the corners of her rosy mouth were slightly turned up, making her look extremely gentle.

She was not at all like, how she was at the company. She is now just Liu Yiru, the mother of Ye Fei and Ye Yunqi.

  "Mom!" Ye Yunqi shouted and threw herself into Liu Yiru's arms, saying coquettishly: "Mom, I miss you."

  "Silly girl, you miss me after just one day? Then your brother who hasn't seen me for two months, how much would he miss me?"

Liu Yiru gently stroked her daughter's head, and then looked towards the stairs. But she didn't see her son, so she couldn't help but ask: "Qiqi, where is your brother?"

  "He's already asleep!" Ye Yunqi couldn't help but think of the scene just now, and a blush appeared on her little face.

  "Sleeping? It's still so early, why is he sleeping? Is he feeling unwell?" Liu Yiru muttered to herself with some worry.

Seeing the blush on her daughter's face, she thought it was the naughty daughter who bullied her son again. Then, she smiled and said, "Isn't it you who bullied your brother again?"

  "No!" Ye Yunqi pouted, wondering who was bullying whom? He just forced people to drink his stuff, but it seems that he also drank mine. Forget it, let's not argue with him!

  Although Ye Yunqi did not admit it, Liu Yiru believed it so, since the brother and sister often fight, and Ye Yunqi is very measured and has never dealt harshly with him, so she didn't think too much and took her daughter's hand and walk upstairs and entered Ye Fei's room.

  At this time, Ye Fei really fainted. Although he was pretending to be unconscious for the first time, he couldn't hold on at that time.

Later, Ye Yunqi said in desperation that she would use her mouth to do it to him. He sat up again excitedly, but he could no longer withstand her push.

  Seeing Ye Fei lying there unconscious, Liu Yiru was startled, hurriedly walked to him and sat down and shook him gently and shouted: "Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei !"

  Ye Fei was unconscious, so naturally he would not react. Liu Yiru shook him several times, but when she saw that he made no movement, she reached out and poked under his nose, and then she felt relieved.

She turned back to look at Ye Yunqi with a serious face and asked: "Qiqi, what happened to your brother?"

  "Ah?" Ye Yunqi could also see that Ye Fei was definitely not pretending this time, and she was a little panicked, and said anxiously: "I don't know, I just pushed him."

  "Okay, why did you push him? Don't you know his physical condition?" Liu Yiru was a little angry now.

  "Of course I know, but..." Ye Yunqi had the nerve to tell her mother what just happened, so she could only say: "Who made him so bad!"

  Seeing that her daughter still refused to admit her mistake, Liu Yiru became even more angry and shouted: "Go back to your room and think about it!"

She loved her two little children very much, and the heaviest punishment was to make them shut up and think about their mistakes.

  Ye Yunqi felt extremely aggrieved, but she did not dare to contradict her mother, so she just pout, glare at Ye Fei bitterly, and then went back to the room.

  After her daughter left, Liu Yiru hugged Ye Fei very gently, letting his upper body rest in her arms, and murmured to herself: "Xiao Fei, mother's is here, please wake up."

  Ye Fei dreamed again, and it was the same dream he had last night. He was holding a giant sword and was invincible. Next, he hugged a beauty, but this time he was hugged by a beauty.

  Feeling the softness tightly attached to the side of his face, Ye Fei slowly opened his eyes. The first thing that caught his eye was that very familiar and beautiful face. Looking at that slightly opened lips, he couldn't help but open his own. That sexy little mouth was calling his own name, Ye Fei suddenly wanted to kiss it.

  No, it can't be like this, she is my goddess! Ye Fei warned himself in his heart, but he also thought, this is in a dream, so a kiss will be okay!

  Thinking like this, he could no longer hold back any longer. He finally raised his head, opened his mouth and took the soft, sexy lips in his mouth, and sucked lightly.

  Liu Yiru was worried about her son's condition, but unexpectedly she was kissed by him on her lips. Then she knew that he had woken up. She was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Xiao Fei, do you feel uncomfortable? Qiqi didn't hit you somewhere, right?"

As for him kissing her on the lips, she doesn't care. As long as her son is fine, let alone kissing him on the lips, she can accept anything.

  Ye Fei didn't expect that this was not a dream, and couldn't help but be shocked. However, seeing that his mother didn't blame him, he felt relieved and smiled slightly: "Mom, I'm fine. It's just that I had some problems during the physical education class during the day. So, I'm exhausted."

He knew that Ye Yunqi would not be embarrassed to tell their mother about it, so he would not say it either.

  "It's okay!" Liu Yiru hugged his head tightly and said with some fear, "How about I go tell Wuxia and you won't have to attend physical education classes in the future."

  Ye Fei had no intention of listening to what she said at this time, because Liu Yiru's hug made his whole face buried in her pair of huge soft breasts. This feeling was really great, although he was a little short of breath.

But Ye Fei couldn't help but feel a little distraught. He really wanted to take off her clothes and play with this pair of treasures that made his heart beat so much.

  Liu Yiru saw that her son didn't answer after she finished speaking. She looked down and realized that she had buried his face in her breasts in her excitement. She felt a little apologetic and hurriedly helped him straighten his body and asked: "Xiao Fei, are you okay? Did mom hurt you?