Chapter 78: Happy Run on the Bank_2

"First was the choice of wood. When Wan'an Bridge was first constructed, they would have definitely used local materials,"

"Right. Back then, natural conditions were limited, and the local area was all mountainous. Given the transportation capacity of the Song Dynasty, there was certainly no possibility of transporting timber over long distances, nor was there any necessity for it."

"Indeed. Times have changed, and from our modern perspective of heritage reconstruction, we can abandon the principle of using local materials."

"To what end?"

"The aim is quite simple: to prioritize the selection of wood that is naturally less flammable," Nie Guangyi further exemplified, "such as the masson pine from Hainan."

"Masson pine? Has Datou researched any characteristics of masson pine beyond its fire resistance?"


"Datou, in choosing wood, we first need to consider its functionality."

"What kind of functionality?" Nie Guangyi asked.