Chapter 230: Say Hello for Me

"Ten miles of bridal red," "marrying you with half an empress's lavish procession," sentences that just looking at them feel very romantic.

What girl wouldn't love that, and who wouldn't get excited on reading it?

So how come when it comes to Meng Xin Zhi, it turns into "disrespect towards women" and neglect leading to "drowning oneself in a river"?

Even with all that, the ending still turns out to be siblings...

I sibling your big head, sister!

And you think the relationship isn't complicated enough?

Nie Guangyi felt a twinge of regret, realizing he really should have listened to Xuan Shi when it came to chasing girls.

Wouldn't a nice start from the Stele Forest's graves to a museum tour be good enough?

Why insist on going to Ningbo first?

The suggestions went back and forth, barely stopping short of advising himself into the grave.

How could he go on like this?

He needed to think of something.