
The unsealed door stayed tightly shut, but at that moment, Rawkshawn arrived right on the steps of his freedom.

However, the door was clearly too small for him to just walk through.

At that moment, Rawkshawn's height started to change. He became smaller and smaller until he was barely two meters tall.

With his right hand, he twisted on the door knob, and pushed the door open.

It opened like it was supposed to.

Rawkshawn smiled and walked through, and when he passed fully through, he appeared in the long hallway of the safe room.

The door behind him got slammed shut.

Strangely enough, now all four sealing chains are broken. Before, only one of them, so in the span of a few hours, the last three chains got broken as well!

Rawkshawn made his way out of the basement level, and after making his way up, he stepped through another door that led him straight to the front lounge of the safe room.