73. Extreme Shock

  "That's easy to handle." Ye Fei still smiled nonchalantly: "Once there is any conflict of interest between us and the LiuYe family, then we will give in. As long as we don't let them suffer any losses, it doesn't matter if we lose a little."

  Although she didn't want to be an enemy of the Liu family, Li Xue'er was even more unwilling to do what Ye Fei said, and couldn't help but hesitate and said: "But if that happens, I'm afraid we won't be able to make any money, and we may even lose everything."

  "It's okay, just go for it boldly. My funds are unlimited, and you can never lose it all." Ye Fei felt a headache. He didn't expect that there were so many things to pay attention to when starting a company. So he simply gave Li Xue'er a statement that seemed ridiculous.

  Li Xue'er didn't understand what he wanted to do, and said angrily, "Why do you want to open a company? Why don't you just donate some money to our orphanage? It will save me from opening a company that is sure to lose money."

  "Okay, I'll tell you the truth." At this point, Ye Fei could only tell her his ultimate goal: "My name is Ye Fei, and the reason I want to open this company is to secretly help the Liu and Ye families."

  "Ye Fei?" Li Xueer felt that the name was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it. She couldn't help but look at Ye Fei in confusion.

  Ye Fei smiled and said, "You know Liu Yiru from FeiYun Group, right? She's my mother."

  "Are you the good-for-nothing Ye Fei?" Li Xue'er had been very interested in business since she was a child. Naturally, she knew Liu Yiru, the top business woman in Wanghai, very well. She even had a faint admiration for her.

As for her son, she had also heard about him. Everyone secretly called him a good-for-nothing. At this moment, she was shocked and blurted out the name, but she was a little stunned after she finished calling him that.

He was a good-for-nothing? If this smart and strong boy was a good-for-nothing, then there would probably be very few people in the world who were not good-for-nothings, right?

  Hearing Li Xue'er's address to him, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that people outside would give him such a nickname. But he didn't care much. After all, whether he was a waste or not was not up to them to decide. And this was exactly the effect he wanted now. It would be better if everyone thought he was a waste. This would also confuse those enemies in the dark. So he smiled and said, "Yes, it's that Ye Fei."

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you that." Li Xueer said a little embarrassedly, but she was secretly surprised in her heart. These children from aristocratic families are too well hidden, right? Who would have thought that a person who was called a waste would be such a generous and smart boy?

  Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "It doesn't matter. Everyone says that anyway. Even my little sister sometimes calls me that. I'm used to it. Is it okay now?"

  Ye Fei's words made Li Xue'er feel less apologetic, but she still asked in confusion: "If that's the case, why don't you just inject the money into FeiYun Group? And what about the endless funds you mentioned?"

  Ye Fei now trusts Li Xue'er, and if he doesn't tell her the truth, she might not be able to work with peace of mind, so he simply said openly: "My money was all stolen. I have an online nickname called 'Frail'. I guess you should have heard of it, right?"

  "Frail?!" Li Xue'er finally couldn't help but exclaimed. How could she not be familiar with this name? Not only her, there are probably not many people in the world who don't know this name.

The joint wanted notices from dozens of countries have made him much more famous than Uncle Olala who flew a plane into a building. However, no one knows who this person is until now.

  Although she doesn't spend much time on the Internet, Li Xue'er, like most young people in the world, is amazed and admires this strong man who dares to challenge the most powerful country in the world. Sometimes she even fantasizes that one day she will have such ability.

In that case, the orphanage will no longer have to worry about their livelihood. But no matter how she fantasized, she never thought that this man who is madly admired by young people all over the world would actually appear in front of her alive, and he is only sixteen years old. As for Ye Fei's lies, she has never thought about it because she believes that Ye Fei will never deceive her about this matter.

  Seeing Li Xue'er 's open mouth, Ye Fei just smiled faintly. Before he revealed his identity, he had already thought that this would happen, and there was nothing to be proud of the ridiculous things he had done when he was immature in the past. Now that he thinks about it, he was really a little hot-headed at the time, otherwise he wouldn't have to hide like this if he wanted to help his family now.

  After Li Xue'er's reaction improved a little, Ye Fei said, "Now you know why I can't help our family openly, right?"

  Li Xueer nodded slightly. She naturally knew what would happen once Ye Fei's identity was exposed. If he openly helped the family, it would undoubtedly increase the possibility a lot. Although she was still not 100% sure that nothing would happen, it was at least much more hidden.

As for whether she would be in danger, she didn't care at all. For the orphanage, she could even give up her life. What's more, the current situation was equivalent to tying her and Ye Fei to the same line, which made her secretly happy deep in her heart.

  "Even my family doesn't know my identity. In this world, besides me, you are the only one who knows this secret. So I hope that you will not tell this to anyone." Although Ye Fei understood that Li Xueer would definitely not say anything nonsense, the matter was too big, so he still reminded her seriously.

  "Don't worry, even if I die, I won't tell anyone about this!" Li Xueer also made a promise to him seriously. She felt an extremely sweet feeling in her heart. She didn't expect that he actually believed in her so much. Now it was equivalent to putting his entire fortune and life on her. For a moment, she was so moved that she almost cried.

  Ye Fei, however, acted as if he had said something insignificant, with that indifferent smile on his face again, and said: "If there is no problem, I will go back, otherwise I'm afraid I really won't be able to catch up with the afternoon class and use of the money to have a good meal tonight in the orphanage."

After that, he looked at Li Xue'er who was standing there, and seeing that she seemed to be fine, he turned around and walked back to Grandma Li's room.