Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 27

Author: Jiushijiu

"Yes, two questions are at the high school sophomore level, one question is at the senior high school level, and one question is at the college level. So let me ask you, can you get full marks on all ten questions?"


This is definitely not possible. She is only in her first year of high school. How can she get all those questions right?

Rely on Meng?

"Heh, let me tell you, there is someone in Class D who can do it. Here, this is her answer."

Sae Chabashira threw a piece of paper to Horikita so that she could see clearly: "Is it true that only those with poor academic performance will enter Class D? Why is the school's passing line set so low? If you are willing to do more, Maybe I can figure it out in my head, but forget it, since you're here, I'll just tell you."

"You, and everyone else in Class D, are bad products, trash who cannot integrate into society."


Horikita listened to Chabashira Sae's words, and anger gradually filled her eyes: "Teacher, I don't think what you said is right."

"Then you have to prove it. The school thinks you are trash, so you have to prove it. Anyway, it doesn't matter what I say, it's what the school said. Class A is the future elite, Class B is the ordinary people, and Class C is the bottom class of society. And you, Class D...are abandoned beings."

Sae Chabashira became more and more excited as she talked. She looked at Horikita and patted her desk, seeming to vent her anger: "Do you know how to enter Class A? 20 million points, if you can do it, then go Do it. Or find a way to surpass Class A, understand?"

"Overtaking Class A? How can I overtake Class A? Aren't the classes all set?"

Horikita's retort made Chabashira Sae stuck. She looked at Horikita blankly, and just looked at her quietly.

There was pity, ridicule, and teasing in her eyes. She was stunned for a long time, and then slowly laughed, and gradually turned into laughter again. She smiled wantonly, and this look full of ridicule made people laugh. Horikita's face turned red: "What's wrong! Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"You don't understand. You haven't found anything! I thought you came to me for some good advice. Don't talk about entering Class A. Have you still not understood the rules of this school?"

'A guy who doesn't understand the rules of this academy right now will probably be expelled from school soon. '

Horikita suddenly remembered the quarrel a few days ago.

At that time, that's what the boy named the housing agent said about her.

College rules? What rules?

Seeing the teasing look on Chabashira Sae's face, she was a little panicked at this time.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on her forehead. The crazier Chabashira became, the more panicked she became. She has now become a clown, just like a pitiful and ridiculous clown in front of the teacher.

"Okay, let's talk about it later when you realize the rules of this school. As far as I know now, people in the other three classes have already discovered the rules, and you... Heh, Class D, haha, Class D. The person who can save Class D is not you."

"Who knows what you're talking about?"

"She understands, she understands, you know! I'm telling you right now, there are many people in Class D who are better than you, Ayanokouji Kiyohime, come out."

Sae Chabashira shouted at the door of the tea room, but Ayanokouji inside didn't listen to her.

"Ayanokouji Kiyohime, if you don't come out now, I will make you drop out of school. Do you understand?"

"Yes Yes..."

Speaking of dropping out of school, Ayanokouji had to walk out of the hut.

She came to this school to avoid being tracked by her family. If she left this school, she would be caught again soon.

"Come on, let me tell you, she can answer these ten questions. Look at her scores again. Do you think you are very smart? Look at her scores. She has entered Class D, not to mention you?"

Chabashira threw the report card on the ground. Horikita squatted down, picked up the report card and looked for Ayanokouji's score.

The five-door scores are all 51, no more and no less.

"Did you see it? Compared with hers, do you think your academic performance is good? Look at her, do you know what Class D is like? You are all defective products, waste products, garbage, and you cannot integrate A bunch of trash in society. Let me ask you, Ayanokouji, have you discovered the rules of this academy?"


Ayanokouji Kiyohime asked subconsciously. She remembered that the housing agent once told her about S points. Because at that time she was aware of the problem, but because she was not deeply involved in the world, she could not think further.

She doesn't know the concept of money and has no idea how much money one hundred thousand points per student represents every month. She could only detect that there was a problem with the points, but she had no experience in where the problem was.

"Did you hear it? She could notice it, but you didn't notice it at all."

"Points...what's wrong with points?"

Horikita looked at Ayanokouji. Her face was pale, and she seemed to have thought of something, but no matter how she thought, there was a layer of window paper blocking her thoughts.

"The points... shouldn't be 100,000 every month. Otherwise, there won't be free products in canteens and supermarkets. So, there should be a calculation method that will calculate the points we should have every month, and this The calculation result will indicate which class is Class A and which class is Class D."

Ayanokouji expressed her thoughts, and her words directly broke through the window paper, allowing Horikita to learn the truth.

Chapter 53: Can I help you? tell me a reason

"Have you discovered the gap? Do you know what to do? If you want to join Class A, you either have to save up 20 million points to enter Class A, or you rush to Class A with your bunch of rotten fish and shrimps. If you know, just leave. At least don't let me see you anymore. I thought you came to me with such great consciousness, but... is this? "

Sae Chabashira seemed to have finished venting her anger. She sat on the chair with empty eyes and stopped looking at Horikita.

"Teacher, I..."

"Okay, let's go."

Even Ayanokouji could tell that it was time for the two of them to leave.

Ayanokouji took Horikita's hand and led her out of the office: "Goodbye, teacher."

The two left, but Chabashira was still looking at the ceiling blankly.

Looking at Horikita, she couldn't help but murmur in a low voice.

"It's like... so similar... Stop struggling, you can't escape this fate. In this school, Class D has never become Class A, never before..."

Only her whispers were left in the entire office.

Ayanokouji looked at Horikita sitting there in a daze as if he had lost his soul. She didn't expect that she was so... bad.

She didn't understand anything, she didn't know anything. She originally thought that she should be as good as her brother. This time it should be the school's mistake.

But...she is still too far behind.

Someone in the other three classes discovered the truth, but what about her? Even Ayanokouji, who was like a fool next to him, was not as good as him.

She couldn't help but look at Ayanokouji. Was she really stupid, or was she pretending to be stupid? Is it too wise to be foolish? Or is it still the same?

"What's wrong?"

Ayanokouji turned her head and looked at Horikita. She didn't understand why Horikita suddenly kept staring at her.

And this look is like a look that can eat people.

"What else do you...know?"

"What do you mean?"

"About this school."

"Well... I should have already talked about S points, and I have also talked about the competition among the four classes. And finally... the way to obtain S points should be through various exams or activities."

Ayanokouji thought with her little mind, and she could almost guess it.

"Really... Then Ayanokouji-san, I need your help."

Horikita Suzune stretched out her hand: "In order to turn Class D into Class A, I hope you can help me."

She extended a friendly hand, but Ayanokouji tilted her head: "Why should I help you?"


Very well, for good reason.

Ayanokouji didn't care which class she was in, she just wanted to know more about the world.

It didn't matter to her whether she was in Class A or Class D. As long as she didn't drop out, she could say anything.

"For...your points?"

"Points? It can be regarded as a reason. After all, we may not have many points next month."

"what do you mean?"

"What do you think of the situation in our class? How many hidden points will be deducted? I don't even have to think about it. I guess there won't be any points deducted next month."

"Then why don't you tell everyone?"

"Tell everyone? Who believes it? Do you have any evidence? I know that words without evidence are nonsense, let alone them. It is impossible for them to reflect on it without suffering once."

Ayanokouji looked at this matter very thoroughly, and she also understood why the housing agency had no idea about Class D this month.

Because Class D is really too weak.

They will make themselves miserable.

That's why he talked about buying some girls. Compared with boys, it is more difficult for girls to accept that their quality of life has deteriorated. If he had enough points, he might be able to live a good life.

Just like Takaharaji-san.

Ayanokouji had seen it before, and Takaharaji had boasted about it himself. Many upperclassmen had been using their points to entertain Takaharaji.

After all, they are about to graduate, and of course they who are not in Class A know what their final results will be. The Takaharaji family is a big family. He has no other abilities but money.

Although this money is not used in this college, the senior students are about to graduate. They give points to Gaoyuanji, and Gaoyuanji can send money to their families. Although I don't know how he managed to do this in a school that has no contact with the outside world, it is obvious that he is not an ordinary person.

In addition to Ayanokouji, Kogenji was also one of the Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons in Class D. As for the others... the housing agent didn't tell her.

Yes, after all, it was hard for him to explain how the rest of the people got the news. For example, the little idol Sakura Airi, the otaku Hideo Tomura, etc. They all have their own abilities. This is the characteristic of recruiting talents in this academy.

Everyone has a skill in their own place, but it is not necessarily related to learning, and a skill and whether one can survive in society are two different things.

"So...we can only watch quietly as our hidden points drop like crazy?"

"Well...in theory, that's the case."

Ayanokouji now seemed to understand why the housing agency indulged Ryūen Shoko so much. Indeed, for a group of people, it is really troublesome to force them to obey without violence. Although he could fight violence with violence,...she didn't think it was suitable for him.

So she still chose to wait and see.

Two flowers bloomed, one on each branch. While Horikita and Ayanokouji were worrying about the future of Class D, the real estate agent was enjoying lunch leisurely.

Well, the morning class has ended, and he hasn't experienced any strange troubles, which is really gratifying and gratifying.

Finally, during this week, he was able to relax a bit.

"Agent, you are here."

The real estate agent who was eating on the rooftop heard someone calling him. He looked back and found that it was Ichinose.

Hmm... Our relationship is so good that we can just call each other by our first names?

Well, girls have the right to be willful, and he doesn't care anyway.

"What's wrong, Ichinose-kun?"

He didn't choose to answer with a name, after all... he was worried that he was being a rogue.

It's up to a girl to call herself a girl, but I can't really be so casual, otherwise it will be troublesome if she misunderstands something.

It's not that he's embarrassed to call her by name, not at all.

"Today isn't Friday. I wanted to go to the commercial street and ask if you have time."

"Going to the commercial street to play? Aren't you going to play with your classmates?"

"Ah, I have played it before. This time I mainly wanted to bring Ayanokouji-san with me. Ayanokouji-san is still a little too withdrawn, so I invited several people. Do you want to come too?"

"Okay, see you in the afternoon then?"

"See you in the afternoon."

Chapter 54: Stop hiding it. If you want to investigate, just come over and take a look.

If there is hope, then this little life will be a happy one.

Even though the two classes in the afternoon were very boring, the real estate agent was still looking forward to playing in the commercial street.

After all, it's very nice to be away from some crazy woman.

But having said that, the crazy woman was surprisingly quiet today, and I don't know what she was thinking about.

The real estate agent looked at Ryuuen Shoko who was playing with her mobile phone there. Although she was not playing during class, she was still fishing in class.

The housing agent sitting behind her could clearly see what Ryūen Shoko was doing during class.

For example... draw stick figures in a small notebook.

Well, to a certain extent, I really don't know what Ryūen Shoko wants to do. Anyway, the real estate agent just felt that she seemed to have something on her mind.

Hmm...it's none of his business. If Ryuuen Shoko has something on his mind, he has something to worry about.

Will he care about this? impossible.

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