Good Night

A blue sky stretched across the horizon, like a blue blanket with white clouds scattered throughout. The yellow wheel of fire cast a warm light between the clouds, illuminating the world below.

A gentle wind blew across the Navy Town, making the leaves rustle and the flags wave in the breeze.

Most of the citizens were dressed in muted blues and grays, blending in with the colors of the town. All wore light clothing appropriate for the warm, summer-like day.

The students, after leaving the school for the day, headed to the town with their friends; they were seen everywhere. Some hanged out in the arcade, while others wandered through the shops and cafes.

On a two-way street, Alice and Adam walked side-by-side, ice cream cones in hand, enjoying the warm weather. 

"Mortal Online seems like a crazy world." Alice said and licked the ice cream. "A few of my classmates apparently tried, but they couldn't make it through the tutorial."