44. Barbarian apperance

  For the entire day, Ye Yunqi was unable to recover from her sad mood. Although she showed her usual calm and confident expression when she first came to the classroom, and was talking and laughing with Lin Ling, how could Ye Fei, who shared the same sympathy with her, not see that she was just forcing a smile.

  Ye Fei had no way to deal with this, and he also had the same sorrow in his heart, especially when facing Lin Ling, he felt guilty. Since childhood, he has always regarded Lin Ling as his wife. Although he has not changed this idea now, there is one more or two more people in his heart.

This makes him feel a little sorry for Lin Ling who has always been devoted to him. However, the feeling in his heart is not something he can control, so for Lin Ling, he can only make up for it with more love.

  After dinner, Ye Yunqi pulled Ye Fei upstairs, but did not go to the study. Instead, she went straight into Ye Fei's room, locked the door, and then pulled Ye Fei onto the bed.

  Ye Fei, who had already experienced the pleasure of sex, no longer felt much about this little trick he played with Ye Yunqi. However, he did not want to neglect Ye Yunqi, so he cooperated with her passionately.

  Ye Yunqi seemed a little crazy today. After holding Ye Fei, she kept kissing him non-stop. Even when she reached the peak, she only took a short rest before moving again. In the end, both of them couldn't count how many times they kiss.

  Only after she had exhausted her last bit of strength did Ye Yunqi fall weakly on Ye Fei, but suddenly she began to sob softly.

  Ye Fei was startled and asked hurriedly: "Qiqi, what's wrong with you?"

  "Brother, I don't want to be separated from you." Ye Yunqi said in tears: "Promise me that you will never leave me, okay?"

  "Yeah." Ye Fei nodded vigorously: "We came into this world together, we are a natural match, and we will never be separated!"

  Ye Yunqi seemed to believe what Ye Fei said. She smiled sweetly and fell asleep soon. But Ye Fei couldn't fall asleep. The most important thing was that although he had promised Ye Yunqi, it was just to comfort her. They would never separate. This was easy to say, but could he and she really do it?

  The more he thought about it, the more upset he felt. Ye Fei simply sat up, looked at Ye Yunqi who was sleeping sweetly, kissed her on the cheek lovingly, then quietly got out of bed, put on his clothes, and jumped out of the window. He felt that the frustration in his heart was about to make him explode, and he urgently needed to vent. This reminded him of the feeling of running wildly when he just got the power that day.

  After jumping out of the yard, Ye Fei started running as fast as he could, only to find that in just two days, his speed had reached a new height, nearly twice as fast as that day.

  This time, Ye Fei did not run to the suburbs, but ran towards the direction of Wanghai Tower. Although Wanghai City has the word "sea" in its name, it is not very close to the sea. The name Wanghai comes from Wanghai Tower, which is the tallest man-made building in the country. It is said that when it was just built, the head of the X Kingdom came to inspect it. When naming the tower, he inadvertently discovered that standing on the top of the tower, he could see the sea hundreds of miles away. So the tower was named Wanghai.

  Standing in front of Wanghai Tower, Ye Fei looked up at the tall building and suddenly a crazy idea came to his mind. That was that he wanted to jump to the top of the building.

  Originally, he came here subconsciously, because his aunt Liu Fengyi usually lives in Wanghai Tower. Feeling depressed, he subconsciously wanted to find someone to comfort him, but he didn't dare to go to his mother, so he came to Liu Fengyi, the person closest to him besides his mother. But now that he has come to his senses, he doesn't want to find Liu Fengyi anymore, because he can't tell her about this matter either. This fact makes him even more depressed, so he came up with this crazy idea.

  Ye Fei was so impulsive that he didn't even think about whether his idea could be realized. He filled his legs with strength and bounced up suddenly. His body rushed up like a cannonball with a sharp explosion. When the upward force was exhausted, Ye Fei found that he had reached a height of more than 100 meters.

He was so surprised by this discovery that he almost bit off his tongue. However, his body had already started to fall, so he didn't care about anything else. He found a protruding balcony and stepped on it, and his body bounced up again.

  Standing on the top of Wanghai Tower, Ye Fei couldn't believe that he had actually done this. Wanghai Tower was more than 500 meters high, and he had jumped to the top of the building with just five attempts of strength. This was completely beyond his cognition.

He remembered that Liu Junyi, the aunt with the best martial arts in the Liu family, could only jump seven or eight meters high after using all her lightness skills, but he could actually jump more than a hundred meters. Is he still a human being?

  The extreme surprise made Ye Fei calm down. At this moment, he had a new understanding of his own strength. Standing on the roof and looking down at the whole city, Ye Fei suddenly felt that he had the world to himself.

He also had an unprecedented sense of pride. With such strength, did he still need to care about worldly shackles? As long as he could be the strong man who made the rules, what else in this world could not be accomplished?

  Don't worry, sister. I won't let you leave. If family objects, I will convince them. If outsiders dare to say anything, I will kill them! Ye Fei, in a very happy mood, couldn't help but let out a long roar of pleasure, but he unknowingly used the barbarian skills he had learned that time. The sound was so loud that he is afraid half of the people in Wanghai City could hear it.

  After yelling, Ye Fei suddenly felt something was wrong with himself, he looked down, only to find that he had grown a lot taller, and now he was probably over two meters tall. This change shocked him, and he hurriedly stood in front of a large piece of glass on the roof, but what he saw reflected in the glass was a man who was over two meters tall.

The man's face shape was somewhat similar to his but more rough, but he is looking a little tan than before, and the hair is also long to his back and it's pure white, and the most unexpected thing is that he has the some kind of ancient tattoos all over his hands and upper body .

  Looking at the beast-like sturdy man in the mirror, Ye Fei felt like crying but had no tears. Although his body was extremely strong now, this image was too hard to accept?

  Let me change back! Ye Fei prayed silently in his heart, and suddenly felt his body lighten, his body shape changed rapidly, and he returned to his original appearance, but the explosive power in his body did not disappear.


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