Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 71

Author: Jiushijiu

Ryuuen snorted twice, then she got up and went to the refrigerator to take out a can of beer, and placed it in front of Himuro: "Is it not easy to make her become outgoing? Do you want to join us for a drink?"

"Hey, eldest sister, is this not appropriate?"


But Himuro's answer was also beyond the expectations of the real estate agent. After seeing the beer, Himuro's attitude seemed to become a little...weird?

Is this not surprising? I asked someone who had lived in Dongxiong for more than ten years if I wanted to share a drink. Do you even need to say it?

They dare to yell at you and start yelling at you. In some ways, your behavior is an insult to them.

"No, wait a minute, eldest sister, drinking will cause trouble."

"It's okay, tomorrow is Saturday."

"But when have we drank without getting into trouble?"

"That's your profit, okay? Don't worry, I can smell the alcohol on this woman. She's an expert."

Ryuuen Shoko smiled. She looked at Himuro and immediately picked up the beer to have a drinking contest with her.

The scene suddenly became... passionate?

Ichinose next to her had no idea what was happening at this time. She looked at the housing agency in confusion, and then watched in confusion as this place gradually became a battlefield.

Himuro, who looked introverted just now, now looks arrogant. Why do you look like this when we talk about drinking?

Can't the socially fearful heart resist the desire to drink? !

"Then agent, can I leave?"

"No, I will suffer if you leave."

The real estate agent didn't want to end this relationship with more unclear and unclear relationships. He had already thought about it. If Himuro drank too much, Ichinose must take her away.

There are already enough people in our dormitory!

"By the way, Ichinose, have you had dinner?"

"Not yet, ready to eat."

"Then don't go to the canteen. I'll make something. If they want to drink, they have to eat something to go with it."

As the real estate agent spoke, he took out peanuts and put them on the table. He then walked to the kitchen with cucumbers and other things: "I didn't buy rice, can I have noodles?"

"Okay, I can do it."

"Then please help keep an eye on these two. If anyone drinks too much, please help keep an eye on them. I'll cook first and will be out soon."

The real estate agent said and went directly into the kitchen, while Ichinose looked at the two people drinking passionately in confusion.

Why does she feel that she is the most out of place in this dormitory?

Chapter 128 Congratulations on discovering some truth

"Here you go... Damn it, the game is over so soon?"

When the real estate agent came out of the kitchen, he looked at the situation in the house with a confused expression.

Himuro tugged on his collar, it seemed that he hadn't drunk enough, but opposite her, Ryuuen was already lying on the ground.

As for... well, there are empty beer cans all over the place. How can you drink them so quickly?

"Come on, Ichinose, I'll give you this side."

"Oh, thank you."

For the first time, Ichinose felt useless.

There is only one way to solve Himuro's fear, let her drink.

And the way she looks now...it's hard to tell that she is afraid of society.

"Hey you."

Himuro was looking at the real estate agent at this time. The real estate agent couldn't help but take two steps back when he saw her appearance.

How should I put it... It feels like being stared at by a bear.

"What's the matter, Senior?"

"The wine you have here is not very good. Is there anything stronger?"

"Something stronger...white? I don't have any on hand. How about I go buy some?"

"Buy me some bottles."


Watching Himuro lower his head and not knowing what he was doing, a voice soon came from the housing agent's cell phone. He picked it up and saw that it was Himuro's transfer.

"Senior, what is this?"

"How can I ask you to spend points when I ask you to run errands? Just use these points to buy something."


The difference, this is the difference.

The real estate agent almost shed tears when he saw it.

Compared with Himuro, Ryuuen would never talk about giving points to herself. Everything she spent in her dormitory was her own points.

If the price hadn't been affordable and he didn't have much to spend, he might have been almost impoverished.

At that time, you really have to sell yourself to earn points.

After getting the money, the real estate agent had no choice but to ask Ichinose, who looked like a little white rabbit next to him, to help look after the senior sister.

As for Longyuan? He had already thrown her on the bed and fell asleep.

If you smell of alcohol, just smell of alcohol. You can take a shower tomorrow.

After finishing this, he ran to the supermarket, bought some liquor, and ran back again.

"Senior, I bought it."


Seeing Himuro raising his neck and sipping the beer in one gulp, with his beautiful neck like a white swan exposed, the real estate agent quickly lowered his head and put the wine on the table.

He felt as if there was some kind of seal on Himuro. As soon as she touched the wine, she would take on a different attitude.

It's so weird.

"Hey, do you know how to drink?"


"Then drink with me. The one just now was not satisfying at all."


The real estate agent took a look at his bedroom. Indeed, Long Yuan's drinking capacity... wasn't that great.

Real estate agents are the kind of people who get drunk after drinking but are always hanging there to hold on. The last time I drank with Kamuro, I just talked about sad things and gradually stopped holding on. He collapsed, and the next few times he drank, he was able to get Long Yuan drunk as much as possible.

Typical people are addicted to food.

"Then wait a minute, I'll make some snacks to go with the wine."

The real estate agent also guessed that this would happen. After he bought some things suitable for drinks and dishes, he placed them on various dishes and took them out and placed them on the table. He also specially took out two small cups and placed them on the table. On the table.

To drink beer, you have to drink it in a big cup, but to drink liquor, you have to drink it in a small cup.

Drink a big glass of white wine. After one glass, you will start to feel trance-like.

But what the real estate agent didn't expect was that Himuro opened the bottle and took two big gulps.

"Well, it still tastes good. Why, what's your look?"

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect you, senior, to be so... generous."

"Bold? I wouldn't have been able to bear it if I didn't drink like this when I was in Winter Bear."

Perhaps her temperament really changed when she was drinking, and she actually took the initiative to talk about her past.

Actually, I didn't talk much about it. I mainly talked about the environment and situation of winter bears. How should I put it...

The real estate agent didn't expect that she actually had the blood of a winter bear.

No wonder it's so drinkable.

The real estate agent did not follow Himuro and drank a lot of liquor, but drank slowly from a small cup.

"So, Himuro-senpai, do you still have a name for Fuyuki?"


"what is it call?"


Well, this name, no wonder it looks so familiar.

By the way, you should be considered as trespassing, right?

The corner of the real estate agent's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't expect that the intellectual beauty in front of him would be... still very intellectual after drinking.

She doesn't have any tendency to swear or hit people when she's drunk. She just talks while drinking, and occasionally shouts "Ula" very excitedly!

"Hiccup~ It's rare today, I'm quite happy with the drink."

Himuro was very full after eating and drinking. She touched her belly that was slightly bulging due to drinking. She looked very attractive.

"Senior, can't you drink normally?"

"No, that guy from Ghost Dragon Academy always keeps an eye on me and won't let me drink, and there's no one to drink with me. Well, I'll come and drink with you when I have time in the future."

"Ah...I don't care anymore."

Anyway, there are always various kinds of women in the dormitory. Compared to Ryuuen, who all occupies the magpie's nest, Himuro is nothing.

"Then I'll give it to you?"

"It's okay, I can do it myself..."

With a bang, Himuro, who had just stood up, fell down without walking two steps.


The housing agent was full of questions at this time.

Is this...drinking too much?

Seeing Himuro lying on the ground, the real estate agent glanced at Ichinose, who had been listening to the story and was now very confused. He walked to Himuro and squatted down and pushed Himuro gently: "Senior? sister?"


Slept soundly.

It can't be that you haven't had a drink for a long time and you accidentally drank too much and got drunk, right?

The housing agent's expression was very subtle. He looked at Ichinose again: "Ichinose-san, please."

"I see."

Ichinose didn't expect that his biggest impact after finally arriving here was to make his first friendship with a class B senior.

It is very rare that she also started to have contact with the senior students.

"Let's go, I guess it won't be easy for you to move. I'll help you take it to your dormitory."

The real estate agent looked at the fallen ice room and reluctantly moved her up.

Although Himuro is not fat, you can't stand her height. This weight is by no means light, and it would be difficult for Ichinose to carry it away alone.

So the real estate agent chose to carry her out with her.

The hand holding Himuro's thigh felt very soft, and when she pressed it against her body, the two big lumps were also very soft.

It feels very good to have a beautiful woman on your back, but the real estate agent did not pay attention to this. Instead, he followed Ichinose into the girls' dormitory.

It was the same dormitory aunt. She didn't ask the housing agent to sign this time because Ichinose explained that he was just here to help and would leave after seeing the person off.

But even so, her eyes were quite strange. After all...she seems to have discovered that the real estate agent has a kind of Neptune quality.

Chapter 129 There is no way this floor is all girls I know, right?

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