Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 2

Author: Jiushijiu

She couldn't see the wound, and there was no mirror here. So she decided to ask someone to help.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Although there was a beauty in front of him, her ferocious performance just now made the real estate agent dare not do anything more. He squatted down seriously and started to apply ointment to Ryuuen Shoko, not only her face, but also her arms and thighs. .

After applying it, he put the band-aid on again and then returned to his position. However, he did not take back the wound medicine and band-aid, but placed them on Ryūen Shoko's desk.

He knew that Ryuuen Shoko still had some wounds covered by clothes, but it would be indecent for him to apply them himself, so he stayed here so that Ryuuen Shoko could apply them himself when he returned.

Or... find a little girl to help? Then it has nothing to do with the housing agency.

Kings are all arrogant, just like the wolf king who licks his scars alone after being injured. If someone else is courting him, he may not be happy to take a bite. At least the real estate agents dare not touch the wounds hidden in their clothes.

Returning to his position, he saw Ryūen Shoko turn his chair 180 degrees, turned to look at the housing agent, and even crossed his legs on his desk.

From the housing agent's perspective, he could see Ryūen Shoko's fair legs. Even though there were many scars and bruises, he had to admit that they were a great pair of legs.

It's a pity that she now knows how to cover some parts, so he can't see the scenery under the skirt.

"Okay, let's continue talking about whether I am a tyrant or an overlord."

The things that need to be dealt with have been dealt with, and Ryūen Shoko plans to continue to listen to the housing agent: "It's not my style to be soft on the inside. I think you saw it, right?"

"Yeah, I saw it. But that doesn't affect the point of being gentle on the inside."

The real estate agent leaned down and nodded at the classmate next to him: "At least in this incident, I can see that you are a bully, not a tyrant."

"Huh? I've beaten them like this, and you still think I'm a bully?"

"why not?"

The real estate agent sat upright again and looked directly at Ryūen Shoko: "What do you think a tyrant is like? Is it enough to just beat the classmates like this? This is just a punishment for the disobedient ministers. If you are a tyrant I'm sorry, I didn't see a river of blood, I didn't see any broken limbs, and I didn't see anyone's teeth being knocked out. It was just a flesh wound, not serious."

He had experienced a gang fight on campus. At that time, some people had their teeth knocked out, some had a broken spine, some had their arms broken, and some were beaten until they bled profusely. That campus violence directly led to the expulsion of five or six students, and a large number of students were detained for probation. Compared with those, the housing agency really felt that this fight was child's play.

"Not even a bit of bullying after the victory, I feel like you are a bully even more."

No matter what, the real estate agent wants to promote her to the bully. There are many people in China who are called overlords. Whether it is Xiang Yu or the little overlord Sun Ce, none of them can be compared to Ryūen Shoko. But when you see people talking about others, you talk about ghosts. At this time, if the real estate agent said that she is a bully, then she is a bully. No one doesn't like to hear good things. No matter what kind of monarch he is, he likes to hear good things from others.

If you dare to say that she is a tyrant now, just wait and see if she will beat you with her fist. After all, the real estate agent just said that tyrants are dogs that bark at others.

Chapter 4 Let's call it hiding one's skill from one's clumsiness.

"Okay, I'm the Overlord, so what happens next? What else do you want to say?"

"What to say... Actually there is nothing to say. Now that you have been recognized as our king, I think there should be nothing else to do today. After all, many things have not been investigated yet, and there is nothing to say now. Yes. Besides, there should be some students who haven't figured out the situation yet, and they need to think about it carefully after they go back."

The real estate agent said, looking around for a week, and finally looked at Mr. Sakagami Suma, who had been holding popcorn or watermelon while watching the show: "Teacher, is there anything else you need to say?"

"No more, no more."

"Then can we get off from school?"

"Yes, yes."

Sakagami Suma's appearance of an old father baffles the real estate agent. Are you too stupid to be the class teacher?

"Hey, let me say, I am the king and you are the king?"

When the real estate agent was talking to Sakagami Suma, Ryūen Shoko's leg lightly hit the real estate agent's table. It was obvious that the C-like king was a little unhappy.

Apparently, she felt the real estate agent had gone a bit too far.

"Ahem, my king, the king does not need to do everything himself. At least in my opinion, it is enough for me to do such small things. You should do more important things."

The real estate agent said, looking at the wound medicine behind Ryūen Shoko. Although he didn't say anything, everything was unspoken.

"Then tell me, what is more important?"

"Of course, I have to face tomorrow's challenge, my king. There are many students who are still not convinced, but they are only surrendered to you because of the situation. Therefore, I think, let them think about it carefully after they go back. The more they think about it, If you get angry, I will definitely challenge you tomorrow, so you may encounter stronger obstacles tomorrow, so I think it is more important to take a break now."

"Ha, you're glib. Forget it, since you said you'll do the rest, just do your best and don't let me down."

Ryūen Shoko picked up her bag and strode out of the classroom.

Although she looked nonchalant, the way she took away the medicine and her walking posture was slightly wrong. It seemed that she must have been seriously injured this time.

Forget it, if she can't survive this little ordeal, then she shouldn't be the king of Class C and just be a bad girl.

Seeing Ryūen Shoko leave, the real estate agent clapped his hands: "Hey, everyone, you have gone home from school, why are you still here? By the way, everyone should go back and think about it carefully. If you don't want to surrender, As for Ryuuen Shoko, it's best to discuss how to defeat her tomorrow. If you are scared, then just listen to her. That's all I can say. After school, everyone should go back to their respective homes. , is there any classmate who is willing to take these students to the infirmary? In the future, we will all be in the same class. It is best to communicate more, especially if you can't stand Long Yuan, take them to the infirmary to discuss countermeasures. Bar."

There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys rule the roost. Because the housing agent was the first to surrender to Ryūen Shoko, everyone listened to him and left.

As for the classmates lying on the ground, they were also taken away. They were just stunned. The injuries were not serious and they could go to the infirmary with support.

"Hey, Teacher Shuma, please stay for a moment."

Seeing that the head teacher was about to leave after finishing his meal, the housing agent quickly stopped him and asked him to wait a moment: "I think you have nothing important to do, teacher? Let's... have a chat?"

It is indeed nothing important to count horses on the slope. This middle-aged man looks serious and cold, but if you really get in touch with him, you can see that he is just cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

After all the students left, Sakagami Suma asked the housing agent: "House-classmate, do you have anything to ask?"

"Of course there are, and there are a lot of them, head teacher."

The real estate agent stood up and stood in front of the window looking at the scenery outside: "After all, there was such a big farce in the class just now. You should have your own ideas after watching it for a long time, right?"

Yes, farce. In the eyes of the housing agent, whether it was Ryūen Shoko or him, or even any of the students in the class who stood up just now, they were all clowns on the stage, and they were all part of the farce.

It was a very boring duel, and it might even become a dark history for them when they look back on the past in the future.

Of course, people without self-awareness will think that this is black history, but not the real estate agent. He knew it was a farce but was still willing to participate in it. He even shamelessly said "my king" and "oh my king" many times. If someone sounds like he can dig out three bedrooms and one living room with his little finger, even if he thinks about it afterwards, he will feel that what he did is really good.

When you have already accepted that you are an actor and start messing around on stage, the whole scene will fall into another situation.

"Ideas? It doesn't matter."

Sakagami Suma also stood in front of the window, looking at the many students leaving the school: "In my opinion, it's already good that a monitor has appeared."

"Then I would like to ask, head teacher, what are your plans?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's the situation in the class? Are you muddle along, or are you motivated?"

"Of course it's best to be motivated. I'm very satisfied with Ryūen's performance now. If she dares to claim to be the king of Class C, then she will definitely lead the class forward. In this way, I don't have to worry about falling into Class D. "

"Knew it."

Although it seems to be a hint from Sakagami Suma, in the eyes of the real estate agent who has read the script, this hint can be used as capital for him to pretend.

"Falling into Class D, does that mean you expect us to become Class A?"

"Becoming Class A? No, it's impossible. Since the establishment of this academy, there has never been a situation where another class graduated as Class A instead."

Sakagami Suma turned his head and looked at the real estate agent: "Your mind works very fast. I didn't expect this. Is your intelligence really only C?"

"Teacher, isn't it necessary to hide one's skills from one's own weaknesses? To be honest, I am not suitable to be a leader, so I let Ryuuen-san be the king. To be honest, I don't care who is the monitor, as long as As long as he can convince the public."

"Are you convinced? To be honest, I'm starting to feel interesting about you. Just now you seemed to be a loyal licker, but within just a day of contact, you can tell who is the most capable person in the class. Maybe the school has underestimated you."

Chapter 5 She is the boss of Class C, and me? Just a fox behind the scenes

If you ignore God's perspective, counting horses on the slope is not bad.

Ryuuen Shoko, if there hadn't been a drama just now, she would have been just a little girl. She even looked like a vase with no fighting ability. The one with thin arms and legs is so different from Albert Yamada.

But the real estate agent reacted immediately and started licking her. It seemed that he was trying to please his master, but without everyone knowing it, he gradually became the real king. He doesn't look like Ryuuen Shoko's dog, but more like a witch master who plays tricks on Ryuuen Shoko.

Looks very childish. But everyone is just a teenager. He can do this at a young age. There is no doubt that he has a bright future.

"Haha, did the school underestimate me? Maybe not. The teacher also had too high expectations for me. After all, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. I'm just a weakling, but I can't be a powerful person."

A real estate agent knows what kind of person he is best, and investing with the wind and against the wind is his benchmark. Despite his calm demeanor, this is all based on understanding the script. If he says what the future will look like, he can't guarantee it.

Sure enough, ancient wars relied on intelligence. The more information, the better the action. The ancients never deceived me.

"But teacher, that's not what I want to ask. Just let me finish the question slowly first."

"Okay, then go ahead and ask."

"I think that whether Class C can become Class A, or fall into Class D, it definitely doesn't mean that it can be achieved. It must be related to some scores, right?"


"That's related to points, which means... there should be a set of things that we don't know about now that are secretly calculating our scores. Is this a scoring system or a losing point system? It should be both. Points will be deducted for small things and big things. Extra points, who has the higher score in the end, who is Class A?"

"As expected, your insight and association are very strong. What else can you see?"

Unexpectedly, there was a student who could detect the S point on the first day. It was impossible to say that he was not surprised by the horse counting. This kind of talent should appear in Class A, so how could it appear in Class C?

He felt that his class was even more interesting. At this pace, his bonus will definitely not be bad.

Sakagami Suma attaches great importance to class honors. But his emphasis is not for moral reasons, but purely for his own bonus.

Otherwise, he would not have allowed Ryūen Sho to do whatever he wanted in the original work, and he would only be disappointed when Ryūen Sho could no longer control Class C.

This means that he is not the kind of pedantic teacher who doesn't care about students' moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic abilities. He only cares about the results.

This kind of boss is both easy and difficult to deal with. But at least it would be easy to say that he is willing to delegate power.

There are policies and there are countermeasures. The real estate agent is chatting with Sakagami Suma just to better understand what kind of existence he, the class teacher, is like.

If he is easy to talk to, then he is also a great fighting force on his side. He needs to prove his strength to Sakagami Suma. Even though he has been saying that he can't do this or that, he has no say in whether he can do it or not. Sakagami Suma has to figure it out for himself.

What's more... a humble person is less likely to be dismissed. If he is boasting here now, then if there is a slight mistake, his score in the eyes of horse counting will be greatly reduced. But if he remains humble, Sakagami will not do anything to him as long as it is not a big mistake.

"I also feel...this score will be related to the points we get on the 1st of every month, right?"

The real estate agent turned his head and looked at Sakagami. The two looked at each other, but both had smiles on their faces.

"One hundred thousand per month sounds great, but will the college really give that much every month? Let's count 40 people in a class, so one class is four million, and four classes is sixteen million. , this number and money can be equated. Sixteen million is spent on students a month, and it will be hundreds of millions in a year. This is just one class. I don't think any high school has such a big one. Courage, right?"

Snap, snap.

Several people on Sakagami applauded. He had to admit that the real estate agency really gave him a big surprise.

He has been in this school for so long, and this is the first time he has seen a student with such outstanding insight.

He didn't know the script, so he could only assume that it was the real estate agent who saw it. And there's nothing wrong with his reasoning.

Sometimes, logic is hidden on the surface and seems normal, but if you think deeply, there will be many problems.

It is true that many smart people will be able to detect the problem later, but on the first day, when everyone is happy to spend 100,000 points every month, he can still detect this, which is very inconsistent. It's unusual.

"So do you have any ideas?"

"I have a lot of ideas, but they are not urgent. I just want to know what you think, teacher."

The real estate agent's smile gradually disappeared. He looked at Sakagami Suma calmly: "I want to know how much concessions the teacher can make in order to let Class C move up."

"If you can become Class A."

"Ah... I can't guarantee this. After all, I'm only at the level of Class C, so I can't guarantee what kind of people B and A are, teacher. I can only say that I will try my best to live up to your expectations."

A real estate agent never guarantees anything, and he never gives expectations to the other party. After all, if you expect this kind of thing, if you don't do it well, the other party will hate you even more.

If you don't give the other person expectations, you won't give him despair. Rather than telling him in advance, it would be more accurate to give him a bigger surprise then.

Giving enough expectations in advance can indeed obtain the maximum resources, but if it fails, the housing agency cannot bear the huge price, so he must be conservative and prudent.

"Then I can only say that as far as you can go, I will be able to support you."

"Then I think...at least for now the teacher can turn a blind eye, okay?"

"Yes, of course. I can still do this."

It's easy to do nothing, and Sakagami Suma certainly agreed: "But I hope that you can truly unite the whole class."

"It's not me, it's Ryuuen-san, isn't it? She is the king of our class."

"So you're going to be behind the scenes?"

"Teacher, you are joking. I am just a strategist even if I am exhausted."

Although the real estate agent was so boastful, to Sakagami Suma, it looked like nine white tails were coming out of his back.

This is not a military advisor, this is a nine-tailed fox!

Chapter 6 Why would anyone be attracted to my wild vegetable set meal?

"Huh, I'm so tired. This hour has passed and I'm more tired than the whole day."

After chatting with Sakagami Suma, the real estate agent couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He couldn't say how much of what he just said was an act and how much of it was true feelings. But when Ryūen Shoko started to declare that he was the king of Class C, he already knew that his practical teaching life would begin today.

"Uh... let's go have dinner first, and then go back to the dormitory and think about the future."

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