Chapter 18: Truth And Dare

As they drove back, YN couldn't shake off the unease gnawing at her. They were delving deeper into dangerous territory, and every move had to be calculated perfectly. Taehyung's focus was unwavering as he navigated through the streets, the weight of their mission pressing down on both of them.

When they arrived back at the house, they found Alex, Jimin, and J-Hope sitting in the living room. The atmosphere was light, a stark contrast to the tension YN and Taehyung felt.

"Hey, when did you guys become so close?" Jimin teased, looking up from his spot on the couch. "At dinner, I thought you would choose me," he added with a playful pout.

Alex chimed in, glancing at YN. "I also thought the same. She would choose me."

YN forced a laugh, trying to keep her demeanor casual. "You guys know how it is," she said with a shrug. "Sometimes plans change. I asked Taehyung to make some understanding, nothing else."

Jimin smirked, still not entirely convinced. "Well, next time, let us in on the fun. We wouldn't mind tagging along."

YN smiled, trying to steer the conversation away from any potential suspicions. "Of course, next time we'll make it a group outing."

Alex seemed to accept the explanation, turning back to the TV. "Just make sure you don't have too much fun without us," he joked.

"So finally, J-Hope's beauty queen is back," Suga said, emerging from the kitchen.

"Are you being worried about me?" YN replied with a playful smile.

Suga shrugged, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Just making sure you're not causing too much trouble."

"Me? Never, Mr. 'I'm not worried but actually am,'" YN said, laughing.

Suga rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his grin. "I'm worried about my blood that's in you. Remember, I gave you my blood, not a few decades ago."

YN's laughter softened, her eyes meeting Suga's. "How could I forget? You saved my life."

"What's going on?" RM joined them, looking curious.

"Nothing, just watching two wild cats fighting," Jimin spoke up, grinning.

YN and Suga glared at him and spoke in unison, "Shut up!"

"Okay, okay, cool," Jimin said, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Sit, let's play some games," J-Hope suggested enthusiastically.

"Yes, I'll go and call Jin and Jungkook hyung," Jimin said, standing up.

As Jimin left to gather the rest of the group, YN and Taehyung exchanged a subtle glance. Despite the lighthearted moment, the seriousness of their mission lingered in their minds. They would need to balance these moments of normalcy with their covert efforts to uncover the truth, all while keeping their true intentions hidden from everyone else.

"So, we will play truth or dare. What do you think, guys?" Alex suggested with excitement.

"Childish," Jin spoke up, his tone slightly dismissive.

They were all sitting around the table, the atmosphere a mix of anticipation and skepticism

As they settled around the table, the tension from earlier seemed to dissipate slightly, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. Jin's comment about the game being childish was met with a playful eye-roll from Alex, who was determined to inject some fun into the evening.

"Come on, Jin, where's your sense of adventure?" Alex teased, nudging him lightly.

Jin chuckled, shaking his head. "Fine, let's play. But I'm not making any promises about how wild things will get."

The group laughed, and Jimin eagerly volunteered to go first. He spun the bottle, the anticipation building as it whirled around, finally coming to a stop, pointing at Suga.

"Truth or dare, Suga hyung?" Jimin asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Suga pondered for a moment before grinning. "Dare."

Jimin's smirk widened. "I dare you to... serenade us with your best love song!"

Suga's eyes widened in mock horror, but he rose to the challenge, belting out a comically exaggerated rendition of a popular love ballad. The room erupted into laughter, and even Suga couldn't help but crack a smile as he hammed it up for the group.

then rm spin the bottle and it stop on him " i better dont spin the bottle " rm said ." so truth or dare " taehyung ask

RM chuckled nervously, considering his options for a moment. "Truth," he finally replied, hoping to avoid any embarrassing dares.

Taehyung grinned mischievously. "Alright, RM, spill the beans. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?"

RM's cheeks flushed slightly as he thought back, recalling a particularly embarrassing incident from his past. "Well, there was this one time when I tripped and fell in front of a crowd of people," he admitted sheepishly. "I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my life."

The group erupted into laughter, teasing RM playfully as they shared their own embarrassing stories. As the game continued,


...then jin spin the bottle and it stop on Yn . yn glanced around the group, a hint of apprehension in her eyes. "Uh, truth," she said, trying to sound confident despite the nervousness. the alex spoke " wait waitt this time i will ask.."Alex's declaration piqued everyone's curiosity, and they leaned in slightly, eager to hear his question. "So, Miss YN," Alex began with a playful grin " do you have a secert or secret identity "

YN's heart skipped a beat at Alex's question, her mind racing as she considered her response. She knew she had to tread carefully, revealing too much could put her and Taehyung in danger. But lying outright wasn't an option either.

With a calm exterior masking her inner turmoil, YN met Alex's gaze. "Well, Alex,"

she started, choosing her words cautiously, "we all have aspects of ourselves that we keep private. But as for a secret identity, I'm afraid I'm just an ordinary person."

Her response was carefully crafted to avoid giving away any crucial information. The group exchanged glances, seeming to accept YN's answer, but the tension in the air remained palpable. YN breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful to have navigated the question without arousing suspicion.

As YN's bottle landed on Jungkook, she felt a surge of apprehension mixed with determination. She knew her question would probe deep into his character, but it was necessary to gauge his response, especially considering their current circumstances.

When it was YN's turn to pose her question, she fixed her gaze on Jungkook, her expression serious yet composed.

"Jungkook," she began, her voice steady, "if someone close to you were to betray you, perhaps in service to their duty or job, and they cheated on you, what course of action would you take?"

Jungkook's expression shifted slightly, his brows furrowing as he contemplated her question. His gaze hardened, revealing a glimpse of the steel beneath his usual calm demeanor.

"If someone close to me were to betray me," he began, his voice measured but firm, "especially if they were disloyal for the sake of their job, it would depend on the severity of their actions. But betrayal is betrayal. I wouldn't hesitate to kill that someone."

YN's heart skipped a beat at Jungkook's response. The gravity of his words hung heavy in the air, sending a chill down her spine. She exchanged a quick glance with Taehyung, their silent communication speaking volumes.

The group shifted uncomfortably, the weight of Jungkook's words hanging heavy in the air. It was as if a line had been drawn, separating them from the carefree camaraderie of moments before.

Suga, ever the voice of reason, attempted to break the tension with a forced chuckle. "Well, let's hope none of us ever find ourselves on Jungkook's bad side, eh?"

After Suga's attempt to lighten the mood, the group fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of Jungkook's words lingering in the air like an ominous cloud. YN's mind raced with the implications of his response, realizing the depth of the world they were entangled in.

Feeling the need to break the tension, Jin cleared his throat and spoke up. "Well, I think that's enough truth or dare for tonight. How about we call it a night and get some rest?" he suggested, glancing around at the group.

With a polite nod to everyone, YN excused herself and headed to her room. The quiet of the hallway enveloped her, offering a moment of solitude for her thoughts to settle. She leaned against the door, taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart.