Chapter 37: Being Provoked

"His approach was right," Elder Fei drifted forward, suddenly uttering a sentence. The Demon Realm and humans were inherently entangled in complexity, and given his identity as the Demon Emperor, it was better to leave early.

"Yeah, since we're all not close, it should be this way," stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground, Zhiyan said with irritation. In her past life, she had made countless acquaintances, but this was the first time she felt completely at a loss.

This person was too cold, indifferent to a point where she found no way to begin, and it was driving her crazy.

Having spent half a month in Misty Ridge, it was strange to say, her luck this time was explodingly good. Not only had she not encountered a single Demonic Beast, but she had also collected numerous precious herbs. Just the ones fit for refining Elixirs above Third-grade numbered in the dozens, not to mention the common foundational herbs.