About an hour later, Janet arrived with the envelope. I thanked her and quickly closed the door, ripping it open. My eyes scanned the letter, my breath catching in my throat.

It was from the private detective I had hired to file a case against Stella, using the proof my private investigator had provided.


I reviewed the evidence provided by your investigator regarding Stella's activities. Unfortunately, the proof isn't sufficient to file a solid case against her. Without stronger evidence, pursuing this case is not advisable. I recommend putting this matter aside unless more substantial proof can be obtained.

Sincerely, Detective Harris

My hands trembled as I read the letter again. So, despite everything, there wasn't enough to bring Stella down legally. Frustration bubbled up inside me. I had hoped this would be the breakthrough I needed, something to finally open Ethan's eyes.

I stared at the documents, my mind racing. What should I do now? How could I get more proof? And what if I never found it? The idea of letting this go was unbearable. Stella had caused so much pain, not just to Ethan but now to me too.

I paced around my living room, trying to calm my emotions. Ethan deserved to know the truth about Stella, but how could I convince him without solid proof? Would he even believe me after everything that had happened?

My heart ached with the thought of Ethan's pain. He had already been through so much with Stella, and now, here I was, caught in the middle of it all. Could I just let this go? Could I walk away knowing Stella might never face consequences for her actions?

No. I couldn't. I had to find a way to get more proof. I had to protect Ethan, even if it meant risking everything.

But how? How could I dig deeper? My mind swirled with plans and possibilities. Maybe I could hire another investigator, someone more experienced. Or perhaps I could confront Stella myself, try to catch her off guard. The risks were high, but I had no other choice. I couldn't let her win.

I took a deep breath, I picked up the letter again, and frustration began boiling inside me. I grabbed my phone and dialed Frank's number. He picked up after a few rings.

"Hello, Lizzy."

"Frank," I began, my voice trembling with anger, "I just got a letter from the detective. He says the proof you provided isn't enough to file a case against Stella. Do you have any more information?"

There was a pause on the other end. "Lizzy, I've given you everything I have. I'm sorry, but—"

"Sorry?" I cut him off, my voice rising. "Sorry isn't good enough, Frank! I need more than this. I need solid proof, something that will bring her down."

"I understand, but I've hit a wall. Stella is careful. There's not much more I can—"

"No!" I shouted, my frustration spilling over. "You can do more. You have to do more. I'm paying you to get results, not excuses. I need you to dig deeper. Find something, anything that will help me." I yelled at him, pouring all my frustration out like he was at fault.

"Lizzy, I'm doing my best. These things take time—"

"I don't have time, Frank!" I yelled, tears of anger stinging my eyes. "You need to find something, or I'll find someone who can."

Frank sighed heavily. "I'll keep looking, but I can't promise anything."

"Then try harder!" I snapped, my voice breaking. "I'm tired of excuses. Just do your job, Frank."

I hung up, my hands shaking with rage. I felt like I was trapped in a never-ending nightmare, and no one seemed to care as much as I did. I wanted to scream, to break something, to do anything to release the anger and frustration building inside me.

I threw my phone onto the couch and buried my face in my hands, trying to calm down. But the anger was still there, burning bright. I needed results. I needed to bring Stella down. And I would stop at nothing to make sure I see it happen.


Beforehand at the office.


"Ethan, I've always thought of you as one of the company's best assets," Mr. Douglas began, his tone measured. "But I understand there might be some personal issues at play here."

Ethan opened his mouth to explain, but Mr. Douglas held up a hand, stopping him. "Please, let me finish."

Ethan nodded, his palms sweating. He was scared, scared his reputation had been ruined. Scared Mr. Douglas wouldn't take it likely for sleeping with his daughter. He didn't want to get his boss upset or leave the company on a bad note. He had done a lot for him and this wasn't how he thought of repaying him.

Mr. Douglas walked over to his desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out an envelope. He handed it to Ethan, who took it with trembling hands. "Open it."

Ethan hesitated, then tore the envelope open. Inside was a promotion letter, offering him a position he had dreamed of for years. His eyes widened in shock. This wasn't what he was expecting.

"We've been watching your work, Ethan," Mr. Douglas said, his voice softer now. "You've earned this promotion. The company needs someone like you in this role."

Ethan's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. He had come here to resign, to run away from the mess he had created with Lizzy. But now, this promotion was everything he had worked for. He looked up at Mr. Douglas, struggling to find the right words.

"Sir, I… I don't know what to say," Ethan stammered.

Mr. Douglas leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "Ethan, I know there are personal matters you need to sort out. But I believe in your potential. Think carefully before making any rash decisions."

Ethan felt a lump in his throat. He had to tell Mr. Douglas about his resignation. "Sir, I came here to resign. I felt like it was the right thing to do after... everything."

Mr. Douglas's eyes widened slightly, but he remained composed. "Resign? Ethan, don't make a hasty decision based on personal issues. This promotion is a testament to your hard work and dedication."

Ethan looked down at the letter, his mind racing. He wanted this job, but he also didn't want to face Lizzy after what had happened. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts.

"Sir, I'm honored by this promotion. But I need some time to think things over. There are things I need to resolve before I can fully commit."

Mr. Douglas nodded his expression of understanding. "Take the time you need, Ethan. But remember, this opportunity won't wait forever. Make your decision wisely."

Ethan stood up, clutching the promotion letter. "Thank you, sir. I'll think it over."

As he left Mr. Douglas's office, Ethan's mind was filled with loads of thoughts. He had a lot to consider, not just about his job, but about his mess with Lizzy. He needed to clear his head, to figure out what he truly wanted.

Just as he was walking out, he met Janet. She looked like she was leaving the office.

"Janet" he called out.

She stopped at the mention of her name. Everyone knew Janet for her sharp ears. "Leaving so soon?" He asked her, walking closer to her.

"Yes, Miss Douglas requested I bring these envelopes for her," Janet said.

Ethan stared at the envelopes in her hand, sighting the resignation letter he had tendered. He knew he couldn't let it get to Lizzy, not while he had not made his decision. "Please can I have the envelope I dropped earlier?"

Janet frowned at him, waiting for more explanations for his actions, or should I say gossip she could feed on.

"I will give it to her myself." He added.

"Okay." She said, causally handing over the envelope to him.

As she turned to leave, "Don't inform her about this."

Ethan saw her murmur underneath her breath as she walked away leaving him alone by the hallway, "I just hope gossiping Janet keeps this between us." Ethan sighed.