Chapter 93: Together, They're Less Than Three Digits

The man's footsteps were heavy and slow.

It took a while before the dull sound of a door being slammed echoed through.

Ning Xiaofei huddled in place for quite some time, not hearing his voice again, before she finally put down the knife in her hands and leaned against the cupboard, weakly sighing.

Mu Tianye had burst into unprovoked anger, and at this moment she still hadn't understood the reason, assuming it was still because of the earlier incident.

After standing dazed for a while, she silently got up, took a rag, and began tidying up the mess strewn all over the place.

After cleaning the entire kitchen, she went upstairs to pack a few simple items of clothing, slung her bag over her shoulder, walked to the door, and stopped. She took out her wallet, removed the card Mu Tianye had given her, and set it on the cabinet in the entrance hall.

Turning around, she took one last glance at the living room behind her, hung the door keys on the hook, and stepped out of the apartment.