"Were all these drawings done by Grandpa Qiu?" Meng Xin Zhi had been to Changqiao Village before, but this was the first time she had heard of such old items.
"No, to be precise, they were done by my great-grandfather and my grandfather's grandfather. In fact, my grandfather only really began to take the lead in weaving the wood for Muguang Bridge when he was in his sixties, almost seventy."
"He only started in his sixties? Could someone actually learn an intangible heritage craft so late in life?" Meng Xin Zhi found it somewhat unbelievable, as she had always thought the old man had spent his entire life doing one thing.
Nie Guangyi turned to look at Meng Xin Zhi and replied, "As a child, my grandfather absorbed a lot by following around my great-grandfather. Plus, these drawings from my great-grandfather ensured that the craft didn't vanish after decades."
"Why was there a gap of several decades?" Zong Ji timely voiced his own confusion.