Chapter 85 Dormitory

This time, there were ten female soldiers in total, so naturally, with the premise of a twelve-person dormitory, they were assigned to the same room.

"This is your dormitory," a soldier said as he led Ling Xi and others to a room door before turning to speak to them.

"Thank you." They expressed their gratitude and pushed the room door open.

"I refuse to live in the same room with people reeking of rusticity. Arrange a different room for me," Xu Mengying ordered the soldier as she looked at the simple furnishings and bunk beds inside the room, her eyes challengingly set on Ling Xi.

Unfortunately for her, Ling Xi didn't even spare her a glance and simply walked past her into the room, leaving Xu Mengying grinding her teeth in fury.

"Sorry," the soldier said indifferently after glancing at someone looking to cause trouble, "the arrangements here are as they are. If you want to switch dormitories or have a room to yourself, you can speak to Captain Luo Qi."