44, On the way

Three little stray cats took a few bites of their food, then used their fluffy heads to nuzzle against the man who fed them, by way of expressing their gratitude.

Yang Yuran had heard that stray cats are incredibly cautious and won't allow strangers to come near them. For them, an attempt at bravery for some closeness could cost them their lives. There was a sensational report last year about a convenience store owner's cat that was very friendly to people.

A man, just having taken a scolding from his boss, happened to encounter the kitty under the company building. When he called it, the little cat approached him, wagging its tail. After petting the cat a couple of times, the man grabbed its tail, slammed it to the ground, and when he saw the cat hadn't died, he went on to stomp on it five or six times. He vented all his anger from his boss onto the defenseless little cat, utterly devoid of humanity.