60. The Taste of Aunt

  Liu Fengyi's actions caught the eyes of Ye Fei and Yunqi. Ye Yunqi didn't think anything of it, but Ye Fei's heart moved. He and Ye Yunqi had been staying in the room before, so he was used to the smell in the room, but Liu Fengyi had just come in. They had a big battle last night and this morning, so it was impossible that there was no strange smell in the room.

  Our Aunt is not an inexperienced person, it is impossible for her not to know what this smell is. If she gets suspicious, with my little sister's personality, she will definitely not be able to withstand her questioning. If she knows, it means Liu Yiru will also know.

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Fei was very anxious. He didn't care that he was only wearing a pair of shorts, nor did he care that his dick was still standing tall.

He jumped up and jumped directly to Liu Fengyi and hugged her, showing a very surprised look and said: "Aunt, why are you here? Do you know that I miss you?"

  As expected, Liu Fengyi, who didn't know Ye Fei's strength yet, was surprised by his action. She had long forgotten about the smell and opened her arms to catch her nephew. After he stood firm, she asked, "Xiaoman, what's wrong with you?"

  Holding Liu Fengyi's ripe and plump body, feeling the soft pressure on his chest, Ye Fei, who was already holding back, couldn't help but feel distracted. The thing below also swelled harder, pressing directly against his aunt's soft belly. He couldn't help but gently push twice, but immediately resisted the urge and asked, "What's wrong?"

  At this time, Liu Fengyi was immersed in the great surprise and did not notice anything wrong with Ye Fei. She said, "How could you jump so high?"

  "You are talking about this." Ye Fei smiled and said, "Hasn't mother told you yet that my martial arts technique has achieved a breakthrough, and now my body is healed?"

In fact, although Ye Fei has obtained a lot of pure yin energy from Ye Yunqi and Ye Ningshuang, and the stagnant meridians in his body have loosened a little, it is still far from being completely healed. However, with the brain platform, his body is much stronger than anyone else, so it is not an exaggeration to say that his body is healed.

  "Really?" Liu Fengyi was naturally very surprised when she heard the news. Ever since Ye Fei and his sister were born, Liu Fengyi, who had no children, had loved them very much and treated them as her own flesh and blood. She even cared about them more than Liu Yiru. Ye Fei's physical condition had always worried her. Now that she heard him say that he was well, how could she not be happy?

  However, now Liu Fengyi found that she could no longer care about being happy for Ye Fei, because she found that her pitiful little nephew had really grown up. His strong body, which was half a head taller than her, made her heart beat faster, especially the hard thing on her lower abdomen, which made her heart beat faster.

At the same time, she remembered the special smell she smelled when she entered the room just now, and wondered if he was masturbating just now?

Moreover, when he saw her, he hugged her so intimately and said that he was thinking about her. Could it be that he was fantasizing about her while doing that kind of hand exercise?

  Thinking of this possibility, Liu Fengyi did not blame Ye Fei. Instead, she felt a sense of pride in her heart. After all, she was already a 37-year-old woman. It was a very proud thing to be able to make a 16-year-old boy have fantasies.

Gently tiptoeing, Liu Fengyi raised her body a little, and at the same time, she slightly parted her legs to let the big guy enter her leg gap, and twisted her waist to let it rub against her longing ground a few times. She did this not because she had any thoughts about Ye Fei, but because she had not tried such a taste for too long, and she had an instinctive desire in her heart.

  Ye Fei, who was hugging Liu Fengyi tightly, naturally noticed the little movements of his beautiful aunt at the first time. Although he didn't understand why she did this, he didn't want to miss such a good opportunity. He hurriedly straightened his waist and let his hard thing hit her ripe peach, almost ripping his shorts.

"Ughmmn~~" Liu Fengyi couldn't help but let out a long moan when he hit her like that. She felt a huge amount of liquid suddenly gushing out from her lower body. This feeling was so wonderful that she even wanted to tear her pants and let him penetrate her.

However, this desire only lasted for a moment before she immediately drove it out of her mind. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. How could she have such thoughts about her nephew? It was unforgivable!

  Feeling ashamed, Liu Fengyi gently pushed Ye Fei away, but her beautiful eyes couldn't help but glance at his tall tent. Then she said, "I'll go out first, Xiaoman, hurry up and put on your clothes. Auntie has something to ask you."

After that, she didn't wait for Ye Fei to agree and walked out quickly, because she found that as long as she stayed here, her eyes would not obey her orders at all, and was reluctant to leave Ye Fei's tent of amazing size.

  After Ye Fei and Liu Fengyi hugged each other, Ye Yunqi stood aside without saying a word. Only after Liu Fengyi came downstairs did she burst into laughter.


  Ye Fei was somewhat puzzled by her and asked, "Why are you laughing suddenly?"

  Ye Yunqi walked up to him, pulled down his shorts, and then used her soft little hands to hold his dick that was harder than before, and smiled: "Isn't our aunt's body smelling good? Look, it's more energetic than before."

  Seeing Ye Yunqi couldn't let go of his dick, Ye Fei couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, Auntie has something else to ask us. No matter how much you like it, it can only belong to you at night. Give it back to me during the day."

  Ye Yunqi didn't listen to him and let go. Instead, she squatted down and licked it with her tongue, saying vaguely, "No, I have to get close to it while it belongs to me alone, otherwise there will be too many people to share it with in the future."

  This short sentence made Ye Fei once again realize her deep affection for him. He was a little moved and said softly, "Don't worry, it won't be too much."

He originally wanted to say that this thing only belonged to her and Lin Ling, but he couldn't bear to lie to her because Ye Ningshuang had already obtained it before Ye Yunqi.

  Ye Yunqi played with it for a while before she stood up with satisfaction and said, "It doesn't matter if there's not much left, at least there's still Lingling. Besides, I think our aunt likes it very much, too."

