Chapter 20: The Ancestor is Hungry

Liu Rongrong's crying abruptly stopped as she clutched Shuaishuai tightly, looking at Jiangli with confusion, "Master, what do you mean by that?"

"That's exactly what I mean. His corpse is nowhere to be found. As his mother, don't you want to find his body so that he can be laid to rest sooner?" Jiangli asked.

Xu Yang struggled to walk over and knelt down in front of Jiangli, "Master, please, I beg for your help, I beg for your guidance. Where exactly is my son? Why has he become like this?"

"Such matters can only be asked of your child, but he doesn't remember anything," said Jiangli, giving Xia Xin a meaningful glance.

Xia Xin rarely understood the intentions of his old ancestor, but he hastily went over to help Xu Yang up, "Please, stand up and then speak."

Yet Xu Yang refused to get up. He had not believed in these matters before, but now he had no choice but to believe. He had seen with his own eyes and could no longer deny it.