The Demoness

Dawnwatch, a corner alleyway near the market place.

A yellowish tape with stop written on bold, black letters surrounded a smoldering, destroyed building that was located deep inside the maze of alleys.

Its walls, ceilings, and floors were charred and crumbling, giving off a strong smell of smoke and ash.

Everything between the rubble and debris was eerily silent and still.

After a couple of weeks of endless smoke, it settled down, and the Watchmen were finally able to quench the flames.

Those flames were strange. They burned night and day for weeks.

After killing the flames, the Watchmen put the yellow tape around the crime scene and left it alone. There was no evidence to be found.


A faint thumping sound came from the debris.

Then the rubble started moving and toppling over as a figure, clad in ashes, rose from the wreckage.