Chapter 215: The Ancestor's Advice

After offering incense, Cao Jiadong and Boss Cao had matters to attend to.

Boss Cao needed to return to the hospital, while Cao Jiadong had official business to take care of.

Before leaving, Boss Cao returned the land deed to Jiangli.

"Abbot, this is the land deed for Jiaoyang Temple. I've thought it over, and Jiaoyang Temple is too efficacious for a worldly person like me to touch. It's best to return the deed to you."

This time, Jiangli didn't stand on ceremony and directly asked Xia Xin to take it.

Seeing Xia Xin take the deed, she said, "We'll take the deed, but rest assured, Boss Cao, one thing at a time, the six million you're owed, I'll find a way to repay you. No need for courtesies, what's yours is yours, there's no need to be polite. However, as for other things, if they shouldn't be yours, don't think about them. Sometimes, having some things isn't really a blessing."

Hearing Jiangli's words, Boss Cao nodded thoughtfully, then thanked her and left.