Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 68

Author: Jiushijiu

"There has to be a reason to get close to Xiang Tian Zi. Isn't this a chance?"

"Okay, then tell me your room number and I will send it to your dormitory tonight."

"Huh? Do you still need to send it?"

"Of course, the new account will definitely require another mobile phone, so don't worry about it and just return the phone to me when you're done."


After giving Kiryuin his room number, the housing agent left the library.

As for whether there will be any other problems after giving it to her... forget it, what other problems could there be? How many people have been in his dormitory, one more is not more than her, and one less is not more.

After finishing all the things that need to be done, the real estate agent suddenly felt that it was time to relax.

After a busy week, it's time to take a break from shame.

So he went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and then slowly returned to the house.

"I'm back."

"Oh, I'm back."

The person who responded to the housing agent was Long Yuan, who was reading a book at this time.

"Where's Kushida?"

"It's cooking in the kitchen."


"She said it's inappropriate to ask you to cook it all the time. She can also order it and just cook it."

"What about your share?"

"Of course she did it too. Anyway, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks."

Okay, whatever.

After the housing agent put the vegetables in the refrigerator, he entered the kitchen to check on Kushida.

Kushida was wearing an apron, well... just an apron.

Good guy, as expected of you.

"Why are you wearing an apron?"

The real estate agent put his arm around Kushida's waist from behind. The two of them have done what they need to do, and there is no need to talk about making trouble.

He was scolded by Ryuuen last time because of his birth status.

What do girls hate the most? You have done everything but your attitude has not changed from before.

So what do I mean? Tu Yile?

That will make the girls look like they were bought with money, so treat them better.

The reason why they always talk about "blowing the pillow" is because it can enhance the relationship between the two of them if they talk sweetly while sleeping. Emotions are slowly developed, and it is through little things that the two people are finally intertwined with each other.

"I don't want my clothes to smell like oil smoke. What, you don't like it?"

While the vegetables were cooking, Kushida suddenly turned around and blinked. Now she looked like her usual little angel again.

"I like it, but there are only a few of us in the room, so you don't need to wear a mask like this, right?"

The real estate agent touched Kushida's face: "I still hope to see the real you."

"Forget it, it's really hard to take off the mask after wearing it for a long time."

Kushida smiled and replied: "So taking off the mask is a rare thing now, and it makes me very uncomfortable."

Just like a classmate who puts on glasses and takes them off again, it's very unaccustomed. Normally, she would wear glasses as soon as she wakes up and wear them all day long. The same is true for Kushida's mask. Even if she is so relaxed now, she won't She would say take off the mask because it has become her instinct.

Although Kushida was smiling, the real estate agent felt a bit unable to smile.

The teenage girl already showed such a face, which made him lament the harshness of the world.

Maybe Kushida is wrong, maybe there is something wrong with her, but at the age of only sixteen or seventeen, she has to maintain this face all the time and it has even become a habit, like a teenager who is already able to skillfully type. Guns are like killing people, making people think deeply and fearfully.

"Then at least let yourself relax a little. Let me do the rest after you finish cooking this dish."

"You are the one who really needs to relax, right?"

Kushida asked the house while cooking vegetables: "You must not have an easy life, right? You plot against this person and that person every day. You played so hard yesterday, and you also need to vent, don't you?"


Kushida is sometimes very perceptive, and her words made the real estate agent sigh.

He just hugged Kushida and rested his head on her back, enjoying the brief tranquility.

Chapter 123: Which one is the real her?

"Then let's try my craft today~"

Kushida put all the vegetables on the table, and the real estate agent just went downstairs to buy rice from the supermarket.

Since discovering that supermarkets sell white rice, real estate agents no longer go to the canteen to buy it. The canteen is far away from the supermarket, and it takes about ten minutes to go back and forth. In the supermarket, it takes about five minutes.

Looking at the food on the table, the real estate agent also took out a drink from the refrigerator: "Xiangzi, you won't drink today, right? It's not good to drink every day."

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Ryūen Shoko wanted to say something more, but she couldn't help but snorted after looking at the real estate agent's expression, which was not a joke, and stopped talking about it.

If you don't want to drink, don't drink. What's the big deal?

Can she still be itched by this glass of wine?

The three of them all picked up their drinks and clinked their glasses with each other before starting to eat.

"Yeah! The craftsmanship is pretty good."


Kushida seemed quite happy. She was drinking juice and talking to the housing agent about how everyone was sending her messages after she didn't have class today.

She enjoyed this feeling very much and hoped that she could become the center of the girls in the class. Because of this, she put on a mask early and looked like a little angel since junior high school.

However, this little angel's appearance was still fake after all, and she also knew that she was not a real angel. But it doesn't matter, as long as she is still the focus of everyone, that is enough.

Now, in addition to being the focus of the class, she also hopes for another thing.

She can become the center of attention in the minds of real estate agents.

There is a saying that it takes time to see people's hearts. Although the two of them did not live together for a long time, they only experienced it once. But just this negative distance contact also caused the two people to have a collision in their hearts.

The real estate agent was lonely and confused, and there was deep panic in his heart. And these signs are usually not shown.

But it was only when he was unconscious that it gradually emerged.

He also has a lot of negative emotions, which is different from Kushida. Kushida can calm himself down by venting his negative emotions, but he... will only bear it silently by himself.

He will not expose his thoughts, he just seals his heart, layer after layer.

When going to bed at night, there is one thing that the real estate agent does not even know, and he can easily curl up into a ball. Like a spiky hedgehog, he exposed his back full of spikes so that he could be safe.

For this reason, Kushida and Ryuuen had their first collaboration last night.

In the past, Ryuuen did it herself. She would pull the housing agent away and let him lie flat on the bed.

She wanted to give House some decency so that he could show real courage.

And what about Kushida? After helping Long Yuan, she shrank into his arms.

After he shrank into the arms of the house, he could no longer shrink into a ball.

She is different from Long Yuan. She does not hope that the housing agent can become a hero. She hopes that she can make the house no longer lonely and have herself in her heart.

This is the essential difference between her and Ryuuen.

Ryuuen prefers to turn the housing agent into a strong man who is not afraid of difficulties, so that he will not close himself because of loneliness, but continue to move forward. Kushida was willing to let the housing agent have this weakness, while he slowly warmed his steely heart.

It's hard to say which one is right or wrong between the two. I can only say that this is their mutual views and thoughts.

Therefore, both of them obviously have a certain affection for the housing agency, but they are not hostile to each other. It's not necessary. The two of them are not the same person. Needless to say, they have to fight to the death.

They don't mind having another person share the house agency with them. In Long Yuan's view, the more charming a man is, the more discerning he is. A powerful man will naturally have many suitors around him. There is no doubt about this, so she Don't care.

Kushida just hopes that the housing agent will keep her in mind. She feels that she has become increasingly inseparable from the housing agent, and she also hopes that the housing agent can not do without her.

If the real estate agent is the emperor, then Ryuuen is the queen, and Kushida is the beloved concubine.

Each has its own characteristics.

But...is this how girls think? When you are really in love, you have already thought of the name of your third child? You guys have obviously only been in high school for less than two weeks!

Okay, maybe it's really unreasonable when you're passionately in love. You can fall in love at first sight, so you don't have to understand it when you fall in love... Understanding is understanding, but acceptance is another matter.

"Okay, just take a good rest and I'll wash the dishes."

After finishing the meal, when Kushida was about to wash the dishes, the real estate agent pushed her back onto the chair. He has already enjoyed a meal, so he can do the washing up next.

Kushida's cooking style is different from his. He prefers Chinese food, while Kushida will choose to cook some Japanese cuisine.

Everyone has their own age, but anyway, the food in Longyuan is very enjoyable.

For her, sometimes happiness may be so simple.

Having food to eat and a comfortable bed is enough.

When there was a military advisor, her IQ gradually began to drop. This strong sense of dependence would indeed make people not want to work hard.

But she is not that unwilling to work hard, and she continues to maintain the unity of the class.

No matter what, she is the eldest sister of Class C, and she must ensure that everyone in the class listens to her.

Well, not most of them, but all of them. Then this is not easy. After all, Class C also has a few less famous thorns.

For example, Asakawa Takashi and Wan Muming are two big thorns. Ryuuen is tormenting these two people now.

Externally, those are things that the housing agency has to deal with, but Anoui can just let Ryuuen and Shiina do it.

One is in charge of martial arts and the other is in charge of literature. What Long Yuan has to do is to deal with those two guys.

While the real estate agent was still arguing with Kushida Kikyo about who should wash the dishes, Ryuuen Shoko was already working quickly on her cell phone.

She was using her mobile phone to ask how the situation was going with Ishizaki Daichi, and Ishizaki Daichi also said that it was being processed.

"You two take your time and play, I'll go out first."

Ryuuen Shoko took the rare opportunity to leave the dormitory on her own initiative. The housing agent responded with an oh-so-oh, then forcefully took the bowl away.

Kushida pouted and looked at the real estate agent. She seemed to have become more cute after the seal was lifted.

Maybe this is the real her? Who knows.

Chapter 124 Damn it, I forgot about dating.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Agent, is it really okay for you to stay with me and not go see Xiaohui?"

After the housing agent finished washing the dishes, the two of them were watching TV in the living room. A movie is playing on the TV at this time.

The two of them didn't particularly want to watch a movie. After all, if they wanted to watch it, they could just go to the cinema. Anyway, there was such a thing in the school.

The two of them were just creating an atmosphere.

"Xiao Hui? Is there any problem?"

"Aren't you two dating?"

Kushida lightly hit the housing agent on the shoulder. She didn't expect that the housing agent actually forgot about it.

"Ah, shit, I forgot about it."

"you forgot?"

"Yeah, I'm a little busy today, so I always forgot to tell her about it."

"You haven't talked to her all day, right?"

"Of course."

"That would be troublesome."

Kushida tapped her forehead lightly, and she began to think about how to deal with this matter.

"You should send her a message first and tell her to go on a date with her tomorrow."

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