Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 19

Author: Jiushijiu

"It would be fine if there was surveillance here, but you still dare to act like this without surveillance... Do you know what your behavior is to a vigorous teenager in his teens?"

Throwing Kushida Kikyo to the ground, the real estate agent's entire body was now pressed against hers. Their faces were only four fingers apart, and the powerful male hormones poured into Kushida Kikyo's nasal cavity crazily.

"It's easy for a beauty like you to become intolerable."

"You...you want to act like a hooligan?! Help, uh, uh, uh..."

"Shh, this is the place you chose. It's remote enough and there are no cameras. If I really kill you right here, what can you do?"

The real estate agent took a step closer to Kushida Kikyo. Both of them could feel each other's breathing now.

The real estate agent's breathing was very heavy, and it was obvious that he was very excited. But he has been suppressing this excitement, otherwise he will turn into a beast at any time.

The word "sex" has a knife on its head. When the mood really comes, it's really hard to say what will happen.

"You don't think that just having some fingerprints on your body will be fine, do you? First of all, I want to tell you one thing. Fingerprints on clothes are not so easy to obtain evidence. Secondly, if I splash water on you after I finish the work, the fingerprints will Where will it be? Third, if you sneak out alone at night, what do you think is the probability of encountering this kind of thing? Are you being played by me, or are you longing for this? What happened?"

I have to say that the theory of victim guilt is a very fucking argument. But at this time, using it to deceive Kushida Kikyo is the best choice.

Applying pressure, applying enough pressure is enough to make her mentality collapse, especially what the real estate agent said makes sense... even if it is wrong. He likes to use words to induce others, especially children like Kushida Kikyo. She is only sixteen years old and a freshman in high school. What does she know?

Children are the easiest to lie to.

Seeing that Kushida Kikyo was already crying, the real estate agent released the hand covering her mouth, but the hand gradually moved away.

"No...no...I was wrong, please forgive me..."

"Are you wrong? But you know, if you hadn't been so aggressive in the beginning, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. And...which little cutie just fell into my arms?"


One button was undone by him.

"I was really wrong, please, don't do this...really, don't do this..."


Another button was undone.

Kushida Kikyo is just a weak little girl, how can she compare to a boy like a real estate agent? The advantages in body and gender make her cleverness completely useless, which once again proves that strength is very important.

"Really, then...what are you willing to pay?"

"You can give me anything, please, no, don't continue."


The third button.

There were only four buttons on her body, and three of them had been removed. Her rationality had completely collapsed. She would only beg for mercy now, instead of thinking about what to do next.

Most people are like this. When a disaster is imminent, they have to work hard to solve the problem even if they demolish the east wall to repair the west wall, otherwise they will kill her directly now.

Three incisions were removed, and the fair skin was extremely attractive under the moonlight. The pink hood is also ready to come out.

"Whatever you say will do."

And when Kushida Kikyo said anything was fine, the real estate agent suddenly stopped.

He took off the last button and touched Kushida Kikyo's face: "You should know the consequences of cheating on me, right?"

"I know...I know..."

"Then you should also be able to imagine that the consequences of doing something in person will be even more terrifying, right?"

"I see..."

"Tsk, what a beauty. What a pity."

It went away as quickly as it came. The real estate agent could quickly push her to the ground, and he could also quickly get up and pretend like nothing happened.

"Okay, get up and tidy up your clothes."

Everything just now seemed to be an illusion. The real estate agent who was looking at the moon with his pockets in his pockets and the real estate agent who seemed to be about to take her down at any moment seemed to be completely different people.

She couldn't understand or see through. What exactly does this man want to do?

But she knew that now she was a piece of fish on the knife board and could only be slaughtered by him.

Get up from the ground and button up all the buttons on your body bit by bit. She lowered her head and listened to the housing agent's instructions.

"Hand over your phone."


Biting her lip, Kushida Kikyo took out her cell phone from her pocket. She turned it on and handed it to the housing agent.

She didn't dare think about what the real estate agent wanted to do, look at the privacy of her mobile phone? Transfer the points in her phone? Or download some software that can monitor her?

"Okay, here you go."

But it only took more than ten seconds for him to throw the phone back to Kushida Kikyo.

Kushida Kikyo, who got her phone back, saw the 'new friend' message on her phone.

Just add friends?

"You just said that you are willing to do anything, so you should listen to me carefully when the time comes. What you said at the beginning is indeed right, this college is very fucked up. He just wants to play tricks and let the four classes ABCD Fight with each other. You have a certain say in Class D. I need you to control Class D well. When I need you, don't refuse, otherwise..."

The real estate agent forcefully pulled her in front of him so that she could look directly at him.

The two were very close to each other again, but this time, she could feel that the housing agent's temperament was completely different from before.

If just now he was a pervert who hadn't touched a girl in decades and wanted to do it, then now he is like a ruthless leader.

"You will regret it. You will regret it even more than you just did. Do you understand?"

"I see."

"Very well, as long as you understand."

The real estate agent let go of Kushida Kikyo and continued: "But of course, I won't do it in vain if I ask you to do things. As long as you can complete the things I ask you perfectly, then I will give you points so that you can do better. Life will not be easy for you, Class D, believe me."

"What do you mean?"

"Also, if you feel any pressure, you can come to my dormitory to vent. At least it's safer than here."

The real estate agent didn't intend to answer Kushida Kikyo, but patted her shoulder and left.

His behavior made Kushida Kikyo completely confused about what he wanted to do. She could only watch the man leave blankly, and she didn't realize that she should leave quickly until she sneezed because she felt cold.

Chapter 38: Thousands of gold to buy horse bones

'Well done, the five thousand points are yours. '

This time, only this girl informed him of the situation, so she naturally got the money.

Five thousand points is equivalent to five thousand yen, which is a lot of money in the academy. Although he would give 100,000 points every month, he made it clear on the first day of school that he would not necessarily give so many points every month thereafter, maybe more, maybe less.

But everyone knows in their hearts that the possibility of getting more money is very low, but the possibility of getting less money is extremely high, so having extra money is naturally a very cost-effective thing. What's more... the effort required is not huge.

There is an allusion that real estate agents like very much, a thousand gold buys a horse's bones. He knew that a single act of cruelty was useless, and that a combination of kindness and power was what truly convinced people.

Only with authority can they dare not disobey. Only with kindness can they have the motivation to work. In the original work, Ryuuen Sho is only powerful but not kind. It is normal for the empire to be overthrown as a result. Not everyone obeyed him.

But now, with Enhou, it's different. It's okay if you don't accept it, but I don't believe you won't do it if there is a job. If you do it, you will be rewarded. Even if you don't obey me, you won't play tricks. After all, if the mission fails, you will not be the only one who will suffer losses.

The real estate agent knows that it is only the early stage of the early stage. What he needs to establish with Ryūen Shoko is prestige. One is a bad guy and the other is a good guy. Everyone needs to know what the price of disobedience is, and everyone needs to know the importance of obedience. What are the benefits.

The real estate agent believes that the five thousand points will be spread among the class tomorrow, and the first horse bone has been purchased.

As for the second one? It just depends on whether Albert can do it well. If he can succeed, the housing agency will give the class a big surprise.

"Well...it's finally over~"

Just like that, the third day is over~

And at the beginning of the fourth day, it was a good thing that he was no longer pinned down on the table by Ryūen Shoko and twisted his arms~ Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations~

But looking at Ryuuen Shoko's expression of wanting to cause trouble, the real estate agent knew that today would definitely be another troubled day... in spring.

"So when are we going to do it?"

"No rush, let's build momentum next."

"Building momentum?"

"Yes, create momentum."

The real estate agent showed a happy expression. This is what planning should look like. You can't just start scheming against others, but you need to lay the groundwork to make everything unreasonable become reasonable from the beginning.

Albert was strong, which was the single and biggest problem with this operation. Therefore, he needs to give a signal, a signal to other classes - they, Class C, don't want to cause trouble, at least the top leaders of Class C, don't want to cause trouble.

So how to disguise it?

"When the time comes, we will do this, do that, and do that."

The housing agent began to tell everyone, and soon Ryūen Shoko understood his plan.

"Wouldn't this be too much trouble?"

"Trouble? Let me just say this, sister. If this vote goes through, not only can we trick Class A, but we can also make a lot of money. So we can't be too cautious."

He didn't pay any points for this operation, because this activity was an activity that needed to last for several days. If the money was calculated based on the number of times... he was a bit overwhelmed.

Besides, this operation was commanded by Long Yuan, so it's none of his business.

If you think about it this way, it seems like he can save a lot of money, right?

Well, you can indeed save a lot of money, but you still have to shell out a small amount of money.

Of course, the money was not for his classmates, but for Kushida.

Well, he needed to put Kushida to work.

'After the second get out of class, you try to make an appointment with Karuizawa to go to XX place. I'll give you 3,000 points after it's done. '

3000 points is not a lot, but what Kushida has to do is not difficult either. It's just a matter of asking someone to take it somewhere, it's not much trouble, why not take advantage of the opportunity to make a little money?

After sending the message, the housing agent couldn't help but sigh and lay down on the table.

"What's the matter with your desperate expression?"

Ryūen Shoko slapped the hand of the real estate agent who unconsciously extended his hand into her domain to cheer him up.

"I just feel like the points are not enough..."

"Who told you to give people points for doing work?"

"Then you have to give some motivation, and you have to give both kindness and power... You have to find a way to earn points..."

At this time, real estate agents need to start thinking about how to earn points. It is true that you can earn points by cheating Class A, but those points will only be earned next month. Don't talk about being frugal this month, right?

Hey, I have a headache...

"It's your own fault."

Looking at the distressed look of the housing agent, Ryūen Shoko just raised her eyebrows. In her opinion, the housing agent was just bringing it upon himself.

During the class, the real estate agent pretended to be listening carefully and scribbled on the paper, but in fact he was calculating his points for this month.

For this plan, he spent a lot of money. He has to pay out of his own pocket for the sake of class... Well, he has to endure this pain.

Of course, he could also explain this matter to Ryūen Shoko and ask her to search everyone. But...the housing agency thinks this is not good.

On the one hand, this can arouse their displeasure. On the other hand, he has no interest in making poor people's money.

He still has some conscience in his heart, otherwise he would have let Ryūen Shoko start amassing money. She has the entire class under her control, and there is no problem in asking them to hand over tens of thousands of points.

But what the real estate agency wants more is the points from Class A. Class A is rich and extremely rich, so they must ask them for it.

Damn it, I really want to take action today, but no, he needs to be prepared. This time things must be at the right time and place, and everyone must be ready.

After the first get out of class, the real estate agent looked at the classroom where everyone was leaving in twos and threes, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Just bear with it for now, the points are quite sufficient now, but when they are really not enough... Can't you borrow some from Shiina?

Even though she is black when cut open, she still looks like a little angel at ordinary times. If you are really poor, you might be able to find her... Speaking of which, if you have no money, it is a bit too disdainful to ask a woman to borrow money?

As long as you can survive, don't worry about being disdainful...

Lying on the table again, the real estate agent began to feel a little excited again. Because starting from the next recess, his plan will be implemented.

During this operation, he still had some selfish motives, and he needed to think carefully about how he would start the operation.

Chapter 39: Karuizawa is bullied again (Mid-Autumn Festival extra update 1/8)

You are really good at calling people. You let me work on the first day.

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