"If 'I think so' worked, our babies might already be drinking milk,"
Nie Guangyi was still the same Nie Guangyi.
With just one sentence, he left the barefoot girl unsure how to respond.
Meng Xin Zhi bowed her head in silence.
"A dancer's feet are usually a bit deformed, but why are yours so pretty?"
"Who says that all dancers' feet are a bit deformed?"
"The news?"
"Doesn't journalism follow the saying, 'A dog biting a person isn't news, but a person biting a dog is'? The things that appear in the news are often not ordinary events."
"Ah, you make a good point," Nie Guangyi paused, "Shall we go back to our earlier conversation?"
"About drinking milk?"
"Right!" Nie Guangyi expressed his happiness and excitement at reconnecting, "You shouldn't have any doubts about human instincts, right?"
"Hmm, I only have doubts about Mr. Nie."
"Really? When did you start taking an interest in me? To hear you say that is really flattering."