40. I'll say again she is my goddess

  "Ah?" Ye Fei exclaimed, and asked, "Is this the reason why second aunt Ningxue and first aunt Fengyi turned against each other?"

  Ye Ningshuang nodded and said, "Yes, your second aunt Ningxue thought that it was your eldest aunt Fengyi who killed that man, but Fengyi said that she was not wrong, and that the man was not a good person, and that Ningxue did not need to be sad for him.

Of course, your second aunt Ningxue did not want to listen, and the two of them had a big quarrel. People like me , Ningbing and your mother were young and hot-tempered at the time, and we each helped our sisters to quarrel with each other, so the conflict became more and more serious."

  "Is it because of that man that my second aunt hasn't married yet?" Ye Fei had always wondered why his second aunt was already 36 years old and still hadn't married. Now it seemed that this was probably the reason.

  "Yes." Ye Ningshuang nodded and said, "Come to think of it, your mother is also a victim of the war between the two of them."

  Ye Fei was stunned. Why did she bring up his mother? He asked hurriedly, "What's going on?"

  Ye Ningshuang recalled: "At that time, our LiuYe family had just established the deepest level of cooperation. Your grandfather and your grandfather-in-law didn't want this cooperation to be broken because of the conflict between us, so they let your mother marry your father without any emotional foundation. Speaking of which, the fact that our LiuYe family can have such a high reputation in Wanghai is all thanks to your mother."

  Ye Ningshuang's words solved another mystery in Ye Fei's heart. He had been wondering why his mother, who was so outstanding and the most outstanding daughter of the Liu family, had to marry his father who came from the underworld and had been married once.

Now he knew that his mother, who seemed to have a glorious life, was actually a victim of family marriage. His feelings for her were unconsciously mixed with a bit of pity in addition to his original admiration.

  "Besides this reason, there is actually another reason why we don't get along with your mother and the others." Ye Ningshuang said this, her pretty face slightly reddened and she lowered her head. She didn't want to say it, but she didn't know why. She didn't want to hide anything from Ye Fei.

Unconsciously, this sixteen-year-old boy became her support in her heart: "That is, your second aunt Ningxue and third aunt Ningbing and I are a little jealous of your mother and the others."

  "Jealous?" Ye Fei couldn't help but repeat himself and asked, "What is there about them that makes you jealous? It seems that your life is not worse than theirs, right? And your fame is not less than theirs."

  Ye Ningshuang smiled and said, "Think about it. We are all daughters of the top families in Wanghai, and we are also three sisters. However, the Feiyun Group managed by your mother alone is not inferior to the Ye Group managed by the three of us sisters.

And your eldest and second aunts have achieved as much as your mother. Now when people mention the women of Wanghai, they will think of the six of us. However, your second and third aunts and I are always ranked behind your mother and the others. How can we not be jealous?"

  Ye Fei was a little speechless and said, "I thought only children would be jealous of such things, but I didn't expect adults would be like this too."

  "Silly child, you don't understand women at all. If the relationship between women is good, then it won't matter if they are compared with each other. But if there are some problems between them, even if it's just a small matter, they will not be able to help but compare with each other.

And I wanted you to be closer to me than to Fengyi yesterday, so I deliberately did those things to seduce you. Unexpectedly, I got myself too involved and was ruined by you, a little bad guy."

At this point, she suddenly laughed, reached into the quilt and held Ye Fei's guy who had softened a little because of the conversation during this period, and said: "But now I'm not jealous of them at all, because their most beloved little guy has been eaten by me!"

  Ye Fei's doubts were gone at this moment. Although he had not yet thought of a way to reconcile their grievances, he felt much more relaxed than before.

He hugged Ye Ningshuang and said with a smile, "It's not certain who will eat whom!"

As he spoke, he kissed her little mouth, and his hands also dishonestly slipped into her skirt, stroking back and forth on her thighs wrapped in soft stockings.

  Ye Ningshuang kissed him for a while, then gently pushed him away and said with a smile: "No matter who eats who, they can't enjoy the same happiness as I can. Okay, let's eat first."

  Ye Fei was so tickled by her that he no longer had the heart to eat. His hands continued to move under her. His right hand had already reached the wonderful place where he had entered and exited countless times yesterday and gently dug it.

With just a few strokes, he drew out the spring water there. He smiled and said, "I just want to eat you now!"

  Ye Ningshuang opened her legs and let him do what he wanted, but she picked up the food tray on the bedside table with her hand and said with a smile: "You have to eat something first, otherwise how can you have the energy to do it? Be good, eat a little first, and when you're full, even if you don't eat me, I won't let you go!"

She had been alone for more than ten years, and after experiencing the supreme enjoyment yesterday, her addiction in this regard had been completely aroused by Ye Fei. Now she just wanted to be with him all the time, and she wished he would keep inserting it inside her to feel satisfied.

  "You feed my upper mouth, and I will feed your lower mouth." After Ye Fei said this, he opened his mouth wide, and the digging of his fingers in her became faster.

*Slick! Slick!*

  Ye Ningshuang was so excited that she was trembling all over, and she almost couldn't hold the plate. She said hurriedly, "Don't do it yet. Wait until we finish eating, and it'll be up to you, okay?"

  Ye Fei smiled and stopped what he was doing. He pulled his hands out of her skirt, put two fingers covered with dew into his mouth, smacked them twice, and said with a smile, "It's really delicious. With this kind of nectar, everything else tastes bland."

  Even though Ye Ningshuang was bold enough, she was embarrassed by him and blushed. She quickly picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, saying coquettishly, "Eat your meal!"

  Ye Fei chuckled, chewed the bread she stuffed into his mouth, swallowed it, but suddenly shouted, "Oh no, I choked."

  Ye Ningshuang was startled and hurriedly took the glass of milk and put it to his mouth, but Ye Fei did not drink it. He just stared at her delicate and tempting little mouth and said, "I want you to feed me!"

  Ye Ningshuang was extremely smart and understood what he meant at a glance. She smiled helplessly, picked up the cup and took a sip herself, but did not swallow it. Instead, she kissed his mouth and sent the milk in her little mouth into his.

  It was a very simple breakfast, but the two of them used this extremely erotic method to eat it, which took nearly half an hour to finish.

  After swallowing the last piece of bread, Ye Fei snatched the plate from Ye Ningshuang's hand and threw it aside, then hugged her fiercely and said with a smile: "Breakfast is over, it's time to eat my beauty!"

  Ye Ningshuang pushed him away and said, "Let's take a rest first. We just finished eating and can't do any strenuous exercise!"

She actually wanted to do it very much in her heart, but she was afraid that Ye Fei would hurt his body, so she suppressed her desire and stopped him.

  Ye Fei also knew that she was doing this for his own good, so he obediently stopped what he was doing. However, he was not idle either. He pulled her up, helped her take off her shoes, pulled her between his legs, and put her legs over himself, and gently stroked her round calves wrapped in stockings, and sometimes held her small jade feet and played with them slowly.

  Ye Ningshuang felt a little itchy because of him, so she shrank her feet and said with a smile: "Don't hold it so tightly, isn't it dirty?"

  Ye Fei reached out and grabbed her beautiful feet again, and said with a smile: "Of course they are not dirty. To me, every part of Shuang'er's body is beautiful and fragrant." Then he lifted her jade feet and kissed the instep of her feet.

  Ye Ningshuang was intoxicated by the affectionate words and his action, and she said emotionally: "Good boy, every part of this aunt's body is yours, you can play wherever you want!"

  Ye Fei chuckled and suddenly lifted the thin blanket on his body, revealing the big cock pointing straight up. He then pulled over her pair of jade feet, clamped them on his cock, and slowly moved it up and down. The high-quality stockings were extremely smooth, making it very easy for his cock to rub against the soles of her feet.

  With his cock pressed against the sole of her foot, Ye Ningshuang couldn't help feeling a little shy, but more of a satisfaction. Although she didn't feel any pleasure doing this, Ye Fei's obsessed look brought her enough psychological enjoyment.

  After rubbing the beautiful aunt's pair of soft jade-like feet for a while, Ye Fei put her jade feet down again, then slowly slid his cock up along her soft stockings, to her round calves, rubbed it gently. The tingling feeling caused by the friction of the excellent texture of the stockings on the glans was extremely enjoyable to him.

  "Little rascal, what are you doing?" Ye Ningshuang didn't understand why Ye Fei seemed to be so interested in her feet and calves, so she couldn't help but ask.

  Ye Fei rubbed her calves with his cock and said with a smile: "I want to fuck every part of your body!"

  Although it was just a simple sentence, Ye Ningshuang could hear from it that this cute little nephew was obsessed with her, which made her very excited. She smiled coquettishly and said, "Aunt just said that every part of her is yours. You can play with me however you want."

  Ye Fei was suddenly excited by her words. He spread her legs wide apart, slapped her big ass hard, and then tore her pantyhose from the crotch. He made her turn over and kneel on the bed, and said, "Slut, stick your ass up, I want to fuck you from behind!"

  Ye Fei's rough movements did not disgust Ye Ningshuang. Instead, they excited her. She stuck her fat white buttocks out and swayed gently. At the same time, she reached behind her and took hold of Ye Fei's hard cock.

She turned around and smiled coquettishly, "You little rascal, you have quite a few tricks. Tell me, do you often use this position to fuck your mother at home?"

  Ye Fei was so excited when she said that, as if he really saw Liu Yiru sticking her ass out waiting for him to fuck her. However, he quickly came to his senses and said angrily, "No, my mother is the goddess in my heart, I won't allow you to desecrate her!"

  Ye Ningshuang couldn't help but giggle. Although she tried her best to deny it, from his cock that suddenly swelled up, she knew that even if he had never done it with Liu Yiru, he probably had the same idea in his mind.

However, seeing that Ye Fei was a little angry, she stopped teasing him and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything, good boy, hurry up and fuck your aunt, your aunt's pussy is so itchy."

  Ye Fei was a man who would not suffer any loss. After being teased by Ye Ningshuang, he wanted to retaliate, so he stepped back and said, "I suddenly don't want to fuck you anymore."

  Ye Ningshuang was also very horny at this time, how could she hold back any longer?

Upon hearing that, she immediately turned over, hooked her long legs around his waist, pulled him close to her, then spread her charming petals with one hand, and held Ye Fei's hard cock with the other hand, bringing the cock to the middle of her petals, stuffing the glans into the opening of her pussy, while at the same time coquettishly raised her plump buttocks to welcome the treasure in her mind into her tight pussy.

  Ye Fei deliberately stepped back, and the cock slipped out halfway again. She hurriedly raised her ass as much as she could, and her cunt swallowed upwards, clamping Ye Fei's cock tightly.

She hugged his ass with both hands and pressed it down hard, and put the cock into her cunt again. At the same time, she flew him a seductive look and begged, "Good boy, please, don't tease mom anymore, mom can't stand it..."

  Seeing her hungry look, Ye Fei couldn't bear to tease her anymore. Now when he heard her calling herself his mother, he felt as if Liu Yiru was asking him for sex. He couldn't bear it anymore. He thrust his waist forward suddenly, and his thick and long cock was completely inserted into the beautiful aunt's pussy, and he started to pump it quickly.

*Pa...*Pa ..*Pa...*Slick!....*Slick!...

  Seeing that her trick really worked, Ye Ningshuang started moaning in order to make him fuck her harder, "Oh... my good son... you're so good... you're making me so happy... my big cock, son... your big cock is going to take me to heaven... oh..."

  "Oh my god...my dear mother...your son feels so good too...you're making him feel so good...my son's cock feels so good...ah...squeeze it harder...yes...yes..." Ye Fei felt like he was fucking his own mother at this moment, and while pumping wildly, he also shouted out his true feelings.

  Ye Fei thrusted vigorously, and the beautiful and coquettish aunt also tried her best to cooperate with his thrusts by thrusting her fat buttocks, bouncing, shaking, pushing and thrusting, making him feel as if he was floating in the air as he was ascending to heaven between the thrusts.

  Soon Ye Ningshuang was sweating profusely, panting, and humming: "Oh... my good son... your big cock is so powerful... I really can't take it anymore... it's filled up my cunt... it feels so good... I can't stand it anymore... please spare me... let me fly faster... please fuck me to death... I really want to die under your big cock..."

  "My dear mother, your cunt is amazing. It is very enjoyable for your son to fuck it. Today, your son will let you eat your fill!" Ye Fei said as he fucked her harder and faster.

  The beautiful aunt was fucked by Ye Fei until her eyes were half open, she gasped, her heart was trembling, her blood was boiling, she felt numb and trembling, her whole body was excited to the extreme, she kept twisting her white and tender buttocks, moaning and coming, her vaginal fluid was gushing out, splashing on Ye Fei's glans.

  Ye Fei also intensified his efforts by thrusting his thick cock, trying his best to hit and circle the center of her vagina, each time he thrust it straight into her uterus before pulling out, making her orgasm one after another, the more she orgasmed, Ye Fei's glans soaked in her warm vaginal fluid, and finally he could no longer control himself. Once his semen gate opened, huge streams of semen shot into her uterus, making her tremble all over with pleasure, moaning and orgasming, and she orgasmed for the fourth time!

  After the climax, the aunt and niece hugged each other tightly. Ye Ningshuang panted for a long time before she giggled and said, "Little rascal, you were so crazy just now. Tell your aunt how it felt to fuck your mother."

  Ye Fei said seriously: "I really didn't do it with my mother! You are the first woman who really did it with me."

  "Okay, Auntie believes you." Seeing that he didn't look like he was lying, Ye Ningshuang immediately believed him, but then she smiled and said, "Then do you want to fuck your mother?"

  "I've said it before, she is the goddess in my heart, and I won't blaspheme her!" Ye Fei was a little angry again.

  "Really?" Ye Ningshuang looked at him with a smile, imitating his tone and said: "Mom... my good mother... your son feels so good... you are squeezing me so hard... my cock feels so good... ah... squeeze it harder... yes... yes..." At the end, she smiled and said: "Who said that?..haha"

  Ye Fei, whose secret was revealed, felt a little embarrassed and shouted, "You slutty cunt, I'm going to fuck you to death today!" As he spoke, he moved his big cock, which was still inserted in her cunt and had become hard again, and started another round of battle.