Chapter 210: Verifying the Ancestor's Words One by One

After the release of "Tomorrow is Promised," some people calculated that Jiangli had done fortune-telling for five people for free yesterday, and now three of them had already come forward, leaving just two.

After the calculations, someone rushed over to leave a message for Jiangli, inquiring who the remaining two people were; they wanted to be the first to rush over and watch.

This question... was asked of the wrong person.

Jiangli didn't even know who sent the private messages.

The contents of the private messages were read to her by Xia Xin; how would she know who they were from?

Jiangli did not reply.

At the same time.

Xia Xin ran to the front gate and opened it to see who was there.

Standing at the door were Mr. Cao and others.

To be precise, Mr. Cao was sitting in a wheelchair, accompanied by Cao Jiadong and his assistant.

Behind the three people, there was a truck parked, loaded with quite a few things, and there were many workers standing beside it.