127: The old ancestor is a lemon spirit

Jiangli was puzzled, "If you can't eat the grapes, you say the grapes are sour, just say that. Why mention being a 'jealous lemon'?"

Xia Xin pondered for a moment and replied, "Well… it's probably because lemons are inherently sour, so that's why people say it. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, great ancestor. Haven't I told you before? It's best not to comment on the internet. Nowadays, these bloggers all have their own fans, just like devout pilgrims who can't stand others saying anything bad about the people they like."

Jiangli clicked his tongue, "You modern people are too hard to understand. I was just telling the truth. Her facial features really are quite bizarre."

Xia Xin glanced at the video Jiangli was talking about.

The video featured a beauty vlogger teaching makeup. In Xia Xin's view, the vlogger was indeed beautiful and quite attractive.

Moreover, Xia Xin looked closely and said, "Great ancestor, it seems she really didn't use a beauty filter…"