
● Satellite

Exact Location: Zone Protection Wall.

Liam, Thomas, Zara, and Cole stepped out of their vehicle before approaching the wall.

[Anyone infected?] The protection wall admin's voice asked through a standing microphone.

"Negative," Mister Jenkins replied.

There was a few minutes of silence before a capsule opened, allowing them to enter. The capsule was there to wash away every dot of infection on their suit before they were allowed entrance into the main Satellite space for yet another spraying.

Liam looked at himself in the mirror of the shower he was in as the water washed down his face. He had tanned skin with short light brown hair and teal green eyes. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to shake off the image of what he saw while inside the Forbidden Zone.

"Hurry it up, Liam, we've got to send a report to the Library." The teal green-eyed man looked through the glass door to see Zara walking towards the exit with a towel covering her body. She was pale-skinned like most Grey Landers with long arctic blue hair that poured down to her back and large blue eyes.

(The Library is a sub-organization owned by JERICHO, the largest and wealthiest organization on the Grey Land. The Library is responsible for issuing missions to the Sweepers Organization all the while purchasing any resources the Sweepers bring with them from the Inner Core.)

"I'll be out in a moment," he said. He wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower where he met Zara already dressed in a simple shirt and trousers.

"Took you long enough," she said while tossing a syringe to him.

The light brown-haired man grabbed the syringe and stabbed it in his shoulders. The Injection was a process they took after every successful mission as a precaution for if the individual has been infected by chance.

Thomas stepped out of one of the many showers while yawning and stretching his body, also with a towel around his waist. He was dark-skinned with short-cut dark hair and brown eyes. "God, I'm so wasting every chip I get on junk food, I am starving."

"Wait, Thomas is still in here and you were yelling at me?" Liam chipped.

"Yeah, at least he doesn't take forever to get ready." She looked at Thomas and then at Liam before walking out of the room.

The dark-haired man furrowed. "What just happened?" He questioned, completely out of the loop.

A few moments later, the four including Cole Jenkins made their way to the Library where they were to get their pay. Zara continued to slap the floor with her feet as they waited for the other Sweepers to be cleared.

"Are you okay?" Liam questioned.

The arctic blue-haired lady sighed and pushed back a stray hair. "I'm fine, I'm just eager to get back home, my fiance hates it when I'm late for a date he planned out."

"Right, your fiance," he repeated.

Zara slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a rock that had shiny dots all over it. "How much do you think they are gonna pay for this?" She questioned.

The light brown-haired man looked at it and shrugged. "I don't know, a couple thousand Chips."

She shook her head and slipped it back into her pocket. "Looks expensive… hope it's around hundreds of thousands."

"Liam Grayson!!" A voice called out before the said name could add anything to what his conversation partner said. Even without turning to see the speaker, Liam could already tell who it was.

"Owen Bennett."

The said name walked over to Liam and wrapped his hand around his shoulder. Owen was a tall, light-skinned man with neatly combed back blonde hair. He had dark blue eyes and a stubble beard.

"I heard Jenkins almost screwed up for your crew again," he laughed. "It's about time you guys kicked him out of the crew, it is time for him to drop the suit anyway."

Liam pushed Owen's hand from his shoulder. "Mister Jenkins didn't screw anything up, I actually…"

"Whatever men," the blonde-haired man chipped. "Look, because I like you, I'm gonna tell you some information I heard from HQ."

He cleared his throat and leaned in to whisper to the teal green-eyed man but his voice came out loud enough for everyone paying attention to hear what he said. "Daniel's got a recruit for your squad, and for some reason, you are to mentor him."

"Me? Why?"

Owen shrugged and started away from them. "I actually don't care. See you later Grayson boy," he laughed as he walked away.

After making their report, the four made their way out of the Library and into the main street of Satellite. "Hey Liam, Thalia's cooking your favorite today, do you want to come with me?" Cole asked.

"Fish and fries?"

The gray-haired man nodded yes. "We've got the malt vinegar this time."

"Ohh, count me in."

"This isn't fair Mr. Jenkins."

The gray-haired man turned to see Zara and Thomas staring at him with a frown all over their faces. "What isn't fair?" He questioned.

"You only ever invite Liam over, what about us?"

Cole fully turned to face the two. "I always assumed you two would say no like you've always…"

"Actually, I'm still saying no, I have someone waiting for me," Thomas chipped before taking a step back. "Later."

"Didn't you say you had a date with your finance tonight?" The light brown-haired man asked.

Zara narrowed her eyes at him before shaking her head. "Yup, you are right, sorry I even brought it up… how could I have forgotten, plus who has fish as their favourite? Come on Liam." Without waiting for his reply, she turned and walked away from the two.

Mister Jenkins crossed his arm while pinching his jaw as he watched the arctic blue-haired lady walked away.

● Graviton

Exact Location: Lens 24r street.

A lady wearing a white oversuit walked out of a store with a sack in her hand. She was pale-skinned with short green hair and blue eyes. The loud words of a pale-skinned Grey Lander with gray hair and blue eyes on the other side of the street drew her attention, causing her to stop and listen to what he was saying.

The man's face contorted with fervor. He stood at the center of the street, his voice rising above the din of the crowd. He moved in a rhythmic action, using his movement to block the path of the vehicles passing by.

Though most tried to ignore him, his words still drew the gazes and attention of some around. "Brothers and sisters, fellow Grey Landers," he began, his tone impassioned.

"We stand at a crossroads, a pivotal moment in our history. The Greyes have left us, and this is not because of something we did, the zone is moving into our spaces and this was not how it is!" As he spoke, his gestures grew more animated, emphasizing each point with conviction.

"Hear me, my brothers and sisters, we must act swiftly and decisively," he continued, his voice ringing with urgency. "We must annihilate every single human that walks the face of this planet. Only then will we be able to avoid the end of the world."

"These humans are the reason we are in this predicament, we must annihilate every human before it is too late! Hear me!"

The green-haired lady shook her head and turned her heels, walking towards one of the many buildings around. She looked around before pushing the door open. The moment she entered the house, a hand grabbed her collar and pinned her to a wall, causing the sack she was holding to fall from her hand. She attempted to unhand herself but the force applied was too strong she couldn't budge.

Her eyes finally adjusted to the light in the room, finally allowing her to catch sight of the individuals there. The man pinning her to the wall was huge, bald, with dark eyes, and had a Bio-mask (A mask worn when a human from a different space travels to another) over his nose and mouth. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized who it was.

With horror lingering on her face, she looked over the man's shoulder to see three other new faces. Two of them also had the Bio-mask over their face and mouth, one of them was light-skinned with long caramel hair and blue eyes while the other was short with yellow hair and eyes. They both stood behind her brother who was tied to a chair with a cloth over his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

The last one of the new faces was a tanned-skinned man standing by a window in the room. He was muscular with dark hair and dark yellow eyes. Only he among the four had no Bio-mask on.

"Jack," she muttered.

"Jack, ask if she speaks English because I will not be caught dead speaking their foul language," the man by the window said to the caramel-haired man behind him. Being the leader of the Other Worlders, and a proud man who believes humans are superior to all beings, the dark yellow-eyed man felt it would be an insult to speak the Grey language so he had the language code of his Artificial Intelligence chip deleted.

"****" Jack started in the other tongue but was cut short by the lady before he could finish his words.

"I understand and speak English fluently," she chipped.

The man finally turned to face the blue-eyed lady. "Good, at least it won't be an ear soar to speak with you."

He took a step forward before speaking. "My name is Logan Baker, and I am the leader of the Other Worlders," he started. "The fool you have been communicating with is sadly my second, Jack."

"Why have you brought him here?" The lady asked in the Grey tongue.

Logan frowned and turned to the caramel-haired man behind him. "What did she say?"

"She asked why I've brought you here."

The leader of the Other Worlders rubbed the back of his ear and waved the man pinning her away. He stayed quiet for a second before speaking. "Two things--- one, you can speak English so never talk in that fucked up language again," he stated. "Two, I'm here because you fail to see your end of our agreement through."

"You promised to get us a box of the Exception Artificial Intelligence if we found your missing brother, we did then you ghosted us…"

"That is because I found out my brother was kidnapped by you all along."

Logan's face morphed into a frown as he stepped closer to the green-haired lady, leaving only a few inches between them as he stared deep into her blue eyes.

"There are two things I hate: traitors, and Grey Landers, you happen to be both so pick your words carefully girl."

"She's actually a Star Blood," Jack chipped.

"Well congratulations, you are the offspring of two worthless creatures, now listen carefully because I'll only say this once…" he paused for a second before speaking again. "You have until the tenth sunset of this month before I return for my Artificial Intelligence, fail to do this, and I'll make sure you never forget my face, even in your grave."

Logan turned and started towards the door. "Let's get out of here."
