Chapter 531: The Ancestor Did Not Charge a Fee

Later, Wan Jiayuan learned that it was actually a grave and dared not approach it any closer.

He had looked for a long time before he recognized that the images on it looked somewhat familiar.

"That's not right, you should have drawn the things outside the family grave, right? This should be the place inside where your mother was hidden," Xia Xin pointed at the image inside the water bowl, noting that there was a small detail that was amiss.

Jiangli placed her hands on the table and leaned in a little closer.

Upon a closer look, she frowned and said, "No, Xia Xin, look at this. These images seem to be jumbled up. This looks like a rabbit, doesn't it? But the rabbit's ears are here, and the body is over there... And is this a pig's head? Even the top and bottom halves of the face are separated and mismatched."

Hearing this, Xia Xin and Wan Jiayuan, suppressing their fear, moved closer, almost cheek to cheek with the water bowl.