Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 79

Author: Jiushijiu

"Ah hahaha, let's talk about it then."

After laughing twice, the real estate agent did not answer the question, but looked at the other two people: "Then you two are still coming?"

"Just you and me."

"Just the two of us? Playing Monopoly?"

"Yes, can't you?"

"Okay, okay, forget it, just two people."

Originally, the real estate agent wanted to say that there were too many people, but looking at her like this, let alone that there were too many people, let's just fight alone to avoid her causing other troubles later.

What I told her before was all a joke. It was a very important wish that Sakayanagi Arisu could fulfill. It would not be good if you just rely on your lower body to think.

After all, she is the future talker of Class A, and is now one of the two biggest talkers, so there is a lot she can do. Naturally, the housing agency must cherish this opportunity.

"Then let's get started?"

"let's start."

The two characters were back at the starting point, and the two began a new round of fighting.

But this time Sakayanagi Yusu paid more attention to the housing agent and found that his demeanor was completely different from before.

He did play the game just now for entertainment, and it was not very profitable. It was more about disgusting and disgusting people.

He is the kind of bad guy who takes pleasure in disgusting others. If your opponent is like him, even if you win, you won't feel very happy. Instead, you will feel like you were fed a big lump and you will be in a bad mood.

But after the actual battle, the two played even more slowly than before.

What does it mean to think one step at a time? The various props, opportunities, etc. obtained will not be used casually. Under the calculation of the real estate agency, every step is directed towards the best effect.

Perhaps this is when he looks cunning and calculating.

In a daze, Sakayanagi Yusu saw several white tails floating behind the real estate agent. The wagging tails seemed to indicate his mood at this time.

He...is enjoying this crisis-ridden Monopoly.

It was obviously an entertainment game, but the more Sakayanagi Yusu played it, the more stressed he became.

She gradually couldn't understand what the real estate agency was doing.

There were many behaviors that she had no idea what the real estate agent was doing.

And why he behaved like this, she would soon know.

"Buy real estate." "Add value." "Use prop cards."

Various things were gradually constructed, and soon Sakayanagi Yusu felt a lot of pressure.

The dice are in her hand, but the row in front of her figurine is filled with real estate from real estate agencies.

In other words, no matter how many steps she takes, she will step into the other party's real estate to pay the money.

Real estate agency, is this also your plan?

"Then roll the dice."

The real estate agent said with a smile, and the tail behind him was gradually wagging. This treacherous nine-tailed fox look made Sakayanagi Yusu tut several times.

"It's just a one-time deduction, nothing to be afraid of."

As Sakayanagi Yusu said, she threw the dice directly. After seeing that the dice turned into 5 o'clock, she took the villain five steps forward.

"Hmm, then go back."

After Sakayanagi Yusu gave him the money, the real estate agent took out a magic card: "Here, the round is reshaped, and both of them return to their previous positions."

At this time, beads of sweat gradually appeared on Sakayanagi Yusu's forehead.

Chapter 141 My mistake, my mistake (9/14)

"Thanks for the hospitality, then?"

The real estate agent ended the bonanza after taking away the last bit of money from Sakayanagi Yusu's hand.

Sakayanagi had a great advantage at first, because the housing agent was always doing strange things, but he just didn't know what he was doing.

But gradually, Sakayanagi found herself entering the spider web he had compiled. In each round, there would be three places where fees were basically required, even if sometimes the real estate agency was unlucky and stepped on the territory she occupied. But this doesn't allow her to win. After all, the housing agency only does this occasionally, but she pays the housing agency all the time.

Not to mention the effects of various prop cards, which allowed him to gradually build a network.

"One more."

"I'm not coming. I have to cook. It's already past twelve o'clock."

The real estate agent threw the banknotes on the table and stood up to prepare dinner.

And Sakayanagi Yusu continued: "Three, three wishes."

"I refuse~"

How can a housing agency continue to play here? He is already hungry.

He only ate a sandwich in the morning and nothing else since then. He had wanted to make lunch for a long time. To make lunch now, it would take a little while to make it.

If there is another Monopoly, I will starve to death.

"Why, give it another try."

"No~ I'm hungry, I want to cook~"

The real estate agent did not stop, but walked directly into the kitchen: "Don't think about it, my eldest lady, didn't you look down on civilian games before? Why do you feel like you are addicted?"

His words made Sakayanagi Yusu's expression rise slightly. She glared at the real estate agent with an expression of 'I'm not easy to mess with', but he didn't look at her at all. After taking out the ingredients from the refrigerator, he suggested: " If you are really bored, let them play with you."

"I'm not playing around. You two know how to bully others."

Ryuuen Shoko's answer was very simple, while Kushida was nodding his head crazily beside him.

She also watched the duel between the two just now, and finally understood that even entertainment games like Monopoly require mental strength.

And she... forget it.


Seeing that the real estate agent didn't want to play with him, Sakayanagi Yusu wanted to stick out his cane.

But this is impossible. Her strength is not as high as that of a real estate agent. He may not be able to do it, let alone her.

So in desperation, she had no choice but to lower her head and look at her phone to vent her frustration alone.

She had thought that she would lose, but she didn't expect that she would lose so badly.

Yes, frustrated. This is how she reacted to playing a game with a real estate agent.

He had a huge advantage at first, but he started to lose money inexplicably. Then he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and gradually sucked back all the money he lost from Sakayanagi Yusu.

He was like a mosquito, taking one bite after another. Each bite was not much, but it just felt annoying.

Do you think the rent-collecting street charges a lot? It's not much, but you can't handle the large amount, so you can collect as much as you need. Not to mention that the real estate linkage has led to a gradual increase in rent collection, and the real estate agency also uses magic cards to disgust people. Naturally, she feels very bad.

So why don't real estate agencies take the second shot?

Hungry is the reason, but the bigger reason is...

The same move cannot be effective against Saints for the second time.

Real estate agents love to use weird tricks, but they can only be used once. He was not a Monopoly expert to begin with, but he had some ideas after playing the game just now, which led to him winning this time. If he tried again, not only would he not necessarily win, but Sakayanagi Yusu might also see through the characteristics of his own formation, which would be more than worth the loss.

His advantage is that the opponent does not know how he is going to act. Once the opponent knows, he can hit GG with a smile.

Take it while it's good, and after getting an advantage, the real estate agent hummed a song and started cooking.

Since there were four people, he specially made four dishes and one soup, including tomato and egg soup, stir-fried pork with mushrooms, twice-cooked pork, spicy cabbage and zucchini.

"Okay, let's get ready for dinner~"

The real estate agent went to the supermarket to buy rice. When he came back, the soup was ready. He put all the food on the table and told everyone to get ready to eat.

"Chinese cuisine? Do you still cook these?"

"Yes, what's the matter? I haven't seen it before?"

The real estate agent put the soup into bowls and served everyone a bowl before sitting down and said, "Have a taste. I can't say it tastes good, but it's not terrible either."

"I won't eat more if it tastes bad."

Sakayanagi Yusu said this, but she still picked up the chopsticks and tried to eat the rice in front of her.

Hmm...it tastes pretty good.

Compared with ordinary girls like Ryuuen and Kushida, as a eldest lady, Sakayanagi Yusu's daily meals are naturally very good. But even so, she can still admit that the housing agency does a good job.

While enjoying the lunch given by the real estate agent, Sakayanagi Yusu finished the soup to give him honor, but not all the rice was eaten, but a lot was left behind.

It's not that she doesn't want to eat everything, it's just that she doesn't eat enough. Weak girls usually have small appetites, and Sakayanagi Arisu's stomach can even be said to be only the size of a fist.

When she was little, she couldn't finish a ham sausage. If she was forced to eat it, she would spit it out. It is precisely because of her small appetite that she is shorter.

And this is also her pain point. If someone makes irresponsible remarks about this, then she might be doing something behind her back.

Fortunately, none of the three people in the room said anything about her frailty or short stature.

Kushida is a surface angel and naturally cannot attack others. But Long Yuan disdained to attack based on this.

As for the real estate agency... He still doesn't know that there are some topics that women shouldn't touch? Asking who is dead, weight, age, etc. is like asking Zhang Mazi why there are no pockmarks on his face.

So when the real estate agent saw that Sakayanagi Yusu had left half a bowl of rice, he almost understood what happened, and he directly poured the remaining half bowl of rice into the trash can in the kitchen.

Logically speaking, this should not be done in order to save food, but if it was Ryuuen or Kushida who had leftover food, it was easy to say, and it happened to be Sakayanagi who had leftover food.

He didn't dare to say what kind of behavior he should do, lest Sakayanagi feel that he was targeting her or something. Girls are very secretive in some places, so if you can, don't provoke them.

Looking at the half-bowl of rice lying quietly in the trash can, the real estate agent couldn't help but shake his head.

This could be regarded as his mistake. He had eaten with Sakayanagi Yusu several times and he didn't pay attention to the size of her appetite.

Alas, his mistake.

Chapter 142: Keep fighting (10/14)


Stretching, the real estate agent stayed in his dormitory very leisurely. He is enjoying his life now.

Well, it might be better if you don't have to continue to manage a certain woman in the dormitory.

"Well...aren't you going to go out today, Mr. Jun?"

"I didn't plan it in the first place, so don't you think this is a kind of torture for Kamuro? Just stare at a door all day long."

The real estate agent was drinking tea calmly, and the two of them were snorting in this room.

As for the others? Kushida felt a little sleepy and went to take a nap, while Ryuuen went out again.

I don't know what Long Yuan does when he goes out every day lately. He can't beat people, right?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't make too much of a mess, everything will be easy.

"That's right. When I think about this scene, I can't help but feel terrible."

"So you don't think your behavior is sinful?"

"Well...it feels a bit inappropriate for you to say that..."

"So don't let her follow me anymore, okay? Her tracking skills aren't that good either."

"Um... no way~"

Sakayanagi Yusu said something that gave the real estate agent a headache with a smile on his face.

She just wanted to do the whole thing and make the real estate agent angry.

Her behavior made the real estate agency feel silent for Kamuro Masumi.

I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet such a young lady.

"Do you think this is too bad for her?"

"But there's nothing I can do. I have to keep an eye on you, otherwise I won't know what you're planning to do~"

"So you are just too sensitive. I don't have time to do so many things."

"But every time I see you, you are either doing something or on the way to do something, and I do feel curious~"

"Then what should I do next to report to you, okay? Spare Kamuro."

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