Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 83

Author: Jiushijiu

"Actually, Albert originally planned to give 40% of the total, but I must say one more thing: merit must be rewarded, and delinquency must be punished. Albert has merit this time, so he must be rewarded. I also hope that everyone can be like Albert in the future, and we can earn some points together, do you understand?"


Seeing everyone's excited expressions, the real estate agent couldn't help but nodded.

Well, that's how it should be. How nice~

He wasn't worried that someone would have bad thoughts just because he got 30% of the points. At worst, he could just file a complaint with Long Yuan.

Seeing how united everyone in the class is now, the housing agent is very satisfied.

"Okay, now let's talk about the second thing. About the study meeting."

The real estate agent coughed twice and turned his attention to the study meeting: "We will have a preliminary exam next, right teacher?"

Several horses on the slope nodded to indicate that it was indeed true.

"Well, so after discussing with Shiina-san, I have decided on the incentives for this preliminary exam. This measure also hopes to encourage everyone to pass the exam and make progress together. Because the difficulty of this preliminary exam is not very high. , and it is not a large-scale exam, so the rewards this time are not large. I hope everyone can understand it. "

After finishing this long list, the real estate agent directly picked up the chalk and started writing on the blackboard.

"The students in our class are now divided into two categories - normal students and dangerous students. The latter are students who have a certain possibility of failing and dropping out of school, so our incentives for these two categories of students are also different. Let me start with Normal life."

After writing the three numbers 5000/3000/1000 on the blackboard, the housing agent turned around and said to everyone: "The first place in the exam class will receive a reward of 5,000 points, and the second and third place will receive a reward of 5,000 points." A reward of 3,000 points will be given, and the top four to eight will receive a reward of 1,000 points."

"Ahem, classmate Fang Fang, come to my office after class. I have some questions about this."

But at this time, Sakagami Suma suddenly spoke. After the real estate agent nodded to express his understanding, he continued to talk about this matter.

He can probably guess what Sakagami Suma wants to say. The teacher has the right to reward students, so he should do his best in this matter.

As for why there is no such situation in the original work... Do you think a teacher like Chabashira can provide motivation?

"Then let's talk about the dangerous students. We already know something about everyone's performance, and the dangerous students are the students who participated in the study meeting. For this reason, if these dangerous students are successful in this small test, If you can pass the subjects that you originally failed, each student will receive a reward of 1,500 points."

It seems that the points are not many. After all, this is just a small test, not a serious large-scale examination. When the large-scale examination is completed, the points will naturally be more.

"In addition, I also made a separate proposal here, and it was approved by Ryuuen-san. Shiina-san and Kaneda-san who helped the classmates in this study meeting will receive a reward of 5,000 points. I think everyone has no objections. ?"

objection? Of course not. After all, everyone knows about their efforts, especially the dangerous students who are likely to fail. Naturally, their help is appreciated.

"Because we received help from Class B, we also need to pay fifteen thousand points to Class B. Well, the above points will be distributed before Friday of the week after we first collect the class fee. If there are students who have not received points, please inform me, Ryuuen-san, Shiina-san or Sakagami-sensei in time, and we will solve the problem as quickly as possible."

That's all the real estate agency has to say this time, it's nothing more than explaining the points.

After the housing agency stepped down, no new students came on stage to explain. If it were in the future, Shiina might have to go up and report on the income and expenditure of class points. And now that class fees have not been collected, naturally there is no need to talk about this kind of thing.

Now that there are no students on stage, Sakagami Suma begins to talk about his own side of the matter.

"Okay, I will continue what Fang Fang said about the quiz just now and make a simple supplement. This quiz is tentatively scheduled to be held all day on Wednesday and Thursday. There are a total of five test subjects, namely sociology, mathematics... "

Sakagami Suma was also talking about something about the quiz. This kind of exam is said to be a small test, but in fact it cannot be said to be just a small test. In a way, it is an exam, but because the test scores are not important, it is called a small test because it is more about getting the basics.

There aren't many specific things to know, it's just what time the exam starts, which subject to take, what to do after the exam, and a series of other things.

One thing that concerns real estate agents is that you can hand in your papers and leave immediately after taking the exam. If you leave, you will not be able to stay in the teaching building any longer.

Well, you can fish~

There is one characteristic of real estate agents when writing papers - they get confused if they don't know how to do it. He doesn't know how to solve a question, and he won't say it. He thinks about it for a few minutes before writing it out. If he doesn't know it, he just makes it up and then moves on to the next question. So generally speaking, he can finish the 10 multiple-choice questions in about 3 minutes. Mathematics may take an extra 5 minutes due to calculations, so I won't say more.

After all, his goal has always been to pass the exam, regardless of whether your score is high or not, and it's not because he wants to do so much in the college entrance examination.

Chapter 148 I can help hide it, but you have to tell me

What is the most enjoyable thing about being a real estate agent?

Nothing better than taking Friday off after taking exams on Wednesday and Thursday.

Yes, Friday is a holiday. There are many holidays in Japan, and it happens to be a holiday on Friday. To put it bluntly, there are only two days of classes this week.

This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for a group of little brats who have just come to school. After Sakagami Suma said this, the housing agent could clearly feel that the attitudes of everyone in the classroom had changed a lot.

To put it bluntly, I have expectations for the future.

Like these classmates, he also has expectations for the future. But...he was thinking about something else.

That is, this time is a God-given opportunity to see what the situation in Class D is like.

Oh, I'm not talking about the first grade, but the second grade, especially the situation on the bad team.

He has long wanted to deal with the bad guys, but he has been suffering from no plan.

You mean Xiangtian leaves? That was to deceive Nan Yunya. What's the matter with the bad group?

However, the information from Xiang Tian Zi's side can be transferred to the bad group. As long as there is 'evidence' that the bad group and Xiang Tian Zi conspired to collude, that would be interesting.

But as for how to do this...

This is a new issue that real estate agents need to think about.

He also thought about the time for this matter, next week, yes, next week.

This weekend is definitely not suitable, and before the exam... I am a bit pressed for time, so in the end the real estate agent set the time for this matter to be Monday or Tuesday of the new week.

The real estate agent was not in a hurry to tell Saku the time. There was no need to tell it later. What was more important now was the thoroughness of the conspiracy plan. He was afraid that there would be a loophole in his plan and Nagumo Ya would be caught by then.

After all, he has deceived people with so many points, and he will definitely not give up until he digs three feet into the ground.

That would be a good time to see if he is capable.

As for the 10% agreed upon with Saku...that will have to wait until later.

If she is in a hurry, she can't give it to her. Anyway, if something happens, she will just die. What does it have to do with the housing agency?

As long as he can live with a dog.

As for why the real estate agency only gave her 10%... it was simply because she didn't want to give her more.

Originally it was only 30,000 yuan, but she insisted on ordering more, so you can order more. She still wants to be so greedy.

The real estate agent was naturally not happy. Originally she wanted to ask for 40%, but the real estate agent said that "washing points consumes a lot of points, so there is not much left", so she cut it to 10%. .

Well, anyway, he opened his mouth and the other party didn't dare to say whether it was true or false.

Anyway, if you don't believe it, you can go it alone and see if Nagyunya will tear you apart.

These points have to be earned and spent.

"That's pretty much it... Tsk, it's really troublesome."

Sakagami Shuma was talking from above, while the real estate agent was running around below.

After all, the things he is talking about now are all messy things, and they have nothing to do with the housing agency.

At every class meeting, a lot of messy things would be brought up, and Sakagami was doing his job well.

Looking at Class D, the noise started again twenty minutes ago. It was obvious that Sae Chabashira chose to let them go to self-study.

How can she be a teacher like this?

Well, finding a way to get her to resign is also included in the plan.

Sae Chabashira and Haruki Yamauchi are different. Both are holding back, but the former has rights.

If she was manipulated, Class D might be able to solve the problem easily. For this reason, the real estate agent must find a way to capture Chabashira before Class D, so that he can control Chabashira to make Class D's problem worse.

She's just not doing anything right now, but what if she's been doing a disservice?

That would be even more interesting.

The real estate agency didn't dare to say that Class D should live or die, but they had to die completely.

There are probably not many students in Class D who still have the motivation to work hard to be promoted to Class A. Hirata and Horikita are examples of hard work, while Kushida and Karuizawa, to put it bluntly, give them some sweetness. I just want to muddle along.

That's what they are like if they are unmotivated.

The two have completely different ambitions. Kushida wants to be the heartthrob and the center of attention. Whether she is in Class A or not is not important to her. Karuizawa is even more peculiar, as long as he is not bullied.

How strange.

"Okay, after class, come to my office."


For ordinary students, they have to prepare for being disciplined when going to the office. But real estate agents have no worries at all.

Why? He knew that he was a popular person around the class teacher. The class teacher asked him to go to the office because he had something to do with him, not to criticize him.

After following Sakagami Suma to his office, the real estate agent found a stool and sat down, listening to Sakagami Suma talking about what he had in mind during the class meeting.

"Mr. Agent, about the score incentives you mentioned at the class meeting, the teacher can give me the points."

"Well... I know, after all, I have already discovered this during physical education class. But teacher, what I hope is that this matter is regarded as class fees instead of paying for it out of your own pocket. These are two different things."

The real estate agent had to explain his thoughts to Sakagami Suma here: "For the students, the payment of class fees is compulsory collection in some respects. In most cases, the class fees they are paid are beneficial to the class. But it does not bring much personal benefit, so they will have a certain resistance to it, so using class fees to motivate them can make them enjoy it more."

As he spoke, he picked up the pen and paper he had specially brought over and wrote on the paper: "After all, our exams are about once a month on average, so every month they will get part of the return after paying the class fee. , this unexpected surprise is higher than what you simply give them. Besides..."

"Besides...what else do you want to do?"

"Well...do you know about false accounting?"

"Mr. Agent, I keep the points in my hand."

"I understand, I understand. It's impossible to use it for personal use. It's just that when you do certain things, it's not suitable to let your classmates know. So sometimes this bill from an unknown source is more useful."

The real estate agent said with a smile: "So this is what I plan to do, so that we have a legitimate reason to save a fund for doing 'bad things'."

"Even if you do something bad, you still have to report it."

"No problem, as long as you don't tell your classmates."

Chapter 149 I heard what you just said!

"By the way, teacher, I would like to ask, are there any conditions for your encouragement?"

The real estate agent sat on a chair and asked Sakagami Suma, and Sakagami Suma shook his head: "There are no conditions, it's more about the limit."


"Yes, each teacher can only pay 100,000 points per month to hand over to students. The reason for delivery is very arbitrary."

Oh~ Then it looks like that physical education teacher may have to hand over 40,000 points a week. A men's and women's competition in each of the four classes would be worth 40,000 points.

"To put it bluntly, as long as there is a valid reason, it can be delivered?"

"Yes, but the teacher can also use it for 'personal use' without paying the points. You should understand what this means, right?"

Can you use it for your own use? Then is it possible that you gave these points to the teacher...

The real estate agent found some clues. He lowered his head and started thinking: "Teacher, how much do you plan to use for yourself every month?"

"Me? What should I do with these points? There is absolutely no need for personal use. My usual points are enough for me to live on. What, what do you have in mind?"

"Yes, I have an idea. See if there is any reason to deposit all the 100,000 points into the class fee every month. I have to think hard about how to get the money from the teacher. "

"You dare to pick off the teacher's wool?"

"It's hard to say for other classes. Class D must have some bad guys."

The real estate agent said with a smile.

He could guarantee that Chabashira would never give this point to the students and would probably use it for his own use.

"So I guess some teachers will use these points as bonuses for themselves."

"Well, this phenomenon does occur, but the school is not completely ignorant of this situation. If this happens more often, the teacher's rating will be lowered. As a result, the classes taught in the future will also be worse. class."

"So Chabashira-sensei is the professor's Class D?"


"Then teacher, why do you come to teach us Class C?"

"Well...it's pretty easy."

Sakagami Suma gave a strange answer.

The real estate agent is a bit unable to understand this.

"Class D is too difficult to manage, and Class A needs to find a way to keep its place in Class A. Class B is most likely to become Class A's substitute, so there will be strong disputes between AB and Class C in every grade. It's different. Those who are motivated will work hard, and those who are not motivated will wait for death. No matter which way it is, it's not difficult for me, so I will let you develop on your own."

Sakagami Suma, with his arms folded, told the housing agent the reason, and he also explained the teacher's bonus to the housing agent.

The better the AB class, the bigger the bonus. The CD guarantees that the number of students in the class will not decrease. As for the grades? Needless to say, it's just too bad. So it's really not difficult for him to get the bonus.

Hmm... If the real estate agent plays more fancy, maybe his bonus will be bigger.

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