Chapter 217: Lin Yurong's Information

"There are thirty of each, the peace charms, the Peach Blossom Talismans, and the Luck-Boosting Talismans. If anyone needs them, just let them buy it," Jiangli said, "For those willing to come to Jiaoyang Temple and offer incense, we can give them a discount too, we need the ancestral master to receive some offerings."

Jiangli took out all three types of talismans and placed them on the table, letting Xia Xin handle the selling.

Xia Xin looked at the three thick stacks of Talisman Paper and thought to himself that with so many talismans, it would take a while to sell them all, wouldn't it?

In the past, his master would also frequently draw some talismans to sell, but they sold very slowly.

Back then, a talisman would only cost eighty yuan, and even at that price, they sold sluggishly.

Given the prices set by the old ancestor, the rate of sale would likely be even slower.