70. A Moment of Heartbeat

  "Do you think I haven't thought about this? I once told those people that I don't need a salary, as long as they can cover the daily expenses of the orphanage, but no one agreed." Li Xueer smiled bitterly, "We have more than a hundred children here. The annual living expenses, tuition fees, medical expenses, etc., require about one million. When those companies heard this number, they simply ignored me."

  Ye Fei wondered, "One million is nothing to those big companies, right? And if they want to hire a skilled person like you, the annual salary shouldn't be lower than this. I really don't know what they are thinking."

  Li Xueer sneered, "One million is really nothing to those big bosses. They spend more than that on buying things for their lovers. But if they were asked to spend the money on an orphanage, even if it was only ten thousand, they would feel bad. And do you think they wanted to sign me before I graduated just for my so-called talent? They just saw that I came from a humble background and wanted to hire someone who could help them at a low price."

  Ye Fei couldn't help but be slightly stunned. The only business people he could usually come into contact with were Liu Yiru and her friends. And his kind-hearted Liu Yiru would naturally not be like those unscrupulous bosses.

So in Ye Fei's heart, those who were rich and often attended charity gatherings were all good people like his goddess. But now it seems that he was completely wrong. For a moment, he couldn't help but sigh. It seems that he has too little life experience.

  Li Xueer still hasn't figured out what Ye Fei is up to. Seeing that he looked thoughtful after hearing what she said, she couldn't help but ask half-jokingly and half-seriously: "What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about how to help this orphanage?"

She asked this for her own reasons. Since Ye Fei was Zimao's friend, he must be a good person. And judging from his attitude, he should be from a wealthy family. Now that she has him on her back, even if she can't get his family to help, just his personal help should be able to make the orphanage's plight much better.

  Ye Fei once again answered the question irrelevantly: "If I ask you to manage a company with assets of millions, are you sure you can manage it well?"

  Li Xueer was a little confused as to why Ye Fei asked this. She thought he was joking and said in a joking tone, "That's not difficult. Let alone of millions, even if Wanghai's FeiYun Group is given to me, I can manage it in an orderly manner."

  Ye Fei said seriously: "I am serious, I hope you can answer me seriously."

  Li Xueer then realized that Ye Fei was not joking with her. Although she didn't understand why he asked this, she became serious like him and said, "It depends on what kind of company it is. But as long as it's not on the brink of collapse, I think I have the ability to run it."

Li Xueer was not bragging. She knew from a young age how difficult it was for Granny Li to support her studies. So she took her studies very seriously. In college, she participated in several seminars. When analyzing some specific cases, the solutions she came up with were even more perfect than those of the experienced business tycoons.

This is why those big companies wanted to hire her before she graduated. After jobbing those big companies, although she knew that she might not use the knowledge in her lifetime, Li Xue'er did not waste her time at all.

  "If it is a diversified company with sufficient funds and wide connections, can you manage it? I mean that you can allow the company to develop, rather than just taking care of this orphanage." Ye Fei asked the most important question.

Li Xueer sighed and said: "But, how could such a company want me?"

  "I didn't care whether there was one before, but now there is one." Ye Fei finally told her his idea: "I plan to open a company and hire you as the CEO of the company. All the expenses of the orphanage will be borne by the company in the future, and I can also give you a high salary or simply give you shares. I wonder if you are interested?"

  "You? Starting a company?" Li Xue'er looked at Ye Fei in disbelief. Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, she asked, "Okay, then how much do you plan to invest in the initial stage?"

  "That depends on your ability." Ye Fei smiled. "How much ability you have will determine how much room I can give you to display your abilities. By the way, you just said that you are capable of managing a company worth of billions. Is that true?"

  "Of course it's true!" Li Xueer answered without hesitation: "If it's really like you said, with sufficient funds and connections, I'm sure there will be no problem."

  "Okay then." Ye Fei made the decision, "Then I will invest 10 million first, and we will set up a company. I hope you can run it well."

  "Ten million?" Li Xueer was so shocked that she was a little dumbfounded. In her opinion, Ye Fei would at most take out a few hundred thousand to play around, which was a very normal thing for some young masters who were ignorant of the world. But she never expected that Ye Fei, a child who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, would actually take out ten million. How could she not be surprised.

  At this time, Ye Fei dropped another bombshell: "Of course, this 10 million is just the initial investment. If you do well, I will continue to invest. By then, the largest group company in the country and even the world will be born in our hands one day!"

At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly felt great ambition. At first, he just wanted to set up a big company, and while helping the orphanage, he would secretly help his family. But now he has the ambition to dominate the world in business.

With his current strength and almost endless source of funds, this is not impossible to do. But he can't always depend on the hacked money as this money maybe from rich people but they may also has employees and all and he really doesn't want to be rich only at the darkness.

  Looking at Ye Fei's ambitious figure, Li Xue'er felt that his already tall stature became even taller, like a great leader . At this moment, she suddenly felt a feeling she had never had in the past 27 years.

When she looked at him, her heartbeat was actually a little weird. However, she immediately shook her head and laughed at herself. What was she thinking?

He was just a child, more than ten years younger than her. But despite thinking so, she knew clearly that the image of Ye Fei at this moment would probably be hidden deep in her heart for a long time, maybe even for a lifetime.