Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 16

Author: Jiushijiu

"Okay, I have nothing to do here. Sister, please let everyone go have a meal. Shiina, please bring a meal for me and eldest sister."

"Kaneda Satoru stays."

"Oh, Shiina, please help bring a meal to Kaneda-san and Yamada-san. Nishino-san, it should be okay for you to bring a meal to Shiina-san, right?"

After hearing what Ryuuen Shoko said through gritted teeth, the real estate agent added to Shiina that he was worried that Shiina could not handle food for four people by himself and asked Nishino Takeko to help with the food.

After all, Takeko Nishino is also a girl, so it should be possible for two girls to help together.

To be honest, if Ryuuen Shoko wasn't so angry right now, he might have asked his classmates from other classes to bring him food.

Um? Who do you want to call? It might be Kushida, it might be Ichinose, or Ayanokouji. But no matter who he chooses, it will probably make Ryuuen Shoko even more angry.

The real estate agent glanced at Kinda Satoru, who was trembling there. The real estate agent couldn't help but shook his head and looked at Albert Yamada next to him. He took out the wound medicine from his bag and threw it to Albert: "You did a good job. Let me ask you, do you dare to be more cruel?"


Albert didn't hesitate at all. He replied immediately.

"Okay, I will definitely have a bite of your flesh when things are done. Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I will never treat you badly. Guilty will be punished, but merit will be rewarded."

Albert's appearance made the real estate agent very happy. He was extremely grateful that he was in Class C. If he was in Class B, he wouldn't be willing to treat the little angels like this.

Albert has a rough scalp and thick flesh, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to sacrifice a little.

The real estate agent, who was stroking his chin and thinking, looked at Ryuuen Shoko who was slapping Kinda Satoru, and he felt harsh even looking at that slap.

My face was swollen from the beating. I really lost all my energy in that big fight. Every time I hit him, I felt like I was going to knock Kinda Satoru away.

Seeing this, the real estate agent couldn't help but lower his head, pick up his cell phone, and send a message to Hiyori Shiina: "It's best to give Kaneda-san a thinner lunch. His face is so swollen that he may not be able to eat most of the food. "

Chapter 32 Whoever delivers the news first will get the money first!

"Um...who is that classmate?"

"Teacher, he didn't sleep well yesterday. He was sleepy in class, so he was standing there."

After the teacher walked in from the door, he looked at Kinda Satoru standing at the back and didn't know what he meant. The housing agent below answered the teacher's questions.

"Then his face..."

"He was worried that he would fall asleep, so he kept fanning himself. He was so hard on himself that his face was swollen. Don't worry, teacher, the medicine has been applied. It just looks scary."

"Um...okay then."

Regarding the situation in Class C, the teacher really couldn't say anything, so she could only watch him standing there.

At noon, the real estate agency finally stopped Ryuuen Shoko's behavior. The reason was that Kinda Satoru could not be made to behave too miserably, otherwise points might be deducted due to disunity in the class.

The remaining punishments were changed to corporal punishment.

Looks like you're just standing in the last row? It's not that simple. The real punishment is where the teacher can't see it.

The hands behind Kinda Satoru's back were holding a plastic cup with water in it. If water is found spilled after class, then he will be beaten again after class in the afternoon.

At worst, just ask him for sick leave tomorrow.

Regarding Ryūen Shoko's behavior, the housing agent said nothing. He neither supported nor opposed it.

After all, he couldn't beat Ryūen Shoko.

No matter how smart you think you are, this is a classroom where strength comes first, and strength is about fists. He couldn't defeat Ryūen Shoko, so he couldn't disobey her.

Even asking for mercy from Kaneda-san can only be replaced by this method.

As for the glass of water, it was Ryūen Shoko who said it, and he couldn't say anything.

It seems that Kinda Satoru himself lacks understanding. If he really hit the wall immediately when the real estate agent said it, even if it didn't take much effort, Shoko Jindaen wouldn't have said anything.

But the problem came when he hesitated.

You didn't hit hard, it can be said that you were afraid of pain and subconsciously didn't exert any force. But you don't hit, sorry, you are not loyal enough.

Loyalty is either absolute or absolutely disloyal. At least compared to the housing agency, he has no qualifications to let Ryūen Shoko off the hook.

Poor, poor.

The real estate agent couldn't help but shook his head, and he couldn't say anything about this behavior.

There are just fewer problem students in Class C than in Class D, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. Without this intimidation, he wouldn't know how to deal with these guys.

Again, he just wants to be a dog-headed strategist and is too lazy to be a king. The king is too tired and has to pay attention to the mood of his subordinates and think about the pros and cons. It's different for military advisors. They just have to give some advice. Whether they listen or not is none of the king's business.

Then why is he so tired these days, running around every day?

Well... I can only say that he is simply lustful. After all, look, aren't the people he's running around serving all beautiful girls?

"How's it going? Is there any water spilled?"

Ryūen Shoko was still sitting in her seat with a very domineering look, while the real estate agent was measuring whether there was enough water in the cup.

He measured it very carefully, and every second he looked at it, Kinda Satoru next to him would tremble for one more second.

"Yeah, okay, there's nothing to spill."

"Okay, you're lucky, no one may ask for mercy next time. Get out of here."

Seeing Kinda Satoru running away in a hurry, Ryuuen Shoko looked at the housing agent again: "Tell me, why did you call all the girls in the class here this time?"

After class in the afternoon, the housing agent spoke to Ryūen Shoko and asked the girls to stay first. As for whether the school is over or not, the teacher's words are not important, but what Ryuen says is important. Therefore, after she said, 'Boys except Kaneda Satoru can leave, girls can stay', those who should leave should leave, and those who should stay should stay.

After all, the last person who was disobedient has already been punished. Killing chickens to scare monkeys works no matter where you are.

"I have a task for you... Shiina, you can leave now. This task is basically something you can't do."

Ryūen Shoko held her chest and looked at the housing agent sitting on the table looking at the girls in the room. He suddenly called her by name and asked her to leave.

Looking at Shiina leaving, Ryūen Shoko couldn't help but snorted: "What, you don't want her to do the dirty work?"

"No way, it's just that this thing is really not suitable for her. Shiina will go to the library as soon as school is over, and she can't do this job."

As he said that, the real estate agent looked around at the girls in the room: "I will give you a task. Of course, this task is not mandatory and it is not difficult, so if you are not interested, you can just leave."

"Yes, anyone who is not interested can leave."

Ryūen Shoko also added later.

Well, the one who originally wanted to leave couldn't leave. Ryūen Shoko's words blocked everyone's mouths.

Who dares to leave? Who dares to leave? Do you still want to live?

Ryūen Shoko punishes all students equally. She doesn't care whether you are a boy or a girl. So everyone stayed here obediently and listened to the housing agent.

The real estate agent looked back at Ryuuen Shoko and sighed helplessly.

Forget it, that's fine too.

"I need you to keep an eye on someone. You don't need to keep an eye on him 24 hours a day, but you should observe him more when you are in the dormitory."

"Observe who?"

"Kushida Kikyo."

"Don't she have a good relationship with you?"

"That's just superficial. Sister-in-law, other than that, I'm talking about business. I'll talk about teasing later, okay?"

The real estate agent reluctantly persuaded Ryuuen Shoko, let him finish what he needs to do first, right?

"Keep an eye on Kushida Kikyo. If she sneaks out of the room one night, report to me. Pay attention, she must be sneaky, as if she is going to do something shameful. If anyone can report it successfully, I reward her with five thousand points."

"Five thousand points?"

Listening to the housing agent's words, the students reacted fiercely.

Five thousand points is equivalent to five thousand yen. What a lot of money.

"Of course, if multiple people report at the same time, the money will be divided equally. So in order to get a penny, it's best for everyone to keep their eyes open. It should be within the next two weeks, she will almost make some moves, So you all should keep an eye on me. Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who are guilty will be punished. Do you understand?"


"Okay, then I have nothing to do here. Sister, do you have anything else to do here?"

"No more, disband."


After completing this task, the housing agent couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Okay, then you will be one step closer to figuring out Plan B.

After the disbandment, you should go back and have a good rest. You were exhausted yesterday, so there should be nothing to do today...right?

The real estate agent was thinking this, and he suddenly felt something resting on his shoulder.

"Hey, agent, you should be fine, right?"

"There's nothing wrong..."

Chapter 33: So you want to come to my dormitory?

So, there will definitely be girls coming to my dormitory, right?

But this time it's not a cute girl, but a tigress.

"Hey, there's also beer, okay. Are there cold dishes too? Your little life is pretty good."

The real estate agent didn't understand why Ryūen Shoko, who came to his dormitory, reacted more like the owner of this dormitory than him.

As soon as he came in, he walked towards the refrigerator, took out the cold beer and the leftover cold dishes from yesterday, and then went to his bedroom to look at it for a long time.

"Hey, agent, why are your underwear all black?"

"Sister, is this considered sexual harassment?"

The real estate agent was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why Ryūen Shoko looked so familiar.

We've only known each other for three days, right? Don't do this, right?

"Why, as the boss, do you have any problem with getting to know your little brother's living situation? By the way, have you ever held back your urges in the past two days? You must be uncomfortable with being in contact with pretty girls all the time, right?"

She is truly worthy of being a great girl, and her words of tiger and wolf are completely non-stop.

But does the real estate agent dare to tease her back? Don't dare.

The tigress wants to fight with you just for fun. If you really annoy her, it might turn into a physical fight.

He is not Wu Song and cannot defeat Ryūen Shoko.

"So, eldest sister, what exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just feel... you disrespect me a little."

After finding no evidence that the housing agent was secretly playing with a pistol in the house, Ryūen Shoko returned to the living room. She sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs on the small table.

Because there were no slippers for her to wear in the room, she was barefoot. Her white and tender feet looked very tempting, and she would shrink her toes from time to time as if to seduce him.

But all this is an illusion. This little girl who doesn't look tall and powerful can knock down Albert with three punches... By the way, Ryūen Sho's fighting power is not that strong, right? How come you've changed your gender and your strength has improved?

The more powdery the fist is, the harder it will be to hit someone. How can the real estate agent dare to withstand such a fist as big as a milk bag?

But a fist bigger than a sandbag hurts more.

"No matter what, I respect my eldest sister."

"Then why didn't you report to me about your seduction of girls from other classes?"

Ryuuen Shoko didn't know where to find the caramel-flavored melon seeds that the real estate agent had bought when she had nothing to do. She smashed the melon seeds and threw the skins on the ground casually.

Don't you mind squeezing your feet while walking on the ground for a while?

"No, no, this is just a trivial matter. Reporting it to you will only waste your time."

"Oh, it's a trivial matter. Why do you care so much about that trivial matter?"

"Well...after all, I do have a little selfishness."

Looking at the real estate agent's appearance, Ryūen Shoko couldn't help but laugh.

She waved her hand: "Come here."


The real estate agent would not make the same mistake as Kinda Satoru. After listening to Ryuuen Shoko's words, he quickly trotted to Ryuuen Shoko's side.

"Squat down."


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