30. Passionate kiss in the car back

  Ye Fei woke up early the next morning, got dressed in a hurry and ran into the gym on the first floor. Although the pile of scattered components beside the bed reminded him that what happened last night was true, he was still a little unsure after being weak for more than 16 years.

  Ye Fei was juggling the specially made large barbell so lightly that even his little sister couldn't lift it. He knew that he was not dreaming last night, but that he really had more strength than his mother and the others.

  Putting down the barbell, Ye Fei sat down on a chair beside him, somewhat dazed. Now, he was like a poor man who suddenly became rich. This sudden increase in strength actually made him feel at a loss. He didn't know what he should do in the future.

Normally, with such strength, he should go out and make a career, but as the heir of the two largest families in Wanghai, did he still need to work hard?

However, he was somewhat unwilling to live the stable life he had before. He was weak since childhood, but in fact, his ambition was much greater than that of ordinary people. He always wanted to make great achievements, otherwise he would not have made such a big name on the Internet with the online name "fragile".

  There seems to be some crisis in the family right now. This is the best time for him to take action, but he has no idea who the enemy is. It seems that he has to find a time to ask his mother and the others. At worst, he can show them his current strength. He believes that they will need his skills.

  After figuring it all out, Ye Fei was in a good mood. He looked around at the things in the gym and realized that these things would be of no use to him at all. So he decided not to waste time here and walked to the door to go out.

  As soon as he opened the door, Ye Fei felt a soft body crash into his arms. Without looking, he knew it was Ye Yunqi, so he smiled and hugged her, asking, "What's wrong? Why are you so flustered so early in the morning?"

  Unexpectedly, Ye Yunqi pushed him away and said angrily: "Why did you get up so early? And you came here. No matter how much you practice, you are still a waste!"

  Ye Fei was stunned. Ye Yunqi had basically stopped calling him waste these days. Calling him that now meant that she was really angry. However, Ye Fei couldn't figure out how he had offended her.

  Ye Yunqi regretted her scolding immediately. When she saw the stunned expression on Ye Fei's face, she felt even more guilty. She slowly leaned into his arms and said softly, "I'm sorry, brother. I didn't mean it."

  "Haha, it's okay. I feel friendly when you call me like that." Ye Fei naturally wouldn't be angry with her for this, but he still didn't understand why she had such an attitude towards him, so he asked, "Qiqi, can you tell me, how did I offend you?"

  Ye Yunqi's face turned red all of a sudden. After the happiness that Ye Fei brought her in the past two days, she had completely fallen in love with this feeling.

However, Ye Fei ignored her hint last night, saying that he was not feeling well. After she returned to the room, she remembered the pleasure of the past two days and could not help but do it herself, but she could not find the feeling that Ye Fei had when he did it. So she got up early today on purpose, wanting to use that special method to wake Ye Fei up like she did yesterday morning, and then comfort each other with him.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at his room, she found that he was gone. So she looked everywhere in the house, but she couldn't find any trace of him after searching the whole building.

When she asked Aunt Zhang, she didn't know either. She couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and wanted to go to the gym to vent, but she saw him here who she had been looking for for a long time. The grievance in her heart made her a little impulsive, so she treated Ye Fei like that.

However, Ye Yunqi was too embarrassed to tell the reason why she was angry, so she made up an excuse and said, "You said you were not feeling well last night, so I got up early to see you, but you came here and made me look for you everywhere. How can I not be angry with you?"

  Ye Fei smiled and said, "I'm fine. Didn't I come here to exercise so early in the morning? But the things here are not suitable for me. Forget it. You can practice alone. I'll be by your side."

  When Ye Yunqi heard him say that, she thought he meant that the equipment here was too heavy. She didn't think much about it and pulled him into the room and started practicing on the combination equipment.

In fact, she really wanted to pull Ye Fei upstairs to do what they liked to do, but due to her shyness as a girl and the little misunderstanding just now, she was too embarrassed to bring it up.

  After exercising for a while, Ye Yunqi wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at Ye Fei, but saw that his eyes were not on her, but on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

For a moment, she felt a little lost and wronged. She had deliberately made so many tempting movements, but he didn't even look at her. She couldn't help but complain in her heart: Doesn't this idiot know how to take the initiative? Where did the rogue look he had the first time go?

  Ye Yunqi, feeling depressed, also lost the motivation to continue exercising. Aunt Zhang was almost done preparing the meal at this time, so she pulled Ye Fei, who was obviously absent-minded, back to the living room.

  After dinner, Ye Yunqi instinctively wanted to go to the carport to get her bicycle, but found Zhou Mingming already waiting in the yard. Then she remembered that from yesterday, she no longer had to ride a bike with her brother.

  After getting into the car, Ye Yunqi began to resent her aunt again. Why did she send someone to wait for her when there was nothing to do?

This way, she would no longer have the chance to be alone with Ye Fei. She didn't know when, but the life of riding a bike with her weak brother, which she hated so much before, became the most beautiful memory in her heart.

  As if sensing Ye Yunqi's thoughts, Ye Fei, who was sitting in the back row with her, put his mouth close to her ear and said, "I really miss the time when you took me to school. Wait a few days, let's talk to Auntie and ask her to withdraw Sister Mingming. Can you take care of me in the future?"

  When Ye Fei spoke, the hot air from his mouth blew on Ye Yunqi's sensitive little ears, making her feel tingling and comfortable. But what made her even more comfortable was that her brother actually thought the same as she did, which made her feel extremely sweet in her heart.

This was different from the kind of spiritual connection that came from twins, but was more like the tacit understanding between lovers.

  Looking at Ye Fei infatuatedly, at this moment, Ye Yunqi suddenly wanted him to kiss her, and Ye Fei once again felt her thoughts. He secretly glanced at Zhou Mingming in front of him, and saw that she was concentrating on driving. He felt relieved, lowered his body, so that the two of them were hidden behind the seat, and gently kissed her soft and sweet little mouth, lapping his lips on her sweet lips.

-To be continued