Chapter 5: Shadows and Petals

She woke up at 6 in the morning did her morning routine, then she went to the kitchen and made breakfast and set it on dining table she was about to eat when the doorbell rang , she went to open the door there was nobody but only a bouquet of flowers with letter. "morning pretty lady ~J" She just groans in annoyance, she's been receiving flowers from the ~j for the past few months , she dont know who actually is that ~j?.( The mysterious figure stalking YN is actually someone who has a secret crush on her and is trying to pursue her, the one who send her flowers, but one thing is sure its not from jungkook.)

She didn't want to throw away the flowers, so she decorated the vase every time , whenever she receives flowers .After finishing her breakfast she went to her gym ,which in her home and she exercise for about 2 hours then she took hot shower and went outside for grocery.

On her way to the market,YN pulled out her phone and dialed a number, her eyes scanning the empty streets as she waited for an answer."Hyung, it's me, YN," she said, her voice low and urgent. "We're a go for the mission. I've made contact with Jungkook last time in party, and I think I've left a lasting impression."Kim Tae-hyung, her fellow agent and mentor, answered on the other end, his voice calm and collected. "Good work, YN ,litteraly you are faster than i thought,. How did it go?"YN filled him in on the details, from the poker game to the subtle hints she'd dropped. Tae-hyung listened intently, his mind racing with strategies and contingency plans."Be careful, YN," he warned. "Jungkook is not someone to underestimated. He's got an army of loyal followers who'd do anything for him.dont Underestimate him. He's smart, ruthless, and connected, they call him blackwolf for a reason. Crossing him could be the last thing you ever do. We've gotta be careful, play it smart, or we're in deep trouble." V's words carried a weight of caution, a reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows of their world.

"I know, hyung," YN replied, her voice steady. "I'll be careful. But I think we have a good chance of success, Jungkook is arrogant, and that's his weakness."

Tae-hyung chuckled. "hope so , but YN, it's easy to mistake arrogance for weakness, don't be fooled because he might have shown you his soft side, but don't forget, he's still in control of what he wants you to see. People like him, they pick and choose which parts of themselves they reveal. It's a game, really You think you're seeing the whole picture, but in reality, it's just a carefully crafted image. So, don't be fooled. Stay cautious, because behind that soft side could be something much darker. "We'd better proceed with a foolproof plan."

YN nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her. "i will try my best, hyung." As she spoke, YN felt a sudden presence behind her. She spun around, her heart racing, but saw no one. The street was empty, the only sound the distant hum of a car engine.Tae-hyung's voice brought her back to the conversation.

"YN, are you there? What's going on?"YN hesitated, her senses on high alert. "Nothing, hyung. Just a stray animal, I think." Tae-hyung's voice brought her back to the conversation. But she knew better. Someone had been watching her, and she could feel their eyes still on her."Ok, hyung, I'll talk to you later," YN said, her voice firm. "I need to get out of here.""Be safe, YN," Tae-hyung replied. "We'll talk soon."

The line went dead, and YN quickly scanned her surroundings, her hand on her gun ,but there was nobody. She knew she had to get out of there, fast. The mission was far from over, and she had a feeling that things were about to get a lot more complicated.