Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 21

Author: Jiushijiu

After opening his shoe cabinet, Karuizawa saw a letter.

She didn't think it was a love letter because it looked very earthy on the outside. Maybe it was also to let her know that this was not a love letter.

Opening the khaki letter, she opened it and saw the paper inside.

'Karuizawa-san, as agreed, I have already punished those three classmates. In order not to appear too bloody, I have left the smallest part of the punishment for you to watch. This time it was an oversight on our part, and I would like to sincerely apologize to you again. '

In addition to this letter, there was also a three-piece nail wrapped in a small plastic bag. Girls like to keep the nails on their little fingers, but now, the three nails that looked like they had been torn off made her stunned. Soon she understood what happened to the three classmates.

Nail tearing may seem like a trivial matter, but if you simply ask, you might be able to get more information.

"Did you ask for leave?"

Unexpectedly, after learning that the three girls had asked for leave, Karuizawa's mind couldn't help but feel empty.

"Yes, it seems that Fangfang-san did it this time. Now the students in Class C don't really want to talk about Fangzhu-san."

Kushida answered Karuizawa according to the words given by the real estate agent, while she stared blankly out of the window.

She suddenly felt that Hirata might not be a good choice.

She had experienced three years of school bullying, so she desperately needed a strong person to help her.

Her original choice was Hirata-san in the class. Hirata-san was kind and cohesive in the class. If she became his girlfriend, this situation might not happen.

But...she now feels that Hirata seems to be a little too kind.

In the original work, she didn't choose Ryuuen probably because Ryuuen's domineering appearance could easily scare her. She just wants to avoid being bullied. If she follows Ryuuen, she might be the worst affected. of bullying.

Now, she seems to have a better choice - a real estate agency.

He has a strong reputation in Class C. Although he can't control Class D, he has many 'little brothers'. Being able to make those three female classmates leave with their tails between their legs with one sentence is enough to show that he is capable. Class C doesn't Ryūen Shoko must be in control.

During this time, the students in Class D also noticed that Class C was a little different from other classes. They didn't seem to have much freedom. Sometimes Ryūen Shoko would take up everyone's time as soon as the class meeting started. At that time, students from other classes left, but Class C always wanted to listen to Ryūen Shoko.

You can find out this kind of thing just by asking, so Karuizawa is glad that he is not in Class C.

"Hello, Karuizawa-san? Karuizawa-san?"

"Ah, Kushida-san, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Karuizawa was in a daze again, Kushida called her softly several times. Seeing her come back to her senses, Kushida sighed silently.

"I said, how about we go play together after school?"

"Ah, okay, where are you going? KTV?"

"Well... ok, I'll call a few classmates from the class then, how about that?"


Looking at Karuizawa's distracted look, Kushida couldn't understand what she was thinking.

Was he taken down so easily?

Others can clearly see through the entire situation, but it is also the most difficult for others to understand the mood of the person involved.

Just as she felt that she had feelings for him after being slapped by a real estate agent, simply being saved would make Karuizawa have the most initial affection for him.

Just as Kamuro and the real estate agent had a heart-to-heart talk about theft, it was enough to make her feel morally guilty, just as Ayanokouji was in a state of confusion when he extended a helping hand.

Only the person involved can understand what happened, and only the person involved can understand what is going on in his heart.

What should I say... Real estate agency, you have done all kinds of bad things.

Compared with the morning, the afternoon of Class C seemed extra unique.

Nothing else but physical education class.

In other schools, what do you do in physical education class? running? Ball games? Sit-ups?

But at this college, the physical education class begins in the swimming pool.

This also means that this session is swimming class.

Swimming lessons~

With a sigh, the housing agent looked at the students who were eager to try in the locker room.

Because of Ryūen Shoko's absence, they gradually let go.

What? You said Ryūen Shoko's lackey housing agency is here? It was impossible for him to tell the truth. Compared with the crazy woman, the real estate agent who had been singing the red face was more credible in everyone's mind.

Girls can get 5,000 points by asking for information. All they need to do is take a leave of absence from a physical education class that will definitely be graded and remove the nail of their little finger to get 1,000 points (one thousand for each of the three people). In the eyes of boys, he is definitely an excellent task dispatcher.

Some boys also privately responded to why housing agencies prefer girls, and the housing agency's explanation was that these jobs are only suitable for girls for the time being, and there will be jobs suitable for boys in the future.

And now, everyone is doing other things, such as comparing sizes.

There are always some weird hobbies among boys, such as comparing sizes. See who has the spear and who has the stick.

Girls also have this kind of entertainment, but it's just about seeing who's rounder and more upturned.

"Oh~ Albert is worthy of you."

Everyone looked at Albert and couldn't help but praise him, and the taciturn boy rarely blushed.

He couldn't understand why everyone was so interested in him. Could it be that there were many gays in this class?

Hey~ I don't dare to think about it.

"Speaking of which, what about the intermediary? Look at yours... Damn, it's ok, the capital is very sufficient."

As a boy yelled there, others also gathered around to watch.

No, I'm not Zhang Chulan. Why do you come to see me when you have nothing to do?

Chapter 42 You've really been drifting off lately, haven't you?

Facts have proved that no matter how ruthless and strict management is, it can't erase the inner turmoil in boys' hearts.

Maybe they have been depressed for too long, but now that they can't see Ryuuen Shoko, everyone starts to make a fuss like a group of huskies having fun.

Many people went to pinch Albert's muscles. Sure enough, excessive fitness attracted the same sex.

The housing agents also breathed a rare sigh of relief, and their attention returned to Albert.

Albert, a muscular man, looked like a perfect bodyguard if he didn't speak. But his character is...somewhat introverted.

Yes, it's outrageous but true, he was a very introverted kid.

Because of his skin, he has been a child who has attracted much attention since he was a child. School bullying has appeared since he was a child. Coupled with the fact that he was not good at words and was timid, he had no choice but to start training himself, making him look extremely strong at the age of sixteen, and he could even win fights with adults.

But it was outrageous that he lost to Ryūen Shoko.

But thinking about the level of Brother Lu in the original work, it doesn't seem too outrageous, right?

Generally speaking, just because of this simple nonsense in the locker room, Albert's popularity in the class inexplicably improved, and all the real estate agents who saw it planned to stay away from this group of boys.

What's going on? You are all gay, right? You fell in love with him just by looking at his strong muscles and big spear?

Of course, just kidding, it can't be just like this.

Not far away, Kinda Satoru looked ashamed, well...

Well, you don't need to think about this little bean sprout-like figure, he is probably a short stick player.

At such a young age, one has to feel the harshness of the world. It is miserable, really miserable.

The happy time is always short-lived. After experiencing the little game of 'look at you', everyone walked out of the locker room.

Then... I couldn't take my eyes back.

The girls also put on their swimming clothes, and the one standing at the front delivering a speech to the other girls was none other than Ryuuen Shoko.

Speaking of your figure...his~

In order for everyone to have a good time in class, they naturally wore dead stock water instead of bikinis. But Shikushui also has its own advantages, and it can perfectly highlight the figure.

The figure of Ryuuen Shoko at the front almost made everyone's younger brothers react. If she hadn't been a strong enough intimidator, everyone might have to go back to the locker room to enter sage mode now. Bar.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Agent, come here."

Of course, apart from Ryuuen Shoko, the other girls are also very attractive. For example, Ibuki, who has good motor skills, also has a very good figure.

There is also Shiina Hiyori, this kind little angel from Class C is also very beautiful, which naturally makes some boys want to convert to Wudang.

Their dillydallying naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of Shoko Ryuuen, the leader of Class C. Her choice was simple, and she directly transferred the leader of the boys' side to her side.

Who is the leader? No need to think about it, it must be a real estate agency.

"Hey, eldest sister, eldest sister, let's not mention the ear. It hurts. This thing really hurts."

Pretending to be reserved in front of Ryuuen Shoko, he naturally yelled as much as he wanted. The real estate agent didn't want his ears to be pulled off, so he could only be led aside by Ryuuen Shoko in such a miserable way.

"What are you doing so dawdling?"

"It's nothing, just a little shy."

"Shy? Why are you shy?"

The real estate agent's expression was very subtle. He looked up and down at Ryuuen Shoko.

Sure enough, it was because of the school uniform. The rather loose uniform usually did not highlight Ryuuen Shoko's capital. She is really not simple at her size.

Is there a D?

Looking further down, the mysterious garden area reminded him of the red color he saw on the first day. Although it was not obvious, the vague outlines could still be seen to have a certain beauty. What's more, the safe delivery type...ah, it hurts!

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing the guy in front of her becoming more and more rude, Ryūen Shoko pushed him to the ground and stepped on his chest with her foot: "You've really been wandering recently, huh?"

'Damn it, do they usually play this hard? '

The other students in Class C were shocked at this moment, and their hearts started to go into small theater mode when they saw this scene.

The original story was written by Ryūen Sho, so if he was the only one, there would be nothing to say. It would be a good thing if the girls weren't ruined by him.

But now Ryuuen Shoko has become Ryuuen Shoko, and there is also a dog-headed military counselor real estate agent. This male and female combination not only effectively reduces the demonization of Ryuuen Shoko, but also gives students who have entered high school and have not yet escaped from adolescence. They have enough daydreams.

What's more, the real estate agent's appearance seems to be licking but in fact there is no such licking. The two of them now seem to be Ryuuen Shoko punishing the real estate agent, but you can guarantee that the two of them are not. Play SM?

Anyway, they didn't believe it, and their eyes had already added a lot of pink bubbles to this scene.

"No way, eldest sister, let's not do this, there are a lot of people watching."

Being stepped on by Ryūen Shoko, the real estate agent's expression was one of subtlety. Sister, do you know that you are very sexy like this?

The originally cruel character turned into a queen after being transformed into a girl, and now the queen will step on your soles, feel the smoothness of your feet, and see the wonderful scene from the bottom up. This is a must for any M player. A great reward.

It's a pity that the real estate agent is not M, at least not that M, so he feels that this is not a reward, but a punishment.

"A lot of people are just watching. Why, you made a mistake and you don't want to be punished? Huh?"

She stepped hard on the real estate agent's chest a few times and slowly moved her feet downward.


"Well, it's you as expected, you bitch."

After stepping on a certain organ unique to a man, Ryūen Shoko could feel the changes there. How could she not know what a real estate agency looks like now if her knowledge in this area is not zero? She kicked her hard and ended the punishment with the real estate agent screaming in pain.

Obviously, the punishment was a failure this time, and she hated this kind of existence. If you hit her, it would be a reward. If you don't hit her, she would not be punished. It is difficult to do it anyway.

Or bury him in the water and let him drown?

He can't do it, he hasn't gone that far yet, so let's leave it at that.

After looking at the clock hanging on the wall, another reason why Ryūen Shoko stopped moving was that class was about to begin.

Chapter 43: It's okay, teacher, I got hit by wrestling (Mid-Autumn Festival extra update 5/8)

"Okay, students, get ready to assemble... What's wrong with you, classmate?"

The strong but frail physical education teacher walked out from behind the door. He immediately saw the housing agent rolling on the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay, I fell down and hit an egg..."

The housing agent's answer made the physical education teacher look more sympathetic. It sounds outrageous, but it is easy to happen in real life.

Maybe various coincidences caused this scene?

"Then classmate, do you want to take a rest first?"

"It's okay, teacher, just let me take it easy."

Being helped up by two male classmates, the housing agent's face was not only ashamed but also a little angry.

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