Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 86

Author: Jiushijiu

When she opened the door, she saw the housing agent and Ryūen Shoko standing outside the house.

"Why are you here?"

Looking at Shiina, whose mouth was slightly open and looking surprised, Ryuuen Shoko snorted: "Because some guy is worried about your mood and came here to check on you."

"Ahem, after all, I received a message from Ichinose saying that you are not feeling well today. I guess you are in a bad mood, so I plan to come over and take a look."


At this point, Shiina's mood became even more depressed.

"Won't you invite us in?"

Long Yuan asked at this time.

"Then please come in. Just go barefoot if you don't have extra slippers."

Shiina took two steps back somewhat sluggishly, motioning for the two of them to enter the house.

The real estate agent and Ryūen Shoko entered the house, and only then did Shiina see the real estate agent holding a bag of things in his hand: "What did you bring here, agent-kun?"

"Oh, ingredients, I thought you wouldn't be in the mood for dinner tonight, so I thought I'd come over to your place to make some appetizing dinner."

The real estate agent said, lifting the plastic bag in his hand: "It's almost four o'clock now, I'm going to cook first."

He usually doesn't cook until around six o'clock, so that he can have dinner before almost seven o'clock. But what he was going to make today might take some time, so he planned to eat it early.

"No need to bother."

"Okay, don't think too much about it. I just came here to see you. You are the leader of our class. It would not be good if you stay so sluggish. Besides... I don't want to see you like this."

The real estate agent smiled and touched Shiina's face. His hand touched the corner of her mouth and moved it up slightly: "Come on, smile."

His smile was genuine, it seemed like it was him.

Yes, this was the thing she couldn't let go of the most.

The real estate agent is very gentle to everyone, and his unintentional tenderness is a kind of poison that makes people miss him.

"Mr. Intermediary."

Shiina's eyes gradually turned red, and tears appeared in the corners of her eyes: "You know what? It's really bad of you to do this."

"Is there any? I specially asked Long Yuan to come over to help enlighten you. You are both girls, so you should have more things in common."

"Okay, go ahead and cook. You don't even know how to coax girls."

Ryuuen rolled her eyes at the housing agent, and she pulled Shiina toward the house: "Hurry up and cook, don't make us hungry in a while."

"Don't worry, it will definitely be done before five-thirty."

Seeing how reliable Long Yuan was, the housing agent couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Shiina's sudden tears just now really scared him. Fortunately, Ryuuen came to the rescue at this time, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then he went to make dinner by himself.

"Supper is ready."

At around 5:10, the real estate agent put the meal on the table. He knocked on the door of Shiina's boudoir and spoke to the two girls in the room.


Hearing the sound coming from Long Yuan in the house, the housing agent went to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

When Shiina came out, the housing agent could see that her eyes were red, and it looked like she had been crying for a while.

Behind Shiina, Ryuuen made an OK gesture. It seemed like she had really coaxed the girl well?

"Okay, let's have dinner when we get out."

The real estate agent smiled, divided the dishes and chopsticks, and prepared to start eating.

When Shiina looked at the meals in front of her, her eyes began to cry again.

"Mr. Intermediary."

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you so nice to me?"

Seeing Shiina looking like she was about to cry again, the real estate agent was confused again. Women are made of water, so they just cry?

He looked at Ryuuen confusedly, and Ryuuen gave him a look that said, 'You handle it yourself'.

Hey, so what did you coax her into before?

The real estate agent, who didn't realize that he was the culprit, had no choice but to look at Shiina bravely: "Being nice to you...is there anything wrong with that?"

"That's right, it's just that I think... As expected, agent-kun, you are still too despicable."

Shiina grabbed the real estate agent's clothes, lay on him and cried again: "Why are you so gentle to me? I'm very troubled."

"What's bothering you?"

"I, I'm troubled as to why I like you so much."

Listening to Shiina's words, the real estate agent's eyes grew. He looked at Ryuuen in horror, his face full of 'What the hell did you teach her? ! ' expression.

Chapter 153 From now on, can you call me Hiyori?

What did Long Yuan teach her? He didn't teach her anything, just let her follow her heart.

For Shiina, this boy she met from the first day is already a close friend to her.

But the relationship between the two is more than just close friends.

If it can be said that with Ryuuen, the spark of love has been erased amidst the excitement and cheers, while with Karuizawa, it is a sweet, loving couple's life. That and Shiina have been accompanying each other for a long time in peace and quiet.

In just two weeks, the two of them have helped each other, worked hard, and made progress together. For Shiina, what she hopes most is to read a good book and spend time quietly with the real estate agent.

But she gradually panicked. She felt that the real estate agent was getting busier and busier recently, and he might not have more time to read with her.

She chatted more with him about business matters in the class, and in her free time, she only had a little time to read books with her. At this time, this sentimental girl began to feel that the housing agency might be getting closer to her. It's getting further and further away.

And today, after she learned that the housing agent had a girlfriend, her panic became even stronger.

Women are jealous, and as a woman, she knows this very well. And if a man who has a girlfriend gets close to other girls, he will inevitably be criticized. Usually, in order to avoid suspicion, men will choose to stay away from other women.

So Shiina was panicked, she didn't know what to do at all. That's why her heart is so messed up.

Then the most important thing happened. The bastard Ryuuen showed up and told her, 'This is love. If you like him, go for it.' ' He talked a lot.

It was the first time I had feelings for the opposite sex in adolescence, so how could I easily distinguish between love and friendship?

Back and forth, she fell in love with Long Yuan's persuasion and her own inner desires.

So now the real estate agent is completely confused. He doesn't understand what happened to him to become like this.

"Shiina, I definitely want you to calm down."

"I can't calm down, agent-kun."

Shiina hugged the real estate agent. She felt more and more that Ryuen was right. Maybe she just liked the real estate agent, or maybe she just couldn't let go.

Holding the real estate agent in her arms, she felt extremely happy at this moment. This was a feeling she had never experienced in a while. She... didn't want the real estate agent to leave her.

"I like you, agent-kun."

Damn it, straight shot!

For the first time, the real estate agent felt what a straight shot was, which made everyone else stupid.

Not even Karuizawa, the person he was dating on the surface, said such straightforward words.

Maybe it's because she has such a simple temperament that she can say such a thing.

"I'm like this, do you still like me?"

"I like you!"

"Even if I have unclear relationships with many girls?"

"Then I like it too!"

"are you serious?"

"I've decided!"

Looking at Shiina in his arms, the real estate agent felt tired.

It was the first time that Shiina fell in love with a boy, so why not the first time that the real estate agent fell in love with someone else?

Unlike his previous life, there were so many girls around him in this life, and he was also very confused. If the girls weren't very sensible, he would have felt the explosion of the harem long ago.

I feel tired.

"Shiina, I think you need to calm down."

The real estate agent held her shoulders with both hands, allowing her to relax and calm down for a while.

"You may be controlled by your emotions now. I hope you can truly express your own thoughts instead of just proving that you love me here."

Seeing that Shiina's mood gradually calmed down, the real estate agent breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this girl was able to have a normal conversation.

"Okay, okay, let's eat first. Let's talk about anything else after eating."

As he spoke, the real estate agent picked up his chopsticks and started to eat, which made him hungry.

Eating dinner cooked by the real estate agent with chopsticks, Shiina could feel the real estate agent's emotions.

He was worried about Shiina, so he added some appetizing garnishes to his dish.

This kind of trivial concern made Shiina's eye circles even redder.

You are obviously saying something, hoping that I can express my feelings, but your behavior is really too much. Your gentleness has been testing me.

Is the housing agent worried about Shiina? Worry. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told Shiina to calm down and face her heart. If he really just wants to feel happy for a while, then wouldn't it be better to just take advantage of Shiina's irrational state to accept her love and then cook the rice?

He had his own thoughts, and he didn't want Shiina to regret his sudden confession after she calmed down. He just hopes that the other party can calm down and say "I like you" smoothly.

This is a sincere sentence. Although it will trouble him more, he never rejects others who are not malicious.

For someone like him, who has been single for nearly as long as his own age, it is enough to be lucky if a girl expresses his love, and rejecting it...

Forget it, that's it.

Shiina and Fusako both had different expressions while eating, but Ryuuen, who was watching the theater next to him, was eating with gusto.

She has no other hobbies, she just likes to watch the fun, especially the love between children, which makes her find it even more interesting.

It would have been better if there was some bloodshed.

Of course, that's impossible.

But being able to develop to this point is enough for Long Yuan to eat two more bowls of rice.

After finishing her meal, she watched the gradually awkward atmosphere between the two people burst out again.

"I'm going to wash the dishes, you continue."

This was the rare first time that Long Yuan took the initiative to wash the dishes, not for any other reason than to prevent the housing agent from escaping.

She had already seen it. Although the real estate agent told Shiina to calm down and think about it, the silly girl became more and more determined in her heart.

Well, she really lived up to her hour-long lobbying. Now she is more determined in her thoughts, right?

Ryuuen didn't care much about adding another love rival to himself.

Anyway, just fight. In the end, the housing agency will be hers too.

Humming a tune, Ryuuen brought all the empty dishes into the kitchen, while outside, the housing agent and Shiina stared at each other.

"Shiina, do you still think you like me?"

"Junior agent, can you lower your head?"

Shiina did not answer the real estate agent's words, but asked him a question.

"Okay, how..."

The real estate agent lowered his head and didn't know what she meant, but the next second, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

He could feel the softness on his lips, and the other person was using his actions to prove his feelings.

"Can you call me Hiyori from now on?"

Chapter 154: Why do you always miss your shabby Nishino?

"Xiangzi, what on earth do you want to do?"

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