Chapter 4 Break Up

Yan Luoxi followed behind Lu Zhaoran, sluggishly entering the office. She was distracted when suddenly a strong force yanked her over, followed by a loud "bang" next to her ear.

The next second, she found herself pinned against the door.

Her arm throbbed with a tearing pain, and Yan Luoxi glared up, her brows furrowed. The man's handsome features were filled with coldness and thin anger, and his gaze intensely bore into her neck.

Realizing something, Yan Luoxi uncomfortably shrank back, clearly feeling a bit guilty.

It was all that bastard's fault for leaving such an obvious mark on her neck. She had piled on a thick layer of makeup, but it couldn't hide the love bite.

"Yan Luoxi, where did you whore around last night?" Along with his interrogation, his powerful hand gripped her throat tightly.

Yan Luoxi sneered, her eyes full of mockery as she stared at him, "Whore around? Lu Zhaoran, what right do you have to accuse me?"

"I am your fiancé. If I don't have the right, who does?" Lu Zhaoran was enraged by her attitude, and he applied more force with his hand, causing Yan Luoxi to instantly struggle to breathe.

"When you had Lai Zhiyuan beneath you, why didn't you remember you were my fiancé?" Yan Luoxi glared at him defiantly, the sting in her heart growing more and more profound.

Even now, she still remembered the scene of him moving inside Lai Zhiyuan when she crawled out from under the bed.

That image had brutally and disgustingly invaded her sight, becoming an unforgettable memory.


It must be hatred, otherwise, she wouldn't have so recklessly given her virginity away to some man.

A moment of awkwardness flashed across Lu Zhaoran's handsome face, as he emphasized in a cold voice, "Yan Luoxi, I'm a man!"


He was simply an insult to the word 'man'!

"Only lower creatures can't control their lower half. Lu Zhaoran, you don't deserve to be called a man!" Yan Luoxi suppressed the dull pain in her heart, her dark and bright eyes filled with disdain for him.

She would never accept any excuses for betrayal!

"Don't touch me; I find your hands dirty!" Yan Luoxi shook off his hand resolutely. She had used too much force, and her elbow banged against the door, causing her to instantly tear up from the pain.

Lu Zhaoran stepped back, his self-esteem suffering an unparalleled blow. "You find me dirty. Could you be any dirtier?"

Yan Luoxi's eyes reddened as she looked at the man close enough to touch, realizing the pointlessness of a relationship that had devolved into mutual accusations.

Moreover, no matter how dirty she was, she was never as dirty as him.

"Lu Zhaoran, let's break up!"

Lu Zhaoran suddenly looked up, his gaze filled with disbelief. "What did you say?"

Yan Luoxi held back her sadness and indifference. "Let's break up. I once said here, three years ago, that if one day you cheated on me, I wouldn't beg for your affection."

Lu Zhaoran was taken aback. The woman in front of him wore a white chiffon long dress that, compared to the vivid red dress of the previous night, lent her an ethereal quality.

He suddenly couldn't remember the last time he had looked at her seriously.

"Yan Luoxi, have you considered the consequences of breaking up?"

Yan Luoxi discerned the threat in his words, her smile slowly freezing on her face, "Consequences? Be it blacklisting or putting on ice, President Lu, bring it on, I don't care."

Ignoring Lu Zhaoran's reaction, she left with a pale face, slamming the door behind her.

Lu Zhaoran stared blankly at the spot where Yan Luoxi had just been standing. On the white floor, there were a few spots of vivid, glaring blood. He felt an inexplicable panic and hastened after her.

Outside the door, there was no sign of Yan Luoxi.

Yan Luoxi pushed open the heavy security door, walked into the stairwell, her knees gave way, and she collapsed to the floor as if all her strength had been drained from her body.

She cradled her face in her hands, letting tears soak her palms.

Time passed, and her phone suddenly vibrated. She reached out, wiped away her tears, and answered, "Hello?"

"Miss Yan, your package was left at the property management office. Please remember to pick it up."

Yan Luoxi frowned, not remembering purchasing anything, but sometimes fans would send gifts directly to her apartment.

"Thank you."

After hanging up, Yan Luoxi got up and left the stairwell. Back in the makeup room, hearing the artists gossiping about her and Lu Zhaoran, she walked in as if nothing were amiss.

The people immediately shut their mouths and pretended to apply makeup diligently, though their eyes kept darting over to her.

Yan Luoxi sat down in her dedicated chair and picked up the moisturizing spray, misting it over her face. Sister Lin hurried in, looking extremely upset, "I'm so mad, so furious."

Yan Luoxi raised an eyebrow, observing Sister Lin's agitated reflection in the mirror, "What happened?"

"Tonight's interview show was snatched by Lai Zhiyuan. President Lu assigned her to it on short notice and has already coordinated with the TV station. I just got the news, and it's infuriating," Sister Lin exclaimed, fuming.

Yan Luoxi's motion of drawing her eyebrows paused. Lu Zhaoran must really want to completely obliterate her. Three years of shared hardships couldn't compare to one night Lai Zhiyuan spent sleeping with him. The thought was chilling.

"Sister Lin, the interview show tonight is still on schedule. I'll handle President Lu's side," Yan Luoxi continued with her makeup. She appeared calm, but only she knew that Lu Zhaoran had thoroughly enraged her.

Over the past three years, she had been gradually backing down, but now, she was determined to reclaim everything she had lost, piece by piece.

Sister Lin was used to her non-contentious attitude and was greatly relieved to see Yan Luoxi suddenly taking initiative, "Luoxi, if you had been this proactive earlier, you might have been wildly famous by now."

Yan Luoxi smiled, "It's not too late even now."

"Exactly, exactly, it's not too late," Sister Lin said with a beaming smile.

After Yan Luoxi finished her makeup—light, natural makeup that complemented the high-end chiffon dress she was wearing—she emanated an ethereal aura. Among the many female stars, she might not be stunningly beautiful, but she stood out with her distinctiveness.

Of course, she couldn't possibly go to Lu Zhaoran. He was clearly trying to ban her from the industry, and seeking him out would be like begging for mercy, something her pride would never allow.

Yan Luoxi descended the stairs to the medical office, where Lai Zhiyuan was sitting on the hospital bed eating sunflower seeds. When Zhiyuan saw Yan Luoxi enter, not an ounce of panic showed; instead, she greeted her with a beaming smile, "Luoxi, you've come to see me, please take a seat."

Yan Luoxi pulled out a chair and sat down, looking up at her, "Lai Zhiyuan, aren't you tired of putting on an act in front of my father, in front of me, and in front of Lu Zhaoran?"

"How could I be tired? See, just by putting on an act, Zhaoran eagerly handed over the interview show that you were going to be on tonight to me. It shows that men fall for this kind of charm," Lai Zhiyuan looked at her triumphantly.

Yan Luoxi played with her phone, unangered, "Is that so?"

"Luoxi, you don't understand men. Sometimes a little coquetry and acting cute can be more effective than any other method. Otherwise, why would Zhaoran, knowing you were under the bed, still press me onto it? He just couldn't control himself."