Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 81

Author: Jiushijiu

What everyone present is most afraid of is meeting a guy who doesn't understand anything, which would be very disappointing.

The real estate agent was sitting in the corner, smiling as he watched Sakayanagi and other young ladies start chatting.

He can guarantee that Sakayanagi is definitely trying to trick him.

"Hey~Fox boy~ I didn't expect you to come here."

The real estate agent had prepared that no one would come to him at this banquet, but to his surprise, Gao Yuanji did not continue to have fun with his female companions, but instead came to him.

"Yeah, but you're here too. I thought you were going on a date with a certain beauty."

"Haha, fox boy, this is your short-sightedness. You can date anywhere, and I don't have any problem dating here, right?"

As Gao Yuanji spoke, he combed his coquettish hair in a coquettish manner. In a way, this beautiful man's confidence was really admirable.

Just like Brother Ma from Sheniu dares to shout about his favorite food on the subway, people feel that this person is anything but simple.

"That's right, it fits your style quite well."

"Haha, even if you praise me, I won't be very happy~"

Gao Yuanji laughed twice and patted the real estate agent on the back: "So fox boy, is it Elegant Girl who invited you here this time?"

"I didn't expect that she would bring me to such an elegant place. I was completely unprepared."

The real estate agent said and gestured to his clothes. Indeed, if he had been prepared, he would not have appeared here dressed like this.

"Haha, after all, this is also a kind of fun. I said, since you don't think it's interesting, let's go out, how about it?"

"Just you and me?"

"Hmm? No way?"

"What about your female companions?"

"Haha, don't worry about them, just say whether you want to come or not."

Chapter 144 As expected, Brother Mei is still beautiful (12/14)

In the end, the real estate agent followed Gao Yuanji and left this elegant afternoon tea place and went to the rooftop.

"Huh, this is still comfortable."

When he left, the real estate agent naturally returned Hashimoto's jacket to him, and he also put on his favorite hip-hop outfit.

This is one of the few clothes that he likes to wear. He can't wear it usually, so it's good to wear it for a while at this time.

"As expected, fox boy is also a sweetheart."

"Without your temperament, compared to you, I am still a mortal."

The real estate agent shook his head slightly when he heard that Gao Yuanji was actually praising himself.

He is just an ordinary person, nothing more.

"You mean I'm special?"

"Isn't that normal? There are not many people as beautiful as you anymore."

"Hahaha, indeed, it is really rare to find someone as beautiful and outstanding as me. Ah~ I am still too beautiful~"

I don't know where Gaoyuanji took out a small mirror and looked at himself.

If a man wears a small mirror, he is probably a girl. But this is not reflected in Gaoyuanji. He is so confident, and every move he makes shows to the people around him that he is such a unique person.

Nothing that happens to him is surprising.

"I heard that Fox Boy has any new ideas recently?"

"Where did you hear that?"

The real estate agents don't understand. How come one or two of them know that they are going to make new moves?

Should he be more secretive?

"Haha, I have my own way too."

"Then what do you think? Stop me?"

"That's not true. After all, your behavior didn't bother me. Are you a second-year student? Don't worry, I have no idea of dating a second-year senior. It's still too long."

"It's okay. Even if you are dating a second-year senior, there will be no conflict between us. My target is Class D."

"Class D? That's really interesting."

Gao Yuanji understood what the real estate agent meant, and indeed there would be no conflict between the two.

The girls that Gaoyuanji dates are all girls with a lot of points, and the people in Class D generally don't have a lot of points.

In some respects, he is like a real estate agent in that he does not touch the poor.

So why did the housing agency take action against Class D of the second year this time?

Isn't this because the bad guys from Class D made the first move? Can he bear it?

"Speaking of Gaoyuanji, how many points do you have now?"

"Oh? Why are you curious about this?"

"I'm just thinking about one thing. If something troubles you in the future, how many points should I spend?"

"Would you like me to take action? Haha, it depends on my mood. If what you say is interesting enough, I might do it for free~"

In other words, if you're not interested, no matter how many points you have, it won't matter?

Although Gaoyuanji didn't say it, the subtext of this sentence was obvious.

"Then let's see then. You have extraordinary skills and I will definitely have to find you."

the real estate agent said with a smile. He knows who his opponent is.

It's Sakayanagi.

Even if they are talking happily now, aren't Liu Bei and Cao Cao still drinking and talking about heroes?

This time, that time. Now he is uniting with Class B and boycotting Class D for this reason.

"Then I hope you can find some interesting work for me. I'm too lazy to do things that don't interest me."

"I understand, I understand. There are people on my side who can do boring things."

The real estate agent touched his chin and said, leaning against the railing and looking at the blue sky and white clouds: "Gaoyuanji, are you comfortable in this school?"

"Hmm~ It's not bad, what about you? Fox boy, do you think it's interesting?"

"It sucks."

Looking at the bright weather, the housing agent said the opposite.

"Really? But I can see you living a carefree life."

"It's just that I'm happy now... Sometimes I envy you Class D."

The real estate agent turned over and rested his elbows on the railing.

He looked into the distance and sighed silently: "At least you don't need to take one step to look at ten steps, and you don't know the troubles in the future. No matter how you live now, you will be happy."

"Ha, then why does the fox boy always put so much pressure on himself? If the sky falls, won't there be tall people who can support it?"

"Yes, even if the sky falls, there will still be a tall person holding it up."

The real estate agent couldn't help but nodded after listening to Gao Yuanji's words.

Indeed, if he didn't take the limelight on the first day, if he didn't come into contact with Class B, if he didn't interfere with the development of Class D, even if the two people's genders changed, the story would still follow the original plot. Bar.

But is that really good?

One of the most distressing things for time-travelers is that they take action because they can predict the future, and actions will change the known future, making the future difficult to predict. It seems like shooting yourself in the foot.

"But sometimes...I always want to give this damn life a kick."

"Really? Even if you're tired?"

"Even if I'm tired."

"Even if you won't be at peace anymore?"

"Even though I won't be at peace anymore."

"Hahaha, as expected, fox boy, you always surprise me again and again."

The behavior of the housing agent made Gao Yuanji laugh, and he appreciated this aspect of the housing agency.

He knew how to do the most leisurely thing, but he took the initiative to intervene because he didn't want to see something happen.

"Well, fox boy, I'm looking forward to your next behavior~"

"Ha, I hope my subsequent behavior will disappoint me."

The real estate agent smiled twice and touched the two mobile phones in his pocket.

If possible, he doesn't want to live such a tiring life... But anyone who has read the original work is not willing to let the plot of the original work happen, right?

There's always something that needs to be done, and get the fuck out of people and things.

By the way, let the people who are unhappy be defeated, and the people you admire and love can win the final victory.

This is what housing agents expect to happen.

He is such a person who always wants to have the best of both worlds.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back...what's wrong? So tired?"

Kushida watched the worried real estate agent return to the house, and she couldn't help but ask.

She didn't quite understand why she looked like this after the real estate agent went out for a trip.

"It's nothing, it's just that something makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Why, Sakayanagi bullied you?"

"No, it's just some other small things. Okay, have you had dinner? Do you want me to cook?"

"Well~ I have already prepared dinner. Come and try it too~ You prepared it in the morning and at noon. Just let me do it in the evening."

Seeing Kushida's appearance, the real estate agent couldn't help but smile.

His hand was no longer clutching the phone.

Today is still the weekend, so let's relax first. As for the damn things… let's talk about it tomorrow.

Chapter 145 I will lead you to victory (13/14)

"What's wrong with you, agent?"

In the morning, before class, Shiina looked at the real estate agent lying on the table playing with his mobile phone, with a worried look on his face.

Seeing him lying listlessly on the table, Shiina felt that something might have happened to him.

"Oh, it's okay Shiina, I'm just not in a good mood."

The real estate agent said with a smile, but looking at his appearance, he didn't look like he was okay.

"Don't worry about him. He was like this last night. He was very tired. When I asked him anything, he just said it was fine."

In front of the housing agency, Ryūen waved his hand, signaling Shiina to leave it alone.

There is nothing that can be done about this matter, and no one else can take care of the housing agency's own problems.

"Oh well..."

Shiina returned to her seat in three steps, looking worriedly at the real estate agent lying there playing with his mobile phone.

So what is it that the real estate agent is looking at that makes him feel so bad?

He saw the dangers of human nature.

'So are you sure? '

'Well, don't worry about this, I will definitely be able to ask Ye Zi to complete this mission. '

For tens of thousands of points, you can sell your closest best friend, which is really unacceptable to a real estate agent.

He knew that Saku had been borrowing money for Xiang Tian Zi, so he planned to take advantage of it. By the way, after giving the points to Saku, she would hand over the points to Xiang Tian Zi when she needed them.

But what he didn't expect was that the result of Saku's choice was to add money.

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