28. Crazy risk for power

  Ye Fei spent the whole day in deep thought, his desire for power growing stronger and stronger. He was a man, the only pure blood heir in the family, but in the past, not only could he not protect the women in the family, but he had to be protected by them everywhere.

If the days could still be as peaceful as before, he would not have too many thoughts. But now it is different. The opponents that his mother and the others encountered seem to be very powerful, and at this time, not only can he not help them, but he has to distract them to protect himself. Ye Fei cannot accept this.

  During lunch, Ye Yunqi felt that something was wrong with Ye Fei, but she didn't think too much about it. Her brother had been acting strange during this period, and she had gotten used to it. In addition, she and Lin Ling were both addicted to a mobile game, so she was only concerned with playing with her and didn't pay much attention to Ye Fei, thinking it's not out of his character.

Soon the classes ended and they went back to home with Mingming.


  It was not until they returned home and had dinner that the two came to the study. Ye Yunqi looked at Ye Fei with some longing in her eyes. Ye Fei made her so comfortable in the past two days that she had become addicted to this feeling. So when they were alone, she felt the longing again.

  From the look in his little sister's eyes, Ye Fei understood what she wanted. However, thinking of what happened this morning, he couldn't help but shrink back.

He pretended not to see her eager and pleading eyes, and said with a dry cough, "I feel a little uncomfortable. I'm going to go back to sleep first."

  Ye Yunqi felt a little disappointed, but she thought that he seemed to be a little bit abnormal all day, and thought that he was really unwell, so she didn't care about that little thought, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

  Ye Fei shook his head: "I just feel a little tired. I think I'll be fine after a good sleep. Can you help me with my homework?"

  "No problem!" Ye Yunqi agreed readily, and asked again with concern: "But are you really okay?"

  "Really? How could I not know my own body?" Ye Fei smiled, got up and went back to his room.

  Looking at Ye Fei's back, Ye Yunqi was dazed. She felt like something was wrong with her. This feeling of something wrong only occurred when she was facing Ye Fei. Although she cared about Ye Fei very much in the past, she had never felt like this before.

  In the past, Ye Yunqi had never had such a feeling of anxiety and fear, and she would never guess what Ye Fei was thinking. But now it was different. As long as there was something wrong with Ye Fei, she couldn't help but think wildly, wondering if she had done something wrong and he would ignore her for it.

She was a very smart girl, and when she thought about it calmly, she felt a little frightened. Why did she behave so much like a girl in love as described in the dramas and book?

  Thinking about the sour feeling in her heart when she saw him and Lin Ling getting close during the day, Ye Yunqi was almost certain. She was confused for a moment. Why did she have such an idea?

But this feeling was really good. Guarding a little secret in her heart and secretly guessing his thoughts made her feel sweet and happy. This feeling had never been happened before, and it was also something that her mother and sisters could not give her.

In the Ye Fei room.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ye Fei fell into deep thought again. The look in his little sister's eyes just now made him make the final decision. He absolutely could not go on like this. This damn body not only needed the protection of his family, but also could not even meet his little sister's small requests.

Although he could only do it to her and not let her do it to him, but thinking of her performance this morning, Ye Fei knew that if that happened, his little sister would not feel good either.

  Having made up his mind, Ye Fei took out the big box from the bedside table again. After assembling it, he locked the door of his room from the inside, turned off the lights, and pretended to be asleep to prevent his younger sister from worrying about him and coming to knock on the door.

  After making preparations, Ye Fei got into the self-made virtual box, started the game, and felt the explosive power in his body. His confidence became even stronger. This time, he would die if he failed!

  That's right, this time he was going to activate his self-made equipment for developing his brain area, and he also wanted to simulate the power of the barbarians in the game and turn himself into a true barbarian.

  After activating the device inside,and putting several electrodes around his scalp , and around brain. After that he turn on hisTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) . Then Ye Fei lay there quietly, waiting for his own changes. At this moment, his heart was surprisingly calm, because he knew that when he came out of this box again, he would either become extremely strong or be a fool or dead.

  After waiting for a long time, Ye Fei didn't feel anything. Just when he thought that the things he used had no effect, suddenly a tingling sensation spread throughout his body, and then a strange electric-like thing drilled into his brain. In just a moment, he felt his head exploded, and the tremendous pain almost made him faint.

  Fortunately, due to his physical condition over the years, his will has been honed to be extremely strong. Although the pain in his head made him feel that he was about to die, he still endured it.

  As time passed, the pain in Ye Fei's brain became stronger and stronger. Now even if he wanted to faint, it was impossible, because the pain made his consciousness clearer and seemed to have a protective effect, protecting his mind from being blurred by the intense pain.

  He didn't know how long it had passed, but Ye Fei felt that the pain in his head was slowly subsiding, and was replaced by an indescribable feeling.

However, one thing was certain, that is, he felt more awake than ever before, and his mind was much more flexible than usual. He couldn't help but feel overjoyed. It seemed that he had succeeded, but he didn't know if this success could make him stronger.

  Fate seemed to like playing jokes on Ye Fei. Just when he thought he had succeeded and all this was over, a stronger pain arose in his brain again, and suddenly there were many familiar yet unfamiliar things in his consciousness.

I say familiar because he had no idea how many times he had used them in the game, but he had never thought that these things would appear in his mind one day, and so clearly.

These things were the skills of the barbarians in the game. Although Ye Fei could not see the data or anything because it was his own body, he could feel for sure that he could actually use these skills. Yes, he could use them in reality.

  Could it be that he could really possess the power of a barbarian in reality? Ye Fei was overjoyed, but also a little uneasy. With such changes in his body, was he still a human being?