95. Accompanying the kids for a photo shoot_3

When she saw the first cut of the film, she couldn't tell if it resembled the intended effect or not. The raw footage without special effects revealed a comical undertone, with the actors bursting into laughter or breaking into tears at the air from time to time, which indeed demonstrated their acting capabilities but made the plot impossible to deduce.

In every profession, the most taboo thing is for outsiders to give unsolicited advice, and Yang Yuran was well aware of her limitations; her talent for directing and screenwriting was confined to creating clips that could go viral on Tik Tok.

She chose to keep her mouth shut and quietly waited for Susan to speak.

Susan sat on a stool and watched the initial cut of the film four times, her frown deepening with each viewing.

Kong Tengyu and Fan Sirui stood side by side behind Susan, each in a very different state of mind.