Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 42

Author: Jiushijiu

"This part of the class fee will be used to solve the situation in the class in the future. In addition, you don't have to worry. We will also have some other things to expand the class fee in the future, so it seems that the class fee is not much, but the little adds up to a lot. There are still many things that can be done. Every use of class fees will be recorded and explained at the next class meeting. In addition, the statistics of class fees will be handed over to Shiina-san. Do you have any objections? "

Raise objections? of course not. If the class fees were handed over to her, there might still be cases, but it was just statistics, and no one really wanted to object.

Otherwise, it would be terrible if the real estate agent said, "How about you do the statistics?" It would be an extra job for no reason.

The real estate agent initially planned to let Shiina take charge of class fees, but she was not confident about this. After all, there was a lot of money in the future, so of course she didn't dare to mess around.

"After that, we will adjust the class fee based on the actual points we can get each month. If the points obtained by our entire class are very poor, we will also choose to divide part of the class fee equally among everyone, so that Everyone can solve the financial difficulties. But normally we will not let anyone use the class fee privately unless there are unexpected circumstances. I hope everyone knows this. Okay, let's talk about the second thing."

After the housing agent finished handling the first matter, he began to explain the second matter: "Our class will be divided into groups of four, with a total of ten groups. Among them, Ryuuen, Ibuki, Yamada and I will be in a group, and the remaining students will be divided into groups and a group leader will be chosen. In addition, Shiina must become a group leader, do you have any objections to this?"

A female classmate raised her hand.

"What is the problem?"

"Does the team leader have any rights?"

"Oh, I did forget to mention this. The team leader does not have any rights. On the contrary, he only has obligations. There is no difference between our usual groupings, but sometimes when we need to quickly collect information from the whole class, I I will ask the team leaders of the other nine groups to get information faster, that's all, so don't think of this job as a chore or a fat job.

"You can discuss the grouping situation privately. If four students have been selected before school, you can go to Shiina-san to register. You can all make changes before the last class. If in the end some groups are not complete or there are some If the students are not divided into groups, I will divide them randomly. I hope everyone can take the initiative and at least group up with people they know. "

After finishing the second point, the real estate agent started to talk about the third thing: "Let's talk about the third thing next, about cooperation and struggle with other classes. So far, we are working on long-term strategies with Class B. Cooperation. Class B is a united, friendly and non-utilitarian class, so we will not fight with them in the short or even medium term, so I hope everyone can understand and pay attention to this.

"In addition, our main target is Class A, and the target of prevention is Class D. Just know this kind of thing in your heart and don't say it casually. Although it is something everyone knows, you can still say as little as possible. As for how Because it involves privacy issues, we will not talk about it for now, but will only explain it to some relevant students.

"In addition, if you are harassed by classmates from other classes, please be sure not to initiate a conflict, but report to me in time. I will take Longyuan to deal with the matter. Remember not to solve it privately."

After saying all this, the housing agent clapped his hands and said: "We, the class committee, only have these three points to explain in this class meeting. I hope everyone can understand and support you. If you have any questions, please tell us or Teacher Ma after class to avoid problems." unnecessary loss."

Chapter 78: Let's take some photos

After the real estate agent finished speaking, the rest of the time was left to Sakagami Suma.

After confirming that Ryūen Shoko really didn't want to go on stage to speak, he continued to talk about things: "Then I have to say something next. In the next two weeks, we will conduct a small test. Then you will all take good care of it. Take the test to find out your score. I must declare that in all subsequent major exams, if someone's score is less than half of the class average, there will be students who do not study well. Hurry up and learn."

As he spoke, he asked Shiina again: "Shiina-san, how are you handling the study meeting?"

"Teacher, don't worry. Now we have some students with excellent grades helping those with average grades. I believe we will all pass the next exam."

"Well, everyone must remember that if a student is expelled, the whole class will be punished by deducting 200 points, so for your own sake, you must work hard to help your classmates. Do you understand?"


"Very well, let's talk about other things."

What follows is a lot of messy stuff that even the real estate agent finds boring.

But there was no way. The school stipulated that teachers must report these things, so he could only say this. After talking dryly for nearly half an hour, seeing that there were still a few minutes left before get out of class ended, he asked everyone to start self-study.

The housing agent also picked up a piece of paper and started writing and drawing. According to what he and Sakayanagi Arisu said, he would give Class A a surprise on Wednesday this week.

For ordinary students, they are completely unaware that there will be infighting in the class in the second week. So whether he was calculating or not, the real estate agent was really not afraid of tricking the bald man Katsuragi.

As for whether Sakayanagi will get involved... I hope she won't, otherwise there's no telling what kind of trouble it will cause.

The housing agent showed mercy to Class A this time. If she took action, something big might happen.

After class, the real estate agent asked Sakagami Suma: "Teacher Suma, regarding the video recording I proposed before..."

"Oh, this has been approved and you are allowed to take photos, but the results must be shown to us. I think you can understand this, right?"

"I understand, I understand. After all, this is for everyone to have precious memories, so of course there is no problem if you just take a look."

The real estate agent said with a smile, while Sakagami Suma nodded and motioned for the real estate agent to follow him: "Then follow me. They just happened to have brought the video recorder over. You have to remember not to break it. , otherwise you will have to use points to pay for it."

"I understand, I understand. Thank you teacher."

Sakagami Suma-sensei is indeed very kind to his classmates in Class C. Compared to Chabashira, he is simply like an angel.

With a teacher who is willing to protect and even shelter her, the housing agency does not want to let the teacher down.

After getting the camera lent to him by the school, the housing agent looked at the camera up and down.

This camera will be something they have to do every month in the future. Class C is very enthusiastic, so it just allows them to record more of their daily life so that they can keep it as a souvenir when they graduate.

As for the rest? Ah, let's talk about it then.

Chairman Sakayanagi was easier to talk to than Sakayanagi Arisu. The real estate agent just said that he was willing to share the footage with the college to make a new admission video and easily borrowed the camera.

Then he will use this camera to trick his daughter...well...even though he didn't deliberately trick her, why does he always feel a little guilty?

It must be an illusion.

"Oh~ Isn't this the latest XX camera? You are so knowledgeable."

The real estate agent didn't hear the sign clearly. He looked down at the sign of the camera in his hand... and couldn't understand it.

Well, that's not important.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Hideo Sotomura from Class D. Sorry, I was a little too excited when I saw this new camera."

"That's it."

"Which store did you buy it from? How many points did you spend? I want to buy it too. I will consider buying it next month."

Hmm... So you don't know about S points or don't believe it?

Looking at this person, the real estate agent vaguely recalled who he was.

Gadget man otaku Hideo Tomura. Although I can't remember the name, the standard appearance of a fat house made the real estate agent quickly confirm it.

He had wanted to be an otaku before, but he didn't have that much money, which was a pity. And in this life...

He seems to have become a cash cow...

"I didn't buy this, but borrowed it from the school. We are going to film the students' daily lives and do some investigative interviews... By the way, you are here, can you accept our interview?"

The real estate agent said, turning on the camera and pointing it at Hideo Tomura. This behavior made Hideo Tomura take two steps back. He waved his hand quickly: "No, people like me are not suitable for interviews, right?"

"Hey, don't worry. First of all, we must interview all students. We can't only select students from Class A or handsome students. Secondly, we may not be broadcasting when we film, so don't put too much psychological pressure."

If you are talking to a classmate who is willing to express yourself, this kind of words may be a bit hurtful, but for such a fat nerd, this kind of words can actually make the other person feel at ease.

At least they will feel that it is impossible for them to successfully appear on the scene.

"Okay, let me do the interview. I have been living in this school for a week. How do you feel about your life?"

"It's very good. The school will give you 100,000 points every month to buy things. I also spent 80,000 points to buy a laptop. It's very comfortable to use recently."

"So what do you think about the food and supermarkets at the college?"

"The food is very good, whether it's fried chicken or sushi. They are very delicious. The supermarket has a complete range of items, and the prices are not more expensive than outside. Generally speaking, it is very good."

"Okay, so what do you feel about the teacher teaching?"

"It's very free. Our learning is very relaxed and enjoyable, and there are no teachers criticizing or insulting students."

Hideo Sotomura knew that this was going to be edited at that time, so he couldn't talk nonsense. The situation of their D class made the real estate agent suppress his laughter, but he said things like 'relaxing and happy', 'very free' and so on.

In a way, that's right, right? Free range is also a kind of relaxation and freedom.

Chapter 79: It turns out that this ghost reputation is passed down from my own family!

"Okay, thank you for the interview."

After shaking hands with Hideo Sotomura, the housing agent greeted him and left.

Hideo Sotomura originally wanted to use it for fun, but after hearing that it belonged to the school, he didn't dare to touch it.

If it gets damaged, it will be quite troublesome. School things are more difficult to compensate for than student things.

"Did you get the camera?"

"Yes, I'll leave this to our classmate Mingbo Baiyu. Mingbo, is it okay to leave this shooting job to you?"

"Don't worry, we'll be fine!"

Mingbo Baiyu tremblingly touched the camera handed to her by the housing agent. Only knowledgeable people can know how expensive and difficult to obtain this thing. She didn't expect that this school would borrow it as soon as it asked.

Only inexperienced people like real estate agents can use it so casually.

Akiha Shiroyu, a girl who has no sense of existence in the impression of the real estate agent. But that's normal. In Class C, there aren't many people who can show their faces. They're basically just a tool class in the original book.

Anyway, there are 40 students in Class C, so maybe the author hasn't finished all of them? It's normal to have a few people who don't recognize their names.

There were still a few people in Class C who liked photography, so the housing agency simply let them play with the camera. Anyway, for those who like to play with cameras, it will be very happy to touch this. Let them shoot various scenes, daily life, and conduct interviews by the way. It is up to them.

However, the real estate agent told them that it didn't matter after that, but he had to have this thing in his hands during the class break on Wednesday morning because he had important things to deal with.

"Yeah, no problem, no problem."

Mingbo and a group of photography enthusiasts quickly said that there was no problem. They touched the new camera with a look of infatuation on their faces.

"Tsk tsk, isn't it just a broken camera? Why do they react so badly?"

Ryūen Shoko shook his head while chewing rice balls, unable to understand what these guys were doing.

"Military advisor, breakfast."

Albert handed the rice ball to the real estate agent, who took it and said, "Ah, thank you very much. I'll transfer the money to you."

"It's not worth much, it's okay."

"That's not okay. It's public or private. What's more, I'll need you to work in the future. How can you be so messy?"

The real estate agent said and transferred the money to Albert according to the price in his mind.

And his operation was kicked by Ryūen Shoko.

What does he mean? Co-author Ryuuen Shoko is someone who likes to take advantage of his younger brothers?

"Why are you kicking me? I paid your money too. Of course this is a private matter between us."

"Bah, shut up you piece of shit."

Ryūen Shoko sighed. She still couldn't let go of the fact that she gave it away for nothing.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I become. The problem is that she took the initiative.

It didn't matter that she took the initiative, but she was still passive after that. She had no idea that she couldn't compare to the real estate agent in this aspect.

"Okay, I shut up, I shut up."

Knowing that she had taken advantage of her, the real estate agent quickly shut up and said she would not talk anymore, lest she get angry and snap herself.

Well, the real estate agent is very self-aware, but he underestimated Ryūen Shoko's pettiness.

"Ouch, I was wrong, I was wrong, stop pressing it, it's going to break, it's going to break!"

During the class break, the real estate agent was pressed by Ryuuen Shoko with one leg on the table. Ryuuen Shoko was sitting on a chair with one leg on him. The table perfectly blocked the view under her skirt.

Well, from the perspective of the real estate agency, we can see clearly that it is black today.

Maybe if you get tired of wearing red, try another color? Real estate agents have nothing to say about this.

"Just cut it off. It just saves you from running to another class."

Ryūen Shoko said with a smile, while exerting a little more force, the housing agent's howl became louder.

The people in the class have long been used to it. The affection shown by their military advisor and the eldest sister is always so surprising that they think it is normal.

Hmm...it seems like the two of them are the ones with the problem.

As for other classes? Hearing the wails of the housing agent, he was just talking in a low voice and didn't dare to take a peek at it.

Girls are generally the ones who gossip, and Ryuuen Shoko's intimidating power does make girls a little scared.

"Um...Ryuuen-san, that's almost enough."

In the end, it was Shiina Hiyori who stood up. She looked at the painful look on the housing agent's face and persuaded Ryūen Shoko.

"Huh? Why did you start trying to please him?"

Ryuuen Shoko couldn't help but get angrier when she saw Shiina Hiyori's appearance.

This bastard guy is truly the King of the Sea. How many girls have he hooked up with in just a short time since he came to school?

Unhappy, she even raised her leg and hit it again. She hit it several times, which made the real estate agent feel that her waist was about to break.

"Do you like him?"

"No, there's nothing like that..."

Being suddenly said this, Shiina Hiyori's face couldn't help but blush.

Although he said it was not the case, the expression on his face made Ryūen Shoko click his tongue several times.

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