Chapter 117: Ancestry Science Time

With Jiangli's specially made Talisman, Qiang Hongtao and Shuaishuai could now enjoy the feast.

The two ghosts sat down and started eating.

Xia Xin and Jiangli were seated on opposite sides, and they also began their meal.

Jiangli was scrolling through her phone while eating.

Seeing this, Xia Xin couldn't help but be curious about what Jiangli was looking at.

He craned his neck to peek and saw that Jiangli was actually looking at... game strategies!

What the fuck...

The Ancestral Master, really putting in the effort.

She had reached the point of neglecting sleep and food for it.

Xia Xin was tongue-tied; he wasn't nearly as dedicated as Jiangli.

No wonder the Ancestral Master was advancing so quickly in her gaming skills.

He ruefully withdrew his gaze.

The meal was quickly finished by the two people and two ghosts.

But just like yesterday, the food Qiang Hongtao and Shuaishuai had eaten was still there, unchanged.

As if what they had eaten was fake.