Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 56

Author: Jiushijiu

Looking at the real estate agent leaving, Kiryuin's expression looked a little... playful?

She didn't expect that she would encounter such interesting things when she came to the Tea Club on a whim.

She looked at the students who were practicing their tea-making skills not far away: "Sada-chan, what happened to you first graders today?"

"What happened to us? Oh, there was a fight. People from Class A beat up people from Class C. Originally, the school said that students in Class A were going to be expelled, but the announcement was made again for some unknown reason. Taken back."

"Really? It's so interesting."

Obviously Sada only knew a rough idea, but just by looking at this rough idea, he felt that there was something fishy in it.

She licked her lips and became curious about the housing agency.

"So do you know the boy just now?"

"Are you talking about Fang Fang's classmate? He is a student of Class C and a Sea King."


"Well, according to people in his class, while he was having an affair with the eldest sister in his class, he was always very close to the beautiful girls in other classes, and his relationship was very ambiguous."

"Eh? That looks interesting."

"In addition, he was the first to notice the S points. We only found out about the S points after he exchanged information with the squad leader of our Class B."

"So many first graders know about S points?"

"Everyone except Class D should know about it. Class A seems to have their own way of understanding."

After just briefly understanding the situation, Oniryuin planned to have a good chat with Sada.

"Come on, Sada-chan, let's slowly talk about your first grade. I found that your first grade is quite interesting, right?"

The real estate agent didn't know that he was being targeted by the beautiful sister. He was currently calling Kamuro Masumi with tea cakes and tea knives and tea needles specially gifted by Kiryuin.

"Hey, Kamuro, where are you? The girls' dormitory? So, can you help us get to the entrance of the dormitory? I just bought tea cakes for Sakayanagi, please help supervise her drinking tea. Well, okay, one day meet."

After simply finishing the phone call, the housing agent returned to the dormitory and took the elevator to Sakayanagi's floor. He stayed at the entrance of the passage.

There was a dormitory aunt at the entrance of the passage. She was lowering her head and didn't know what she was busy with. The housing agent didn't pay attention. After all, he had met this aunt before.

Longyuan's dormitory is on this floor.

"You really bought it. Where did you buy it?"

"Tea Art Club, leave this to Sakayanagi and make sure she drinks it properly. I'm sure she should understand. This is the only kind of finished product you can buy in the academy. I hope she won't be dissatisfied."

"Then it depends on her attitude. I can't control it."

"I don't want to let you take care of it, just leave it to her."

After the housing agent finished speaking, he said hello to her and left through the elevator, and Kamuro returned to Sakayanagi's room with the tea cake and tea knife and tea needle.

"Did the agent really buy me tea?"

"Yeah, he said this is the best in the academy. Here."

Kamuro placed the tea cake and tools on the table. Sakayanagi picked up the unopened tea cake and looked at it, then tore open the package and smelled it gently.

Well, it tastes like it's of good quality.

"He seems to be thoughtful. This tea cake is not cheap."

"Really? A few thousand points?"

"No matter how you say it, it has to be calculated in ten thousand."

"In terms of ten thousand, is it so expensive?"

Kamuro also didn't know much about tea. She thought this thing was not expensive, but she didn't expect it to cost tens of thousands of points.

Her expression made Sakayanagi couldn't help but feel happy. She picked up the scepter and pointed at the cabinet not far away: "That's right. There is a tea set in that cabinet. Take it out."

"Do you really want tea?"

"The agent has already bought it, why don't you drink it?"

Sakayanagi Yusu smiled and looked at the tea cake in his hand: "You said that the agent is willing to spend 20,000 points to buy this tea cake for me. Does he want to seduce me?"

"Maybe, who knows. You'd never understand his behavior."

"Yes, I saw you stealing and admonished you as a senior. I wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing."

Sakayanagi Yusu held the tea cake in her hands and looked out the window. There was a bit of joy in her voice that she was not aware of: "The real estate agent is really an interesting guy. If he becomes the opponent, You won't be lonely either."

"Ah sneeze!"

The real estate agent suddenly sneezed in his room.

"Have you caught a cold?"

"No, my nose just feels itchy."

Rubbing his nose, the real estate agent continued to chop onions. He has already processed the onions, and he has his own way of cutting onions, so he won't shed tears because of it.

The reason why you cry when you cut an onion is because when you cut it, a series of chemical reactions will emit an irritating chemical substance. When the nerve endings on the cornea come into contact with this chemical substance, you will shed tears.

Therefore, the direction of air circulation is very important. Now that the housing agent is standing on the upstream side of the ventilation, he will naturally not feel like crying.

The small fan next to him might be blowing too hard, and he felt his nose was itchy.

"Okay, I'm almost done here, how's your back doing?"

"I've memorized it all, today's task is not difficult."

"I'm going to test you soon. Don't forget to review what you learned before. I will do random checks."

What is the biggest problem in memorizing English words? It's not that I can't memorize it, it's that I forgot it after two days.

This was the case for the real estate agency back then. He might have to memorize a word seven or eight times before he could successfully remember it, and this memory also had to be consolidated many times before it could be thoroughly memorized, which was very cumbersome.

"Don't worry, everything is ready."

Every day, the real estate agency will select ten words from the many words Ryūen Shoko has memorized for assessment. If there are any that have failed, they will be written down and asked to memorize them again. Therefore, there are only ten new words every day, but the old words are The number will increase.

"That's almost it. Woohoo~successful."

After cutting all the onions, the real estate agent turned off the small fan and began to prepare the stir-fry.

Today I had fried meat with onions.

The cooking speed was very fast. After a while, he had finished cooking. After putting the dishes on the table, he began to check Long Yuan's study status.

To his delight, Longyuan was very efficient today and he remembered it clearly.

"Well done, I remembered everything. Okay, let's get ready to eat."

"You won't increase the amount next time just because I remember it's fast, right?"

"No, just ten new words every day, no more, no less. After all, this is a perseverance thing, and it is useless to do it faster or slower for a short time."

Chapter 103: What can the poor have to gain? Earn money and earn money from rich people

Housing agencies need to plan carefully on how to deal with sophomores.

After all, he didn't even know those girls, so he was about to be beaten for no reason. He had no choice but to fight back.

Therefore, he had no experience at all in this matter and had no idea how to deal with it.

After thinking about it, he planned to ask his homeroom teacher to see if he had any clues.

"You asked me about second grade Class D?"

Listening to what the real estate agent said, Sakagami Suma couldn't help but think: "You mean, you were threatened by them at that time, so you and Ayanokouji from Class D beat them up?"


"Then I almost know which students they are. It's not difficult to investigate them. Some of the students you beat did not come to class yesterday but applied for sick leave. It seems that the problem has arisen with them."

Sakagami nodded his head and quickly browsed the information on the computer. Soon, he found out the situation of these girls.

"This group of girls is a 'delinquent group' mainly called 'Ippon Akemi'. The members of the group are all delinquent girls, so they are quite famous among the second graders. This time they actually set their sights on one As for the seniors, um... what do you think about asking the school to expel them? "

"No, that won't help at all."

The real estate agent looked at the information on it and couldn't help but think: "So they have been short of numbers recently?"

"Yes, there is a shortage. Nanyunya from Class A of the second grade recently wanted to touch them, so she defined a student in their team as a 'bad student' and is expected to be expelled next month."

Bad students will be expelled from school when their negative points exceed three months.

Generally speaking, there will be no bad students. After all, the school official will not impose a penalty of negative points. But some contracts between classmates are another matter.

"Oh? Do you have detailed records?"

"This really exists, let me check."

Soon Sakagami Suma sorted out all the information and handed it over to the housing agency.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but I think you will be able to make the choice you think is right."

This blow to Class A has proved that the real estate agency still has a lot of skills, so Sakagami Shuma began to hope that he could succeed.

The housing agent nodded, and after saying goodbye, he returned to class and began to read the information.

"Why is it so thick?"

"Some information about second grade."

"Second grade? Why do you suddenly want to learn about second grade?"

Long Yuan turned around and sat on the chair. She saw that the housing agent behind her seat was looking at the information in detail with his head down. She was also curious, so she picked it up and took a look.

Hmm...this woman is so ugly.

"Is it because she beat you?"

"One of the people involved, she didn't do it but she was close enough."

The real estate agent continued: "After all, my back is still hurting. It's not my style not to take revenge on this matter."

"That's right, that's the kind of person you are."

Long Yuan nodded, but she understood that the housing agency, like her, was a vengeful master.

So she no longer bothered the real estate agent to read the information, but quietly looked at the information he had already read.

The information at the front is naturally the information of these members, mainly Ippon Akemi, plus the other eight girls in total.

This robbery was an act that forced them into a desperate situation. Except for one of them named 'Xiang Tian Zi', the others had less than 5,000 points, which looked very pitiful.

But this is the data from the 1st of this month, so it should be just a little less now.

Their S-points in Class D are 19 points, which is very low. So they can only get 1,900 points every month.

In this case, the points in Xiangtian Ziye's hand are still negative. She owes more than 30,000 points. These girls simply cannot collect so many points.

As for the reason...it was naturally Nagyunya's trick. He used betting to defraud the girls of their points. Among them, Xiangtian Ziye had a certain gambling habit, so she easily fell into the trap. She had been in debt for two months.

If she can't pay back the money on the first of next month, she will face dropping out of school.

Therefore, this group of bad guys found a relatively wealthy first-year student.

"What do you mean, do you have any ideas?"

"Tsk, that's very troublesome."

The real estate agent rubbed his chin while reading the news, his brows furrowed deeply: "There is no money to be made."

"So? How about we let these guys drop out of school?"

"Not so good, because I found a new target."

The real estate agent said, clicking on a name on the list.

Nan Yunya.

"Him? What, he has a grudge against you?"

"There will be in the future."

"How to say?"

"Student Council President Horikita Manabu plans to resign, and he will be the new Student Council President."

"So? Is he going to do something?"

"He's going to do something bad, and as far as I know it's going to be bad for us, so I'm going to kill him."

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