Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 23

Author: Jiushijiu

It can only be said to be at the level of ordinary people.

This is unfortunate because Ibuki is good at sports, and swimming is also something she is good at. The results of it? She needed to find ways to give way to Ryūen Shoko.

Don't worry about whether others knew she was cheating or not, at least Ryūen Shoko couldn't know.

So her arm strokes were very...touchy. The teacher couldn't stand the way a professional tried to pretend to be an amateur.

"This is your class..."

"Teacher, don't care, don't care, that's it, that's it."

The real estate agent is also very helpless, what can he say. Ryūen Shoko's status cannot be shaken, so she must win the championship.

The teacher had nothing to say. He originally thought that this point was used to stimulate enthusiasm, but it looked like... ugh.

"Don't worry about it. After all, as long as it's a competition, she basically has to win the championship. My class has its own class feelings, so I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, okay, don't say any more... By the way, there won't be any problems on your boys' side, right?"

"No, no, of course not."

The real estate agent smiled and replied that he didn't have to worry about the boy.

Indeed, unlike the girls who paddle openly, the boys do rely on their own abilities.

But the winner is not Albert, but Daichi Ishizaki.

Who knows, this old black man is not good at swimming. His dog-pawing look made the real estate agent try hard not to laugh out loud.

No wonder Ryuuen Shoko doesn't want everyone to see that she only knows how to paddle dogs. It's so ugly.

When playing the game, there are many characters who can swim, but none of them can paddle. They can either swim breaststroke or freestyle.

I am the third most popular among boys, so the real estate agent doesn't feel any shame in it. He is just a military advisor. It is normal for military advisors not to be good at martial arts, right?

He is not the sage of Kong, the representative of the powerful tossing, he is still very weak.

"Then this is the end of today's physical education class, let's dismiss it."

"Oh haha~"

After the physical education teacher announced the disbandment, everyone looked at Ryūen Shoko and made no suggestions, which meant that school could finally be over normally today!

Especially the boys, they were as happy as little wild horses, swooping away.

"Ah, I'm so happy."

"Maybe. Will you go back to the dormitory later?"

"Yes, eldest sister, do you have any other orders?"

"Buy some beer on the way back."

"Ah this..."

Yes, this aunt is going to the dormitory again.

That's it, just go. Anyway, I got a lot of benefits today, so I just got on the bus first and then bought the ticket.

Sighing, the real estate agent went to take a good bath, then changed into clothes and walked slowly back to the dormitory.

There is naturally a place to take a bath in the swimming pool. After all, the water in the swimming pool is not ordinary water. It is best to take a shower after swimming. But everyone was eager to return home, and few took a good bath like the real estate agent, so he was the last one among the boys to leave the swimming pool.

Originally, he planned to go back to his dormitory and take a shower, but since Ryūen Shoko was going to go, he had to take a shower first.

What else could he do? Go take a shower by yourself and let Ryūen Shoko stay outside? She couldn't kill herself.

This woman is definitely not a white rabbit but a female gangster. If she forces her way into the bathroom while he is taking a shower, there is nothing he can do about it.

Maybe it was possible to kill him on the spot? Why do you feel a little excited when you think like this?

Illusions are all illusions. My real estate agent is a decent man, how could he do such weird things?

After coughing twice, the real estate agent walked slowly on the road.

The swimming pool is still some distance away from the dormitory, and right in the middle is the commercial street.

Looking at this dazzling commercial street, the real estate agent couldn't understand what this high school wanted to do.

There are only about 500 students in the entire college. How can you make money by doing this one-stop service?

Isn't it just because it's a public company that you want to take advantage of it to make money?

Looking at this public college, the housing agent has every reason to think that this is where the officials make money and launder it.

The situation of 100% admission or employment rate is a good gimmick to give this college enough reasons to apply for funds, and the above will give the funds to spend in the college, part of which is normal college construction, and the other part is Take away and corrupt.

This way there will be a reason even if someone comes to check on your financial expenses. You see, the construction cost of setting up a school on the island is a large amount, and then looking at the commercial street, it is also a large amount, and the monthly 'bursary' (that is, points) from the students is also a large amount. After all, leaving aside the issue of S points, simply giving students points every month and using them for shopping can really be considered a considerable expense.

But this expense is very particular. For example, if a student uses these points to consume, the real price spent by the college is the cost price, but he can completely report the consumer price. The gap in the middle can be used to launder money, and then use it to make money. Increasing sales, etc., directly proves that the cost consumes a lot of money, and government-supported schools are the best choice to use it for money laundering and corruption.

There are corrupt officials from top to bottom, how can you fight with them?

Well, this has nothing to do with the housing agency, as long as he can enjoy it here.

If it were a normal high school, he would still have to consider the issue of part-time work, but here, the fact that money is automatically given every month really allows him to not have to worry too much about income - he only needs to worry about expenses.

Another point is that the need to make money is urgent.

He knew that Class D would have zero income next month. At that time, he could take Karuizawa and Kushida into his hands in the simplest way. Why? He has some points.

He can even boldly speculate that if the girls in Class D who only know how to spend money find out that they have no money next month, if he makes a little noise, will it promote the development of the pornographic industry?

This is naturally illegal in China, but it's hard to say in Japan.

No, you still have to have a bottom line as a human being, and you can't do this kind of thing.

The real estate agent gave up this fantasy, after all, the college would not be happy to see this scene. But he does need some money to 'buy' the loyalty of the two girls, so this money is really needed.

The plan needs to be worked harder, Albert, and the next step is up to you.

The real estate agent's mind began to frantically think about how to proceed.

Chapter 46: Strange, where are the people? (Mid-Autumn Festival extra update 8/8)

"Fangfang classmate, long time no see~"

"It didn't take long..."

In the supermarket, the real estate agent met Ichinose. It was really a chance encounter, and he didn't plan it.

But her appearance was indeed due to drowsiness. Someone gave him a pillow, and she could really do him a big favor.

"But it would be nice if you were here. I need you to do me a favor."

"Are there any troublesome guys again?"

"That's right, but this time you don't need to do it, but another person is needed."

"you say."

"Shibata Sa."

In the routine designed by the housing agency this time, the person chosen was Shibata Sa.

Shibata Sa, the male version of Ichinose...the youth version. Except for Asashi, who is the same, he is less interesting than Ichinose in all other aspects. So the housing agency set its sights on him this time.

Of course, it's not about bullying this little angel, it's just that he needs his knife.

According to the plan, one person and one physical evidence are needed when the time comes, so it would be best for the little angel to be the witness.

The little angel is cute and kind and can't lie, so he will definitely tell what he sees. Without understanding the truth, he will definitely share the same hatred as Albert, and his attitude will drive the audience's attitude.

Therefore, the real estate agency needs to borrow him and ask him to help serve as a witness.

In addition to that... he always felt that Albert, the old black man, was a bit pitiful, introverted and shy, and could easily scare other people because of his body shape. He also really hoped that this old black man could have some true friends, and It's not like he has been following Ryūen Shoko as a bodyguard.

"Shibata-kun, that's easy to talk about, but what do you want to ask him for?"

"It's like this. There is a classmate in my class named Albert Yamada. You should have an impression of him, right? He's a tall, burly, all-black guy who looks very difficult to mess with."

"I know, what's wrong?"

"Let me tell you a secret, actually..."

The real estate agent whispered into Ichinose's ear and told her the true situation of Albert.


Ichinose was also extremely surprised. She didn't expect that Albert, who looked so fierce, was actually an introverted and shy boy?

Did you get the script correctly...?

"So I hope there is a classmate who can make him be more cheerful, but you should also know the situation in my class. It is completely different from your class full of little angels. I think if the people in your class are willing to get in harmonious contact with him, maybe we can make him more cheerful. He must be more cheerful."

"Actually, we are not as good as you said, like little angels or something like that."

Being praised as a little angel would make even Ichinose feel shy. Sincere praise is sometimes more difficult for people to say. They feel that they have done something trivial, but in the eyes of others, what they have done is a great thing.

Sure enough, Class B is really not a threat. How many of the little angels can fight, Kanzaki Ryuji? Basically, he is the taller one among the short ones.

He reached an agreement with Ichinose easily. To be honest, the real estate agent is extremely convinced that forming an alliance with Class B is a great thing.

It's really useful to have them as allies.

He is willing to give without expecting anything in return. To be honest, the real estate agent feels a little bit indebted for plotting against a little angel this time.

Putting aside the messy things, the real estate agent slowly returned to his room after buying the beer.

Then he saw Ryuuen Shoko waiting impatiently at the door.

"Why is it so slow to buy a drink?"

"Hey, I met Ichinose. I just want to use her to complete plan A. The third step can be considered to be progress."

Saying words that only the two of them can understand, the housing agent opened the dormitory door and put the beer on the table: "What else would you like to eat, sister?"

"It doesn't matter what you eat. Just give me the spare key to your room."

Each dormitory has three keys, one for normal use and two for backup, to prevent the problem of lost keys.

In addition, the dormitory manager also has spare keys. I don't know what the college thinks, with so many keys.

"Spare key? Okay, I'll look for it."

He should have put the spare key in the bedside table. Now he understands that the last piece of pure land is gone.

After taking out the spare key and putting it on the table, he saw Ryuuen Shoko sticking her butt out and looking for food in the refrigerator.

Yeah, that's really cool.

Because she was leaning forward instead of squatting, the skirt that was not too long exposed her white thighs. At this time, the real estate agent wished that the skirt could be shorter so that he could see a more private place.

Ahem, sorry, I'm suffering from LSP.

"Sister, what are you looking for?"

"Why don't you have anything to eat in the refrigerator?"

"Of course. You came here yesterday and you don't know what else is in my refrigerator? So if you want something to eat, just tell me and I'll buy some."

Turning on his phone and looking at his first 8 points, the real estate agent couldn't help but sigh.

It's only been a little over three days, and more than 10,000 points are gone. He obviously got 10,000 points from Ichinose, but in the end, it was almost all spent on giving rewards to a group of people.

He has also spent a lot in the past two days. He didn't buy any luxuries, but he paid for the beer out of his own pocket. He paid for the dinner with Ayanokouji. He also paid for the things he bought for Ryuuen yesterday. He discovered that, He pays for every trip to the supermarket.

It's not a problem to continue like this.

It was only his fourth day in the academy, but he was already worried about not having enough points. Sure enough, even after traveling through time, he is still a member of the Moonlight Clan.

"Then just watch and buy. Get some food to go with the wine. Really, how can you eat with just wine and no food?"

"Hey, let me take a picture of a cucumber for you and then go buy it."

"Okay, pick up and shoot."

Ryuuen Shoko, who was occupying the refrigerator, casually took out a cucumber and handed it to the housing agent. She also took a tomato and gnawed it without washing it.

Forget it, you're always happy to do whatever you want.

The real estate agent skillfully went to the kitchen and quickly took a photo of cucumbers, put the cucumbers on the table and went to the supermarket to buy something.

What are the snacks and drinks? First of all, let's buy some peanuts. Besides, Ryūen Shoko has been eating melon seeds yesterday. She should also like to eat melon seeds, so I'll buy some too. I also made some dishes, and then some soy snacks.

After thinking about it, I bought some potato chips and some other snacks. When he was drinking with others, he also liked to talk about getting some cucumber potato chips. It was very pleasant to chat while drinking.

Finally, he bought another pair of slippers. Long Yuan asked himself to buy a new pair of slippers, but her slippers were occupied by her. He didn't want to wear the slippers that were two sizes too small anymore. This time he specially bought a bigger pair, but Longyuan from the province occupied his slippers again.

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