Unarmed Combat

"Now!" Ramon shouted.

Ron's eyebrow jumped, and in that moment, Hannibal jumped from his blind spot with a large knife in hand. Ramon instantly rushed to tackle Ron, planning to wrap his arms around him so he couldn't dodge.

"Tricks." Ron spat out as he easily sidestepped Ramon's tackle and delivered a swift punch to his stomach.

Ramon fell down on his knees, clutching his abdomen in pain.

Hannibal swung his knife down, but then Ron grabbed him by the wrist with his shield-wielding hand and twisted it, causing the knife to drop to the ground. Then he brought Hannibal's arm down, forcing him down to the ground.

"Go to sleep." Ron said and smashed the sword's hilt into Hannibal's head.

Hannibal reeled back, leaving a small bleeding dent in his head, and then slowly fell to the ground. He was still alive but had lost his consciousness.

"A nice attempt." Ron said with a smile. "My abilities are still above that."