Chapter 119: Those Bygones


"Which two cases?" Zong Guang asked.

"If he succeeded and became powerful, then I would pretend I don't know him."

Meng Xin Zhi answered decisively.

"And if he hadn't?"

"If he had fallen on hard times and ended up on the streets, I would find a way to ensure he had food and shelter, but that's it—just enough to keep him from needing to sleep under the stars."

"Can Zhizhi really be that heartless?"

"Brother, you must believe that I am made of stone. I would have the same attitude towards anything that could harm my only father."

"But he is your father after all."

"I don't think blood is that important. I will always have only one dad. Brother, do you know something about my biological father? If the answer is yes and it doesn't include him being destitute, then please don't tell me."