Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 92

Author: Jiushijiu

This is true. The real estate agent remembers that when he was in high school, he always had weekly exams and so on, so when the real big exam came up, he also knew what was written on the paper, how to write it, and what kind of body shape he would have.

But this is not the case in high school. They really don't give you exams in normal times. If you want to know the situation of the midterm exam before the midterm exam, you can only rely on this mock test. Otherwise, you will be blinded and you won't know anything. .

"I understand, senior sister, aren't you worried about the exam?"

"I'm so worried. I answer whatever they ask. Can I still be stumped by them?"

Well, as expected, he is as confident as ever.

The real estate agent nodded and stopped asking Kiryuin any more.

He finally discovered that his luck was really bad. If he could meet these two great gods, then nothing would happen today.

Well, basically not anymore.

This time the flag was not raised, and until the second exam, the real estate agency did not encounter anything else.

But after he handed in the paper, he discovered something that left him speechless.

That guy Ayanokouji is in a daze.

I happened to see her when I was passing by Class D. She was pretending not to know how to do the questions and looked like she had a headache, but the real estate agent knew what she was thinking.

She was probably wondering whether it would be appropriate for her to get a score of 63 or 64...

Gee, controlling the big boss is the most troublesome thing.

Chapter 162: Who can have no ambition?

"Um...I finally finished the exam."

In any case, the test was completed in one day.

The real estate agent stretched himself and waited for Shiina outside the teaching building.

He also wants to go with Shiina to find which restaurant is suitable for everyone to eat together.

As for Longyuan? She said she was too lazy to go. Just let the two of them do this chore.

It's not impossible if the two of them treat it as a date, she doesn't care anyway.

Hmm...it's not like it's a date, right?

The real estate agent rubbed his chin, thinking about this.

"Ah, I'm sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Shiina waited for almost half an hour before she walked out of the examination room.

Unlike the real estate agent, as a girl, she is naturally very careful and writes the paper in a slow and steady manner, so it does take nearly an hour to finish writing this paper in one go.

"It won't take long, let's go then? Let's go find something to eat together?"

"Well, let's go."

There is no study meeting today. In order to allow students to take the exam with peace of mind, the study meeting was not held today.

Although it's not a good idea to sharpen your skills before the battle, it's better for everyone to review this kind of thing in private. Holding a study meeting before the exam will put a kind of pressure on them and make them cram even more. This kind of thing is unnecessary.

What's more, they really need to relax before and after the exam. The housing agency asked them to take a few days off and wait until next week to resume the meeting. During this time, the students can sort out the knowledge they have learned.

After all, when studying, you always need to review, and independent review is something you must go through, otherwise you have to be fed by others, and it is difficult to say that you are making progress.

Study for yourself. If you don't want to review on your own, then you are still learning nonsense. Go back to a factory to tighten screws as soon as possible.

Commercial Street, this street can really be said to be a street, there are really many shops on both sides.

Looking at the dazzling array of shops, the real estate agent muttered in a low voice, "It's great to have money," while looking around for something to eat.

"Hiyori, what do you think it would be better for us to go eat?"

"Hmm...how about self-help?"

Self-service, a bit expensive in terms of price, but a good choice in other aspects.

Aren't you all divided? Then eat at the buffet, you can eat whatever you want.

Otherwise, the housing agency wouldn't know how to choose. Class C is not Class B. Although there are not as many people as Class D, there are actually quite a few.

"Then let's help ourselves. If I remember correctly, there are three self-service stores on this commercial street, right? Ask them all?"


I asked the three self-service stores one by one, and the prices were not much different. Even if forty people went to eat, the discounts were very limited.

"You have to pay thirty-four thousand points."

Calculating this amount, Shiina couldn't help but frown. Did she think it was a bit too expensive?

Originally, according to her idea, maybe 20,000 could solve the problem.

"Okay, thirty-four thousand, just thirty-four thousand. Anyway, we're not that many points short. Just let everyone have some fun."

On average, it costs 850 points per person, which is not expensive. If you eat something else, I don't know how expensive it will be.

The real estate agent said, and Shiina left the store together. After finally communicating with the other party, they decided to go there to eat together at noon on Thursday.

Walking on the road, the real estate agent looked at the milk tea shop next to him and pointed: "Would you like to go over and buy a cup of milk tea together?"

"No need?"

"It's okay, go ahead."

"Okay, I'll let you spend the money."

Shiina actually didn't want the real estate agency to spend so much money. She was also one of the few people in Class C who knew how many points the real estate agency had left.

After all, when I paid 34,000 yuan just now, I used my own points. If I were to find a higher class fee, I would have to reimburse it afterwards.

The real estate agent's own points are no longer enough to pay so much, so she still relies on Shiina, who doesn't spend much money and still has a lot of points.

"Hi, little thing."

When they arrived at the milk tea shop, the two of them did not order milk tea this time, but fruit tea.

After all, milk tea shops don't just sell milk tea~

After they both bought the tea they wanted to drink, they drank fruit tea and walked on the road.

"It's so laid back."

The housing agent couldn't help but sigh.


"I just feel more tired than usual. Today is rare and leisurely, which makes me feel very comfortable."

"Really? Mr. Agent, you are always planning something."

"There's nothing we can do. It's for the sake of the class."

Speaking without conscience, the real estate agent did not look into Shiina's eyes.

If the previous fight against Class A was for the sake of the class, then the fight against Nagyunya was purely his own idea.

For this reason, he really couldn't shamelessly say how hard he worked. After all, he worked hard to make money, so there was nothing to say.

"Then you still work really hard... When do you think we won't have to compete with each other?"

"I just want the years to be quiet... I guess I have to wait until after graduation."

While drinking fruit tea, the real estate agent said cruel words: "After all, the strength of this school is supreme. If we don't completely defeat other classes, we will never rest in peace."

"So after defeating Class A, our opponent will be Class B?"

"Probably. I have to guard against Class A's counterattack and defeat Class B at the same time. It's really tiring."


It was hard for Shiina to say anything, especially after she knew what the trouble was in this school.

If it were just her, she could say that she was willing to stay in Class C in order not to compete.

But besides her, there are 39 other classmates in Class C. She cannot represent others, she can only represent herself.

Ryuuen did the right thing. She wanted to lead the whole class to Class A, so competition was inevitable.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and fighting and killing are naturally common in rivers and lakes.

If Shiina herself doesn't want to deal with these troubles, she can naturally escape from the world, but she can only let herself be a coward.

And when a problem does arise and someone needs to take action, she will choose to act on her own.

But now, the crisis has not reached that point, so she is just melancholy now. She wants to live a happy high school life with her classmates, but the result does not seem so easy and simple.

"I can only say that everyone has been deceived by this school. This school is not as beautiful as advertised. So when they come here, many people will be disappointed and become cannon fodder and pawns in the hands of those who are ambitious. Just play with it."

"Then Mr. Agent, are you ambitious?"

"Ambition? I do have it, but maybe it's not ambition. I just want to live a better life, and by the way, make life difficult for some annoying guys."

Chapter 163: Are you fond of eating these snacks recently?

"Huh? Isn't this Ayanokouji?"

The two of them were walking around when the real estate agent suddenly saw Ayanokouji Kiyohime eating food on the bench next to her.

It looked like some boys around her wanted to come over and strike up a conversation, but they never came over and she didn't know what they were thinking.

Maybe it's because you don't think the other person is that easy to mess with? She looks like a young lady and is definitely not that easy to be deceived?

In fact, it can only be said that they worry too much. Should I say that it was fortunate that there was no such innumerable person as Yamauchi? Otherwise it would be quite a headache.

Just like what Kushida complained about before, that idiot Yamauchi actually went to Kushida with wolfberry tea and asked her to try it... No, wolfberry tea, how long did it take for you to give this thing to a girl?

The housing agent didn't even bother to complain.

"Huh? Agency-kun and Shiina-san?"

Ayanokouji raised her head and looked at the real estate agent, then at Shiina. She raised the popcorn in her hand and said, "Would you like to eat together?"

She seems to like eating these little snacks.

If she doesn't have enough points, can she still afford these snacks?

Real estate agents can't help but think about this problem.

"Ah, thank you...that's right."

The real estate agent suddenly recalled that he seemed to have told Shiina last week that he would introduce a new book lover to her.

Now that we have it all in front of us, why not...

"By the way, you haven't eaten yet, right?"

"No, I haven't thought about what to eat."

So you're just going to have some snacks to feed yourself?

The real estate agent glanced at Shiina: "Would you like to have a meal together?"

"In the shopping street?"

"Well, what's wrong? I'm treating you."

"Agent, do you have enough points?"

"Hey, won't it count next month?"

The real estate agency was referring to the points provided by Class A starting next month, and Shiina nodded at this point. She understood what the real estate agency meant.

Ayanokouji Kiyohime also nodded after listening to the real estate agent's words: "Indeed, you Class C will still have points next month."

This is very sad. Class D will probably score 0 points next month, 99% of the time. You don't even have to think about it.

If the real estate agent is a student in Class D, he may work hard for his own wallet, but if he is from Class C, how can he ask Class D to work hard?

Anyway, if you, Class D, are poor, just be poor. It's none of my business. The worst thing you can do is work part-time. You can earn some points by working part-time. Although it's not a lot, it's still enough for daily life~

So the reason why they have very little daily life in the original work is because of this? Do you usually work to earn money?

"It's okay. If you really run out of points, I can lend you some."

The real estate agent patted Ayanokouji on the shoulder and told her not to worry too much.

Well, the kind of borrowing money that you don't intend to pay back.

As for why the real estate agent would do this... who calls him an LSP?

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