36. Erotic massage

  Swallowing hard, Ye Fei struggled to move his gaze away from her and turned back to the TV, but at this moment, the aunt and nephew in the movie had already started their second passionate scene, and the location was on the sofa in the living room. The man was laying the woman flat on the sofa and kissing every inch of her skin.

  Ye Fei's heart began beating wildly again, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Ye Ningshuang, only to see that she had closed her eyes, her mouth slightly open, and her breathing was a little rapid. Ye Fei looked at that tempting little mouth and wished he could kiss it immediately.

  After looking at Ye Ningshuang's beautiful face for a while, Ye Fei's gaze gradually moved down, passing her towering chest and flat abdomen, and slowly came to her calves resting on his legs. At this time, he no longer had the heart to watch the movie, because the woman next to him was much more beautiful than the woman in the movie, and her figure was much better too.

  He held up Ye Ningshuang's slender and round calves like a pilgrim. Her legs were already extremely beautiful, and now they looked even more attractive wrapped in crystal stockings. The light coming in from the window shone on the beautiful legs wrapped in stockings, reflecting a breathtaking fluorescence, which made Ye Fei wonder what it would look like if he looked at this beautiful leg under the light.

  After admiring for a while, Ye Fei gently massaged Ye Ningshuang's calves, which looked like they were carved from beautiful jade, with trembling hands. The stockings Ye Ningshuang was wearing were of excellent texture. When one touched them, one did not feel as if one was touching fabric at all, but rather as if one was touching her smooth skin directly.

  He gently pinched every inch of her calf, but the force did not feel like a massage at all. Instead, it was like the caress between lovers. The more Ye Fei touched, the more he couldn't let go.

Finally, he took her small foot in his hand and pinched it gently. Only now did he realize that every part of a woman's body has its unique sexiness. When he was with his younger sister before, he only paid attention to her little mouth, which was really a waste of God's gift.

  His eyes inadvertently swept across the movie, where the two people had already entered into a real battle. Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but look at Ye Ningshuang's most mysterious place.

At this time, Ye Ningshuang didn't know if she was massaged too comfortably by him, her legs were slightly apart, allowing Ye Fei to see the most critical place directly. The white translucent panties were even wetter, tightly sticking to her beautiful hills and valleys. The translucent fabric was now wet and almost completely transparent, wrapped there as if she was not wearing anything.

  Ye Fei stared greedily at the beautiful tender pussy under the cloth. Ye Ningshuang's pussy was fuller than his younger sister's, and bulging, like a ripe peach, which made Ye Fei drool. He wished he could kiss it hard or even bite it.

The already extremely hard thing below was even more stretched to the limit, and seemed to be about to break through his pants and bounce out.

  Ye Ningshuang's calf was placed on Ye Fei's leg, with her calf directly pressing on that hard thing. Naturally, she couldn't fail to notice his changes. She originally just wanted to tease Ye Fei, but now she felt a strong desire in her heart.

She couldn't help but move the calf that he was holding in his arms, and used the soft skin on her calf to rub his iron rod-like thing twice through her clothes, and said, "Xiaoman, don't just press below, it's a little sore here, too."

As she said that, she pulled Ye Fei's hand over her knees and pressed it on her plump and round thighs.

  Ye Fei was a little excited when she pulled him to a place and gently caressed him. The touch here was much better than that on her calves. He felt that just touching it with his hands was not enough. He wanted to kiss it hard a few times and then lick it with his tongue to relieve the itch in his heart.

  Secretly looking at Ye Ningshuang and seeing that she had closed her eyes again, Ye Fei bravely bent down and gently sniffed her beautiful legs wrapped in stockings.

He smelled a strange fragrance and could not help but sniffing her legs back and forth, even the small jade feet. Not only was there no trace of peculiar smell, but it exuded an exciting breath. Ye Fei felt that his lower body was about to burst.

  Ye Ningshuang suddenly bent her legs and stepped her small feet directly on Ye Fei's hard thing. She kicked it gently twice, making Ye Fei gasp in pleasure. At the same time, his hand was caused by her sudden movement to slide directly to the base of her thigh and directly touch the wet fabric.

  Ye Fei was overjoyed, thinking to himself that it was not me who touched her, but you who did it, so he rubbed her thighs gently with peace of mind, and from time to time he gently touched the small hill with a gap in the middle that he had longed for through the cloth that was so thin and wet.

  The reason why Ye Ningshuang bent her legs just now was that she felt that the place where her calf was pressing was getting harder and harder. She hadn't tried a man's thing for more than ten years and she couldn't help but want to touch it.

However, she was too embarrassed to touch it with her hands, so she had to use her feet instead. As soon as she stepped on that thing, her heart was a little excited. She really didn't expect that this weak child would grow such a big thing. Although she only stepped on it through her stockings, she could already clearly feel its thickness and heat.

Then, she felt that Ye Fei was actually caressing her most private place. The feeling was much more comfortable and stimulating than when she did it herself, and she almost couldn't help but ask him to be harder.

  Ye Ningshuang's original intention was just to have some ambiguity with this little guy, so that he would be closer to her in the future and thus surpass Liu Fengyi and the others. But now things were different. She felt that she was about to be overwhelmed by the boundless desire, and she couldn't help feeling a little scared.

She hurriedly withdrew her legs from Ye Fei's body, and took away his hand that was caressing her valley. She said in a panic, "Xiaoman, sit for a while. I'm going to take a shower. I've been busy all morning and I feel a little uncomfortable."

After saying that, she didn't wait for Ye Fei to agree, and hurried into the bathroom. She was afraid that if she stayed here any longer, she would not be able to resist asking him for sex.

  Watching Ye Ningshuang's seductive figure disappear behind the bathroom door, Ye Fei felt a little disappointed. He was a little irritated by Ye Ningshuang just now, especially when she stepped on that place of his with her foot, which made him extremely excited. And through her wet place, he knew that she was probably a little aroused. He thought something good would happen next, but he didn't expect her to run away.

  Ye Fei half-leaned on the sofa a little discouraged. Although nothing could happen between the two of them, Ye Fei also hoped that she could do as his little sister did, and both can use their mouths to please each other. Ye Ningshuang's ripe body was much more tempting to him than Ye Yunqi's unripe fruit, and it made him desire to explore. Unfortunately, it seemed that there was no chance now.

  Ye Ningshuang hurried into the bathroom, closed the door and leaned against it, pressing her right hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat which was much faster than usual. She couldn't help but feel a little scared. Fortunately, she finally reacted, otherwise she might not be able to help but do something unethical with him.

  However, she could not help but recall the feeling when he touched her there. That feeling was really great. Although he did not use much force, she felt that it was much more comfortable than if she had rubbed it with all her strength, or even more than the electric vibrator she had bought secretly.

At the same time, she remembered the intoxicated look in his eyes when he looked at her. She could not help but quickly take off all her clothes and stood in front of the huge dressing mirror.

  Looking at the perfect figure in the mirror, Ye Ningshuang couldn't help but feel proud. Her skin was smooth and delicate, and under the light of the bathroom, it was radiant. The huge breasts on her chest, which made her very satisfied, stood up straight without sagging. The color was also very beautiful, and there was not even a trace of blood vessels. It was like a piece of jade. The small bean on the top was only the size of a peanut, and it was still tender pink.

The lower abdomen was also very flat, without a trace of fat. How could she look like this for a woman who had given birth once?

Looking at her own beautiful and extraordinary face that didn't look old at all, if it was someone unfamiliar, who would believe that she was already forty years old? I'm afraid that those young women in their twenties would not be as good as me if they didn't deliberately take care of themselves.

  Looking at her perfect self in the mirror, Ye Ningshuang felt proud but also a little sad. She had such a good figure but no man appreciated or praised her. She felt helpless. She even had the urge to just go out and let Ye Fei admire her. His intoxicated eyes made her heart beat fast.

  With a sigh, Ye Ningshuang filled the huge bathtub with warm water and lay down in it. A feeling of relaxation immediately surrounded her whole body, making her exhale lightly. However, her hands unknowingly came to her pussy and slowly rubbed it there.

  But Ye Ningshuang found helplessly that her hands could not give her the feeling she had just had when he touched her. She even lost the feeling when she couldn't help but do it herself before. She couldn't help but increase the movement of her hands, but it was still of no use. She even rubbed that place a little painfully, but still felt very far away from that feeling.

  Sighing, Ye Ningshuang stopped what she was doing, stood up from the bathtub, and wanted to rinse with cold water to put out the fire in her heart.

However, just as she walked under the shower head, she felt as if her right foot stepped on something. She cried out in surprise, but could not stand up anymore, and her right leg knelt on the solid tile floor hard.



Sorry for the wrong order of chap...this is Apology chap